Wind Engineering Science and its role in optimising the design of the built environment

dc.contributor.advisorRetief, Johan V.en_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorViljoen, Celesteen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGoliger, Adam Mikolaj W.en_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Civil Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (DEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Wind Engineering and Building Aerodynamics constitutes a relatively recent technical science (spanning the last sixty years or so), which integrates three principal domains and the related pools of knowledge – namely wind physics and statistics, the wind’s action on the built environment and analyses of its consequences (e.g. loading, deformation or damage). The overarching aim and reason for the science is to gain an understanding and to quantify a largely unpredictable stochastic weather phenomenon and its effects on the built environment, including people. The information which is derived permits the researcher to proliferate and implement modern findings, mainly in the structural engineering but also environmental and architectural design domains. This dissertation presents an overview of wind-engineering research activities and outputs of the author, which span more than thirty years of his professional career. During that time the author has been privileged to work and interact with a number of prominent wind-engineering experts and has been exposed to a diverse spectrum of research topics and studies. These involved wind-tunnel modelling, scientific analyses of wind damage and disasters, full-scale measurements, development of predictive models, design guides and standards, as well as consulting inputs to the industry. Apart from personal research, the author was involved in a number of local and international activities, committees, conferences, lectures, presentations, and has provided editorial inputs to journals and conferences, as well as co-supervisions of postgraduate studies. Extensive referencing is made to a range of published outputs. Furthermore, technically challenging and unpublished information of scientific significance is highlighted. The benefits of a comprehensive and multifaceted research process, involving a team of committed and talented people, are demonstrated.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Wind Ingenieurswese en Gebou-Aerodinamika verteenwoordig ʼn relatief jong tegniese wetenskap, met ʼn lewensspan van ongeveer 60 jaar. Dit verteenwoordig die integrasie van drie hoofkennisvelde, naamlik wind fisika en statistiek, die oordrag van kragte na die bou-omgewing en analise van die gevolge hievan (te wete belasting, vervorming of beskadiging). Die oorsigtelike doelwit wat met hierdie wetenskap beoog word, is die verwerwing van kennis en insig, asook die kwantifisering van grootliks onvoorspelbare stogastiese weerverskynsels en die effekte daarvan op die bou-omgewing, insluitend op mense. Die inligting wat so verwerf word, vind toepassing hoofsaaklik in struktuuringenieurswese, maar ook op gebiede van omgewings en argitektoniese ontwerp. Hierdie verhandeling verteenwoordig ʼn oorsig van navorsingsaktiwiteite en uitsette op die gebied van Wind-Ingenieurswese deur die outeur oor ʼn bestek van meer as dertig jaar van sy professionele loopbaan. Die outeur was bevoorreg om gedurende hierdie periode interaksie te hê met ʼn aantal vooraanstaande Wind-Ingenieur spesialiste en was ook blootgestel aan ʼn diverse spektrum van navorsingonderwerpe en studies. Hierby word onderwerpe ingesluit soos windtonnel modellering, die wetenskaplike ontleding van windskade en rampe, volskaalse metings van belastings, voorspellings-modellering, ontwerp-riglyne en standaarde sowel as raadgewende insette aan die bedryf. Benewens sy navorsingsaktiwiteite was die outeur ook betrokke by nasionale en internasionale aksies, met insluiting van komitees, konferensies, lesings en aanbiedings, verskaffing van redaksionele insette aan joernale en konferensie verhandelings, sowel as mede-studieleiding van nagraadse studies. Omvattende sitering word na ʼn stel van gepubliseerde uitsette in die verhandeling gemaak. Daarbenewens word tegnies uitdagende en ongepubliseerde inligting wat van wetenskaplike belang is, beklemtoon. Die voordele van ʼn omvattende en multidissiplinêre navorsingsproses waarby ʼn span van toegewyde en talentvolle lede betrokke is, word gedemonstreer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentvii, 101 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWind poweren_ZA
dc.subjectWind tunnel modelsen_ZA
dc.subjectWind engineeringen_ZA
dc.subjectWinds -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectBuildings -- Effect of wind onen_ZA
dc.titleWind Engineering Science and its role in optimising the design of the built environmenten_ZA
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