Planar magnetron sputtering of Ti and TiO2 for polyethylene terephthalate track-etched membrane surface modification

dc.contributor.advisorPerold, Willemen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorRossouw, Arnouxen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The development of hybrid membranes intended for applications in various areas of indus try and academia is one of the challenges facing modern separation science and technology. Thus, specific fundamental and applied research was required to consolidate advancements made in developing and synthesising metal-polymeric and ceramic-metal-polymeric track etched membranes (TM). Magnetron sputtering is the dominant technique in the physical growth of thin films because many thin films can be prepared at relatively high purity and low cost. The thin film surface modification characteristics are directly related to the sputtering pro cess and supporting material chosen to be deposited upon, such as the adhesion, tensile strength and elemental composition. Roll-to-roll magnetron sputtering on top of porous polymeric membranes has never been done before. Therefore, this is a novel approach to the large-scale manufacturing of multifunctional metal-polymeric and ceramic-metal polymeric membranes. In this study, various technological challenges related to magnetron sputtering and the development of Ti-TM and TiO2-Ti-TM were investigated. The three methods used were inversed cylindrical magnetron deposition, planar magnetron deposition and pla nar roll-to-roll magnetron deposition. Direct current magnetron sputtering was used for Ti deposition, and reactive magnetron sputtering was used for TiO2 deposition. This optimisation included investigating variables such as substrate temperature, elemental composition, membrane permeability, adhesion and tensile strength. Scanning Electron Microscopy was used to investigate the surface morphology of the modified track-etched membranes and confirm that the surface pores did not get ob structed after Ti and TiO2 deposition. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was carried out to analyse the Ti and TiO2 thin films surface chemistry and depth profiles, while Particle induced X-ray emission was used to analyse the elemental composition of the thin films. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy indicated both the bandgap and photoactivity of the thin films, while contact angle measurements showed their hydrophilicity. Tensile tests were done to prove that the membrane strength was not reduced due to the sputtering effect, and adhesion tests were done to show that the sputtered thin films adequately bonded to the TM support. The thermo-stimulated current method showed that TM plus Ti and TiO2 have new physicochemical properties and can be used as an electret. The method for surface modification developed during this thesis proved that the sur face modification of polyethylene terephthalate track-etched membranes using magnetron sputtering, including roll-to-roll deposition, is possible without damaging the supporting structure on both a lab and industrial scale. Hybrid membranes based on these TM support models could be transferred to other membrane processes such as vaccine preparation and aiding industrial demand for more defined filtration.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die ontwikkeling van hibriede membrane wat bedoel is vir toepassings in verskillende nywerheids- en akademiese gebiede, is een van die uitdagings wat moderne skeidingswetenskap en tegnologie in die gesig staar. Spesifieke, fundamentele en toegepaste navorsing was dus nodig om die vordering wat gemaak is met die ontwikkeling en sintese van metaal-polimeriese en keramiek-metaal-polimeriese spoor-ge¨etsde membrane (SMe), te konsolideer. Magnetron verstuiwing het die oorheersende tegniek geword in die fisiese groei van dun films, aangesien die meerderheid van dun films teen ‘n relatiewe hoë suiwerheid en lae koste voorberei kan word. Die eienskappe wat kom vanaf die aanpassing van die dun film oppervlak hou direk verband met die verstuiwingsproses en gekose ondersteunende materiaal waarop gedeponeer word, soos die hegting, treksterkte en elementêre samestelling. Rol-tot-rol-magnetron verstuiwing op poreuse polimeriese membrane is nog nooit van tevore gedoen nie. Daarom is dit ’n nuwe benadering tot die grootskaalse vervaardiging van multifunksionele metaal-polimeriese en keramiek-metaal-polimeriese membrane. In hierdie studie is die verskillende tegnologiese uitdagings wat verband hou met magnetron verstuiwing en die ontwikkeling van Ti-SMe en TiO2-Ti-SMe ondersoek. Die drie metodes wat gebruik was is omgekeerde silindriese magnetron deponeering, vlak magnetron deponeering en plat rol-tot-rol magnetron deponeering. Direkte stroom magnetron verstuiwing is gebruik vir Ti deponeering, en reaktiewe magnetron verstuiwing is gebruik vir TiO2 deponeering. Hierdie optimalisering het ondersoek ingestel na veranderlikes soos substraattemperatuur, elementêre samestelling, membraandeurlaatbaarheid, hegskrag en treksterkte. Skandeerelektronmikroskopie is gebruik om die oppervlaktemorfologie van die gemodifiseerde spoor-geëtsde membrane te ondersoek en te bevestig dat die oppervlak porieë nie belemmer of versstop is na Ti- en TiO2-deponeering nie. X-straal foto-elektron-spektroskopie is uitgevoer om die chemie en diepteprofiele van die Ti en TiO2 dun films te ontleed, terwyl deeltjie-ge¨ınduseerde x-straal emissie gebruik is om die elementˆere samestelling van die dun films te ontleed. Ultraviolet sigbare spektroskopie dui beide die bandgaping en fotoaktiwiteit van die dun films aan, terwyl ontakhoekmetings hul hidrofilisiteit aandui. Trekkrag toetse is gedoen om te bewys dat die membraansterkte nie verminder word as gevolg van die verstuiwingseffek nie, en hegtingstoetse is uitgevoer om aan te toon dat die dun verstuifde films voldoende gebind is aan die SM-ondersteunende materiaal. Die termo-gestimuleerde stroommetode het getoon dat ‘n SM plus Ti en TiO2 nuwe fisiesechemiese eienskappe toon en as ’n elektret gebruik kan word. Die metode vir oppervlakmodifikasie wat tydens hierdie proefskrif ontwikkel is, het bewys dat die oppervlakmodifikasie van poliëtileentereftalaat-spoor-ge¨etsde membrane met behulp van magnetron-verstuiwing, insluitend rol-tot-rol-deponering, moontlik is sonder om die ondersteunende struktuur te beskadig op beide laboratorium en industriële skaal. Hibriede membrane gebaseer op hierdie SM-ondersteunings modelle kan oorgedra word na ander membraanprosesse, soos die voorbereiding van entstowwe en as aanvulling tot die industriële aanvraag na meer gedefinieerde filtrasie.af_ZA
dc.format.extent179 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPlanar magnetron sputteringen_ZA
dc.subjectMetal-filled polymersen_ZA
dc.subjectMagnetron sputteringen_ZA
dc.titlePlanar magnetron sputtering of Ti and TiO2 for polyethylene terephthalate track-etched membrane surface modificationen_ZA
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