An explanatory study on the determinants of organisational commitment and the influence thereof on intention to quit among artisans and engineers

dc.contributor.advisorVan der Bank, Francoisen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSiwela, Samuelen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2018.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : Artisans and engineers are considered the backbone of infrastructure development and economic growth in South Africa. Given the critical skill shortage in this area, the attraction and retention of artisans and engineers are therefore of paramount importance for organisations, and the economy in general. As such it has been argued that more research should be conducted on factors contributing to the retention of this key talent. Previous studies have highlighted the construct of organisational commitment as highly relevant for understanding and promoting personnel retention. The study was therefore driven by the need to identify the determinants of the various forms of organisational commitment and to investigate the effect thereof on intention to quit. The total sample size for the study comprised of 238 participants that were recruited from a large manufacturing company using non-probability sampling. Item and factor analysis were performed on the respective sub-scales, after which confirmatory factor analysis was used to fit the measurement model. The initial results indicated a somewhat problematic model that was ascribed to the operationalisation of the construct, continuance commitment. Naturally, this was disappointing due to the centrality of the variable in the study. After much deliberation, it was decided to remove this latent variable, and focus mainly on affective commitment. The results of the modified measurement model indicated close fit in the parameter and good factor loadings in generally. The comprehensive structural model showed reasonable fit, but the hypothesis of close fit had to be rejected. Four of the eight path-specific hypotheses were corroborated by the results. The structural model was subsequently modified by adding two paths that were suggested by the modification indices which also made theoretical sense. The modified structural model showed good fit and the null hypothesis of close fit could not be rejected. Also, eight out of the ten paths in the structural model were now supported. The results of the study confirm the central role of affective commitment in managing the intention to quit amongst artisans and engineers. It was found that for this to take effect, companies would need to focus on job fit, meaningful work, organisational support and satisfaction with pay. As expected, satisfaction with pay was influenced by perceived organisational justice, and interestingly also by organisational support. Finally, a strong negative relationship was found between perceived organisational justice and intention to quit. These findings provide valuable insights to organisations and human resources practitioners on how they can use affective commitment to increase the retention of artisans and engineers.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Ambagsmanne en ingenieurs word beskou as die ruggraat van infrastruktuurontwikkeling en ekonomiese groei in Suid-Afrika. Die lok en behoud van ambagsmanne en ingenieurs is dus van uiterse belang vir organisasies, en die ekonomie in die algemeen gegewe die kritieke vaardigheidstekort in hierdie gebied. Dit word gevolglik aangevoer dat meer navorsing gedoen moet word oor faktore wat tot die behoud van hierdie sleuteltalent bydra. Die konstruk van organisatoriese-verbintenis is deur vorige studies uitgesonder as hoogs relevant vir die verstaan en bevordering van personeelbehoud. Die studie is dus gedryf deur die behoefte om die determinante van die verskeie vorme van organisatoriese-verbintenis te identifiseer en die effek daarvan op die voorneme om te bedank te ondersoek. Die totale steekproefgrootte vir die studie het uit 238 deelnemers bestaan wat deur middel van nie- waarskynlikheidsteekproefneming by 'n groot vervaardigingsmaatskappy gewerf is. Item- en faktoranalise is uitgevoer op die onderskeie subskale, waarna bevestigende faktorontleding gebruik was om die metingsmodel te pas. Die aanvanklike resultate het op ‘n ietwat problematiese model gedui wat aan die operasionalisering van die konstruk, voortsettingsverbintenis toegeskryf was. Dit was uiteraard teleurstellend as gevolg van die sentraliteit van die veranderlike in die studie. Na baie beraadslaging is besluit om hierdie latente veranderlike te verwyder en uitsluitlik op affektiewe verbintenis te fokus. Die resultate van die gewysigde metingsmodel het gedui op benaderde passing in die parameter, en goeie faktorladings in die algemeen. Die omvattende strukturele model het redelike passing getoon, maar die nulhipotese van benaderde passing moes verwerp word. Vier van die agt bane in die model is deur die resultate bevestig. Die strukturele model is vervolgens gewysig deur twee bane by te voeg wat deur die modifikasie-indekse voorgestel is en wat ook teoreties sin gemaak het. Die gewysigde strukturele model het goeie passing getoon en die hipotese van benaderde passing kon nie verwerp word nie. Verder was daar nou ondersteuning vir agt uit die tien bane in die strukturele model. Die resultate van die studie bevestig die sentrale role van affektiewe verbintenis ten einde die voorneme om te bedank onder ambagsmanne en ingenieurs te bestuur. Daar is bevind dat dat vir dit om in werking te tree, organisasies op werkspassing, betekenisvolle werk en organisatoriese ondersteuning en tevredenheid met betaling sal moet fokus. Soos verwag, is tevredenheid met betaling beinvloed deur waargenome organisatoriese regverdigheid, en interessant genoeg ook deur organisatoriese ondersteuning. Ten slotte is daar ook ʼn sterk negatiewe verwantskap tussen waargenome organisatoriese regverdigheid en voorneme om te bedank gevind. Hierdie bevindings bied waardevolle insigte aan organisasies en menslike hulpbronpraktisyns oor hoe hulle affektiewe verbintenis kan gebruik om ambagsmanne en ingenieurs te behou.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxiv, 213 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectLabor turnoveren_ZA
dc.subjectEmployee retentionen_ZA
dc.subjectAffective commitmenten_ZA
dc.subjectOrganizational commitmenten_ZA
dc.titleAn explanatory study on the determinants of organisational commitment and the influence thereof on intention to quit among artisans and engineersen_ZA
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