Assessing changes in residential densities in the City of Tshwane between 2010 and 2018

dc.contributor.advisorHorn, Aneleen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGxumisa, Athi Abongileen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch Univesity. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Geography and Environmental Studies.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2020.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: An estimated 55% of the world’s population currently lives in cities. It is further predicted that the urban population will increase to 68% by the year 2050. One of the main drivers of this rapid increase is urbanization that has mainly affected African and Asian Cities. As population increases, so does the demand for accommodation in cities, which if not monitored can result in urban sprawl. With the unprecedented population growth, many cities across the world have adopted the compact city ideal as a way of dealing with urban sprawl. In South Africa, the nature of the current urban form, which was as a result of the segregation era, seems to persist as growth continues on the periphery of cities. In an effort to deal with low-density urban expansion, the City of Tshwane in 2005 came up with its Compaction and Densification Strategy that focused on densifying the current built-up areas. The aim of the strategy was to densify and promote land use mix in the municipality, thereby increasing the City’s sustainability. This study thus sought to assess the residential density changes that have occurred in the City’s Metropolitan area between 2010 and 2018 and then assess the impact the CDS has had on these densities. The assessment of the impact of policy is important because it allows policy makers and planners to make informed spatial planning decisions and make necessary adjustments to the policies. To achieve this, residential densities were quantified for the study period and population densities were also quantified for a comparable period. Then regression analysis was undertaken between residential densities and the CDS to assess the impact the CDS has had on the observed residential densities between 2010 and 2018. From the density quantification results of both residential and population densities, it was observed that the highest density in the city occur in township areas such as Soshanguve, Mamelodi and Atteridgeville. The regression analysis produced an output of R2 = 0.006 and R2 = 0.005 for 2010 and 2018 respectively. These results gave an indication that there was a weak positive influence of the CDS on density in the City of Tshwane. A correlation between 2011 population and 2010 residential density produced a correlation coefficient of r = 0.692 which indicated that there was a strong positive relationship between the two variables. A second correlation between 2018 population and 2018 residential densities with r = 0.492 indicated that there was an average positive relationship between the two variables.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ‘n Beraamde 55% van die wereldbevolking woon tans in stede. Voorts word voorspel dat die stedelike populasie tot 68% sal toeneem teen die jaar 2050. Een van die hoof redes vir die drastiese toename is verstedeliking wat hoofsaaklik Afrika en Asiatiese stede affekteer. Soos wat bevolking toeneem, neem die vraag na verblyf in stede ook toe, en indien dit nie gemonitor word nie kan dit aanleiding gee tot stedelike uitbreiding. Vanwee die onge-ewenaarde toename in bevolking, het baie stede wereldwyd ideale van kompakte stede aangeneem as ‘n manier om stedelike verspreiding te hanteer. In Suid Afrika is die aard van die huidige stedelike vorm ‘n gevolg van die vorige era van segregasie, en dit blyk voort te duur soos wat groei aanhou plaasvind op die stedelike rand. In ‘n poging om lae-digtheid stedelike uitbreiding te bekamp, het die Stad Tshwane in 2005 ‘n Kompaktering en Verdigting Strategie (KVS) saamgestel wat klem plaas op die verdigting van bestaande beboude gebiede. Die doel van die strategie was om verdigting en gemengde grondgebruike aan te moedig binne die munisipaliteit, om sodoende die volhoubaarheid van die Stad te verbeter. Hierdie studie beoog om die residensiële digtheidsveranderinge te evalueer wat tussen 2010 en 2018 plaasgevind het, en ook om die impak van die KVS op sodanige digthede te ondersoek. Die evaluering van die impak van beleid is belangrik omdat dit beleidmakers en beplanners instaat stel om meer ingeligte ruimtelike beplanningsbesluite te neem, en om die nodige aanpassings aan beleid te maak. Om hierin te slaag, is residensiële digthede gekwantifiseer vir die studieperiode en bevolkingsdigthede is ook gekwantifiseer oor ‘n vergelykbare periode. Regressie analise is toegepas tussen residensiële digthede en die KVS om die impak van die KVS op die waargeneemde residensiële digthede te bepaal. Vanuit die digtheids resultate van beide residensieel en bevolking is bevind dat die hoogste digthede in die stad plaasvind in nedersettings soos Sohanguve, Mamelodi en Atteridgeville. Die regressie analise het ‘n uitset van R2 = 0.006 en R2 = 0.005 vir 2010 en 2018 getoon. Hierdie resultate gee ‘n indikasie van ‘n swak positiewe invloed van die KVS op residensiële digtheid in die Stad Tshwane. ‘n Korrelasie tussen 2011 bevolking en 2010 residensiële digtheid het ‘n korrelasie koëffisiënt van r = 0.692 opgelewer wat aandui dat daar ‘n sterk positiewe verwantskap tussen die twee veranderlikes bestaan. ‘n Tweede korrelasie tussen die 2018 bevolking en 2018 residensiële digthede met r = 0.492 dui aan dat daar ‘n gemiddelde positiewe verwantskap tussen die twee veranderlikes bestaan.af_ZA
dc.format.extentix, 58 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Univesity
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshPopulation density -- South Africa -- City of Tshwane Metropolitan Municipality -- 21st centuryen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCity planning -- South Africa -- City of Tswane Metropolitan Municipality -- 21st century en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshUrbanization -- South Africa -- City of Tswane Metropolitan Municipality -- 21st centuryen_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSustainable development en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshSustainable urban development en_ZA
dc.subject.lcshCities and towns -- Growth en_ZA
dc.titleAssessing changes in residential densities in the City of Tshwane between 2010 and 2018en_ZA
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