Die kwesbaarheid van kinders in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings en families

dc.contributor.authorGrobbelaar, Janen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJones, Chrisen_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Grobbelaar, J. & Jones, C. 2020. Die kwesbaarheid van kinders in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings en families. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 60(4-2):1187-1203, doi:10.17159/2224-7912/2020/v60n4-2a5.
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at http://tgwsak.co.za
dc.description.abstractIn hierdie artikel bespreek ons die kwesbaarheid van baie kinders wat in Suid-Afrika woon, met die doel om noodsaaklike insae in die daaglikse lewensomstandighede van soveel kwesbare kinders van Suid-Afrika te bevorder. Die artikel begin deur kortliks te verwys na die sosiale en politieke kontekste wat die lewens van kinders bedreig. Dit fokus dan meer spesifiek op huishoudings en familiestrukture en hoe ons oor hierdie ingewikkelde, vervlegde en moeilik onderskeibare konsepte behoort te dink. Hierna volg 'n kort bespreking van teenwoordige en afwesige ouers, wat uitwys dat Suid-Afrika uniek is in die mate waarin ouers, veral vaders, afwesig is in die daaglikse doen en late van hul kinders. Ook kom grootouers wat in die afwesigheid van ouers na hul kleinkinders omsien, aan die beurt, en die belangrike rol wat die uitgebreide familie in die grootmaak van kinders speel, word uitgewys. Dan word stilgestaan by migrasie, veral deur adolessente, met die oog daarop om toegang tot nuwe geleenthede te kry. Uiteraard gaan daar bedreiginge hiermee saam. Hierna val die soeklig op weeskinders, asook op huishoudings wat net uit kinders bestaan en waar 'n minderjarige gevolglik as die hoof van so 'n huishouding moet funksioneer. Laastens kom die baie belangrike kwessie van behuising en basiese dienste aan die beurt, en word die groot ongelykheid in ons land soos weerspieƫl in die toegang of gebrek aan basiese dienste, aangetoon.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractIn this article, we discuss the vulnerability of many children living in South Africa, with the aim of promoting critical insight into the daily living conditions of so many vulnerable children in South Africa. The article begins by briefly referring to the social and political contexts that threaten the lives of children. It then focuses more specifically on households and family structures and how we should think about these complex, intertwined and at times difficult to differentiate concepts. What is clear is that South Africaā€™s children grow up in households with diverse family structures resulting in diverse living arrangements. Following is a brief discussion of present and absent parents, which shows that South Africa is unique in the extent to which parents, especially fathers, are absent in the daily activities of their children. This is partly the effect of the fact that in Africa the child bearer is not always also the child carer. It furthermore seems that the unique history and circumstances of the South African society, hugely influenced by the system of migrant labour, played a significant role in the fragmentation of families resulting in these different living arrangements. This situation, so it seems, did not change much in the post-apartheid era. Although the political system changed, its effects over many decades will probably be with us, influencing the living arrangements for children, for many years to come. The important role that the family plays in raising children is also highlighted. In the partial or total absence of parents, relatives play a significant role in the care of children of the extended family. In this regard many grandparents take on several responsibilities to complement the parental care their children provide for their grandchildren. In some cases, grandparents do not only complement the parental care, but more and more they are actually taking over the role and duties of the parents and become the primary caregivers of their grandchildren. The living arrangements of many households are also affected by the familiar trend of adolescents migrating within South Africa to gain access to new opportunities. Quite a number of them migrate independently. Although these movements can have positive results, adolescents can in the process also be exposed to certain vulnerabilities that may affect their lives negatively. In addition to this, many parents who migrate leave their children ā€œbehindā€ when they relocate. The spotlight also falls on orphaned children. The situation of all orphans is not the same and the quality of care they receive varies tremendously. The term ā€œorphanā€ is also used to refer to children in different contexts. Although the number of orphans in South Africa is decreasing, orphanhood, in whichever form, still affects the wellbeing of a substantial number of children, which poses major challenges to the South African society. In the South African context, we also have to deal with households that consist of children only. In these households a minor is the head of the household fulfilling the role of a primary caregiver for all the other members of the household, being responsible for decision-making and the provision of all their basic physical, social and emotional needs. This concept indicates a new form of family structure, which differs considerably from the nuclear, two-generational family of the Western world, as well as the extended, multigenerational family of the African context. While not all the children in child-only-households are double orphans, the situation of all these children are still a cause for concern. They are prone to many challenges, even risks. Furthermore, the child-heads of these households also experience the ambivalence of fulfilling the roles of adults while they are still viewed and treated by the adult world as children. Part of this problem is that some young people experience hostile surveillance from adults. This surveillance is particularly gendered, with girls positioned as ā€œwhoresā€ and boys as ā€œthugsā€. Finally, the very important issue of housing and basic services comes to the fore, and the great inequality in our country, as reflected in the access or lack of basic services, is highlighted. A factor that plays a crucial role in the living arrangements of every household, and thus in the lives of children, is their access to adequate housing and basic services. It is one of the most basic needs of all people: To have an adequate place to live. The housing situation of children in South Africa showcases the racial inequalities that persist in our society. Housing can only be adequate if it is not overcrowded. Adequate housing also includes the effective delivery of basic services such as clean drinking water on-site and basic sanitation in all homes. The data provided illustrates that we still have a long way to go in providing adequate housing for children in South Africa. Indeed, many South African children experience inhospitable households which make them vulnerable in many ways. These circumstances may create in them feelings of abandonment and of not being welcome in this world.
dc.description.versionPublisher's version
dc.format.extent17 pages
dc.identifier.citationGrobbelaar, J. & Jones, C. 2020. Die kwesbaarheid van kinders in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings en families. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 60(4-2):1187-1203, doi:10.17159/2224-7912/2020/v60n4-2a5.
dc.identifier.issn2224-7912 (online)
dc.identifier.issn0041-4751 (print)
dc.publisherSuid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns
dc.rights.holderAuthors retain copyright
dc.subjectChildren -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.titleDie kwesbaarheid van kinders in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse huishoudings en familiesaf_ZA
dc.title.alternativeThe vulnerability of children in the context of South African households and familiesen_ZA
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