The relationship between ego development and sense of coherence

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Westhuysen, T. W. B.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorNortier, Suzanneen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is exploratory in nature and explores the potential relationship between Loevinger's concept of ego development and Antonovsky's Sense of Coherence (SOC) construct. The common ground shared by these theories lies in the search for an orientation to life or an attitude to life through which experiences may be made sense of and organised. The search for meaning in Loevinger's theory is facilitated by the development of the ego which has a core organising function. Loevinger's theory of ego development posits ten stages through which individuals move across the lifespan. Very few individuals ever reach the final stages of ego development as stages are not inevitable. The rate at which progression through the stages takes place varies, as human beings interpret life experiences to a lesser or higher degree of coherence. The salutogenic approach to wellbeing that was developed and refined by Antonovsky, posits that health and disease are not absolutes, but are rather situated along a continuum. Individuals are located at different points along this continuum and are able to move to different positions thereon. SOC is comprised of three principal components, namely 'comprehensibility', 'manageability' and 'meaningfulness'. The degree to which these components are present, represent the degree to which an individual exhibits a global orientation to life that includes the view that life is comprehensible, manageable and meaningful. The Washington University Sentence Completion Test (WUSCT) that measures the level of ego development, and the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ) that measures SOC were completed by 45 individuals (n=45) aged 30 and older. Analyses of the data showed significant positive relationships between level of ego development and level of education, ego level and 'manageability', SOC and level of education, and SOC and socio-economic status.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die huidige navorsingsprojek is eksploratief en ondersoek die potensiele verwantskap tussen Loevinger se konsep van ego ontwikkeling en Antonovskyse 'Sense of Coherence' (SOC). Die ooreenkoms tussen die teoriee is gelee in die soeke na 'n orientasie of houding teenoor die lewe waardeur lewensondervindinge georganiseer en sin van gemaak kan word. Die soeke na betekenis in Loevinger se teorie word gefasiliteer deur die ontwikkeling van die ego se kern organisaseringsfunksie. Loevinger se teorie van ego ontwikkeling stel tien stadia voor waardeur individue gedurende die lewenspan beweeg. Dit is seIde dat individue die f.:nale stadia bereik aangesien alle stadia nie noodwendig bereik hoef te word nie. Die tempo waarteen progressie deur. die stadia plaasvind, verskil tussen individue omdat rue alle individue lewenservaringe in dieselfde mate van koherensie ervaar nie. Die salutogeniese gesondheidsmodel wat ontwikkel en verwerk is deur Antonovsky' stel voor dat gesondheid en siekte nie absolute konstrukte is nie, maar eerder dat die konstrukte op 'n kontinuum gelee is. Individue bevind hulself op veiskillende 'stasies' op die kontinuum en is daartoe in staat om na verskiliende punte op die kontinuum te beweeg. SOC bestaan uit drie komponente, naamlik verstaanbaarheid, hanteerbaarheid en betekenisvolheid. Die graad waarin die drie komponente teenwoordig is, verteenwoordig die graad waartoe die individu 'n globale orientasie teenoor die lewe het en waarin die lewe as verstaanbaar, hanteerbaar en betekenisvol beskou word. Die 'Washington University Sentence Completion Test' (WUSCT) wat die vlak van ego ontwikkeling meet en die Lewensorientasievraelys (OLQ) wat SOC meet, is deur 45 (n=45) individue 30 jaar en ouer voltooi. Beduidende positiewe korrelasies is aangetoon tussen ego vlak en akademiese vlak, tussen ego vlak en hanteerbaarheid, SOC en akademiese vlak en SOC en sosio-ekonomiese status.
dc.format.extent113 pages
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectEgo (Psychology)en_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.titleThe relationship between ego development and sense of coherenceen_ZA
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