A parametric analysis of various dry, wet, and combined cooling system configurations for thermal power plants

dc.contributor.advisorOwen, Michael en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorReuter, HCRen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorWaters, Danial Terryen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY: A numerical model, capable of estimating the differences in annual performance of a thermal power plant employing a dry, wet, or combined dry/wet cooling system is developed using heat and mass balances and thermal-flow theory. The models are coupled to a developed steam turbine model for simulation of the effect of cooling system performance on turbine output. The selected systems were based on readily available data and are not representative of optimised / state-of-the-art systems. The model utility is demonstrated for four different locations, each with unique climate types as defined by the Köppen-Geiger climate classification system. The annual performances of each plant are used to estimate and compare the annual energy production, environmental and economic impact differences between the three cooling systems through a parametric investigation of the influence of capital cost, water price and electrical tariff on the comparative economic feasibility of each cooling system. This is used as a basis to recommend the most suitable cooling system type for the range of climate types investigated. For the specific cooling systems and design cases considered, it was found that combined-cooled systems are undeniably an appealing option with the ability to almost match the annual energy production of a wet-cooled system at half the water consumption. This resulted in attractive rates of return across a vast range of water prices, electrical tariffs and capital costs for all climates considered in this study. At extremely high-water prices, dry cooling was the most economical, but only at low electrical tariffs. At low water prices (regardless of electrical tariffs or capital cost ratios), wet cooling was still the most financially attractive, with the region for economical employment being extended in drier and warmer climates. It was clear that when concerned with both cost effectiveness and some form of water conservation, that combined cooling was the most appropriate.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: 'n Numeriese model wat in staat is om die verskille in jaarlikse prestasie van 'n termiese kragsentrale te skat wat 'n droë, nat of gekombineerde droë/nat verkoelingstelsel gebruik, word ontwikkel deur hitte- en massabalanse en termiesevloeiteorie te gebruik. Die modelle is gekoppel aan 'n ontwikkelde stoomturbinemodel vir simulasie van die effek van verkoelingstelselwerkverrigting op turbine-uitset. Die geselekteerde stelsels is ontwerp op beskikbare data en is dus nie verteenwoordigend van geoptimaliseerde/gevorde stelsels nie. Die bruikbaarheid van die model word gedmonstreer vir vier verskillende liggings, elk met unieke klimaattipes soos gedefinieer deur die Köppen-Geiger-klimaatklassifikasiestelsel. Die jaarlikse prestasies van elke aanleg word gebruik om die jaarlikse energieproduksie, omgewings- en ekonomiese impakverskille tussen die drie verkoelingstelsels te skat en te vergelyk deur 'n parametriese ondersoek na die invloed van kapitaalkoste, waterprys en elektriese tarief op die vergelykende ekonomiese haalbaarheid van elke verkoelingsisteem. Dit word as basis gebruik om die mees geskikte tipe verkoelingstelsel aan te beveel vir die reeks klimaattipes wat ondersoek word. Daar is gevind dat gekombineerde-verkoelde stelsels onteenseglik 'n aantreklike opsie is met die vermoë om byna te pas by die jaarlikse energieproduksie van 'n natverkoelde stelsel teen die helfte van die waterverbruik. Dit het gelei tot aantreklike opbrengskoerse oor 'n groot verskeidenheid waterpryse, elektriese tariewe en kapitaalkoste vir alle klimate wat in hierdie studie oorweeg word. Teen uiters hoë waterpryse was droë verkoeling die mees ekonomiese, maar slegs teen lae elektriese tariewe. Teen lae waterpryse (ongeag elektriese tariewe of kapitaalkosteverhoudings), was nat verkoeling steeds die finansieel aantreklikste, met die grense verleng (dus vir n groter area) in droër en warmer klimate. Dit was duidelik dat wanneer beide kostedoeltreffendheid en een of ander vorm van waterbesparing in ag geneem word, dat gekombineerde verkoeling die geskikste was.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiii, 106 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectCooling systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectThermal-flow theoryen_ZA
dc.subjectThermal power planten_ZA
dc.titleA parametric analysis of various dry, wet, and combined cooling system configurations for thermal power plantsen_ZA
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