Reconstructing the crime : the use of past tenses in The monogram murders and Meurtres en majuscules

dc.contributor.advisorHuddlestone, Kateen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorGroenewald, Beaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of General Linguistics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2019.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis presents a literary-linguistic study which focuses on detective fiction and its use of past tenses in both English and French. Two novels are analysed, Sophie Hannah’s The Monogram Murders and its French translation, Meurtres en Majuscules. These novels provide the framework for the application of theory discussed in this study. Both novels are analysed in relation to the use of past tense and perspective within a narrative. Reichenbach’s (1947) timeline of tenses, with specific focus on past tenses, Fleischman’s (1990) classification of narrative past tenses, as well as Todorov’s (1977) explanation of fabula and syuzhet provide the theoretical framework which underlies the analysis undertaken in this study. The outcome of this study is the reconstruction of the crime which occurs before the start of Hannah’s novels through the analysis of the investigation within the novels. This is achieved by analysing the use of particular past tenses in both English and French to establish the true story (or fabula) of the crime which the narrative’s storyline (or syuzhet) has provided to the reader. This study therefore attempts to separate two interlinked stories (fabulas) through the analysis of one overall plot (syuzhet). This study aims to pave the way for future research in both the linguistic and literary fields. By analysing the use of past tenses, this study can be applied to other tenses, as well as different literary genres. In the next chapter, the layout of this thesis is presented, in conjunction with the research questions that are answered in this analysis.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis bied ‘n literêre-linguistieke studie aan waarby die fokus op speurfiksie en sy gebruik van die verlede tyd is, in beide Engels en Frans. Twee verhale word geanaliseer, Sophie Hannah se The Monogram Murders en sy Franse vertaling, Meurtres en Majuscules. Hierdie verhale bied die raamwerk aan waarop die teorië in hoofstuk 2 and 3 gebaseer is. Beide verhale word geanaliseer met betrekking tot hul verledetydsgebruik en perspektief binne die narratief. Reichenbach (1947) se tydlyn van tye, Fleischman (1990) se klassifisering van verledetydsgebruik in narratief, sowel as Todorov (1977) se verduideliking van fabula (storie) en syuzhet (storielyn), is die teoretiese raamwerk wat as fondasie dien vir die analise in hierdie studie. Die uitkoms van hierdie studie is die herkonstruksie van die misdaad wat plaasvind voor die begin van Hannah se speurverhale, deur gebruik te maak van die ondersoek binne die narratief. Dit word bereik deur die analisering van spesifieke verledetydsgebruik in beide Engels en Frans om die storie (of fabula) van die misdaad te herstruktureer. Hierdie word bereik deur gebruik te maak van die narratief se storielyn (of syuzhet) wat aan die leser gebied word. Hierdie studie wil dus twee verbinde stories (fabulas) skei deur die analise van die storielyn (syuzhet). Hierdie studie streef om die pad oop te maak vir toekomstige studies in beide die linguistieke, sowel as die literêre studievelde. Deur die analisering van die verlede tyd, kan studies toegepas word met die fokus op ander tydsvorme, asook verskillende literêre genres. In die volgende hoofstuk word die uitlegging van hierdie tesis voorgesit in verbinding met die navorsingsvrae wat in hierdie analise beantwoord word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent123 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectLinguistics in literatureen_ZA
dc.subjectHannah, Sophie, 1971- -- Monogram murders -- Criticism and interpretationen_ZA
dc.subjectHannah, Sophie, 1971- -- Meurtres en majuscules -- Criticism and interpretationen_ZA
dc.subjectFrench Language -- Tenseen_ZA
dc.subjectEnglish language -- Tenseen_ZA
dc.titleReconstructing the crime : the use of past tenses in The monogram murders and Meurtres en majusculesen_ZA
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