Die belangrikheid van die verskillende dimensies van verpakking vir generasie X en Y : 'n toepassing in die kosmetiese bedryf

dc.contributor.advisorDu Preez, R.
dc.contributor.authorScholtz, John Joseph Hayward
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Business Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The usage of product packaging and generation specific marketing in order to influence and persuade consumers to buy specific products are being used more often resulting packaging in being more consumer-orientated and playing an increasingly important role in enterprises' marketing communication strategies than before. In this study the dimensions of packaging are identified and the importance that the various dimensions of cosmetic packaging hold for Generation X and Yare investigated. Form, colour, graphics, brand name, words, material and size have been identified as dimensions of packaging. The Engel-Blackwell-Miniard Model for Decision-making Behaviour and the Generation Model were used as theoretical starting points for a discussion about packaging and the characteristics of Generation X and Y consumers. For the purposes of this explorative study, information has been gathered by use of a mall intercept survey. Trained fieldworkers questioned approximately five hundred respondents. The statistical processing of the data included frequency-analyses, cross tabulation as well as significance statistics. It was found that Generation X and Y consumers see the packaging, with all its different dimensions, as a single entity and that the importance of the graphic, material, brand name (as indication of quality and price), size and word dimensions of packaging are reasonably similar for men and women. Men and women, however, attach different perceptions concerning colour/s, form and brand names. There also exist statistically significant differences between the different genders, concerning the usage of most of the range of cosmetic products. Women make up the majority of users. Although the results indicate that the Generation Model can be applied to all races originating from the middle and high income and literacy groups, the usage of cosmetics products tend to differ between the races. Recommendations for further research are made.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bemarkers gebruik toenemend die verpakking van produkte en generasiespesifieke bemarking om verbruikers te beïnvloed en te oorreed en om hul produkte te koop. Verpakkings is gevolglik meer verbruikersgeoriënteerd en speel 'n belangriker rol in die bemarkingskommunikasie-strategie van 'n onderneming as in die verlede. In hierdie studie word die dimensies van verpakking geïdentifiseer en die belangrikheid van die onderskeie dimensies van kosmetiese verpakking vir Generasie X en Y ondersoek. Vorm, kleur, grafika, handelsnaam, woorde, materiaal en grootte is geïdentifiseer as dimensies van verpakking. Die Engel-Blackwell-Miniard model van verbruikers besluitnemingsprosesgedrag en die Generasie-model is gebruik as teoretiese vertrekpunte vir 'n bespreking oor verpakking en die eienskappe van Generasie X en Y verbruikers. Vir die doeleindes van die eksploratiewe studie is inligting ingesamel deur middel van 'n inkoopsentrumopname ("mall intercept"). Ongeveer vyfhonderd respondente is deur opgeleide veldwerkers ondervra. Die statistiese verwerking van die data sluit frekwensie-ontleding en kruistabulering in, asook beduidenheid statistiek. Daar is gevind dat Generasie X en Y verbruikers die verpakking met sy onderskeie dimensies as 'n enkele identiteit beskou en dat die belangrikheid van die grafika-, materiaal-, handelsnaam- (as indikator van kwaliteit en prys), grootte- en woorddimensie van verpakking redelik ooreenstem vir beide mans en dames. Mans en dames heg egter verskillende betekenisse aan die kleur/e en vorm van 'n verpakking en het verskillende persepsies oor handelsname. Daar bestaan ook statisties beduidende verskille tussen geslagte in die verbruik van die meeste kosmetiese produkte. Dames is die grootste verbruikers van die meeste kosmetiese produkte. Alhoewel die resultate daarop dui dat die Generasie-model op alle bevolkingsgroepe wat afkomstig is uit middel en hoër inkomste- en geletterdheidsgroepe van toepassing is, verskil die verbruik van kosmetiek tussen die verskillende bevolkingsgroepe. Aanbevelings in verdere navorsing word gemaak.af_ZA
dc.format.extent213 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCosmetics -- Packagingen_ZA
dc.subjectPackaging -- Public opinionen_ZA
dc.subjectConsumers -- Attitudesen_ZA
dc.subjectGeneration X -- Attitudesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Business managementen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Business managementen_ZA
dc.titleDie belangrikheid van die verskillende dimensies van verpakking vir generasie X en Y : 'n toepassing in die kosmetiese bedryfaf_ZA
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