An overview of 5.1 surround sound within the electronic dance music context

dc.contributor.advisorHerbst, Theoen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorVermeulen, Johanen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSpies, Anelen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Department of Music.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (M.Mus.) -- Stellenbosch University, 2006.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation examines aspects around the 5 .1 surround sound approach to mixing music. Although the use of surround sound systems has become thoroughly pervasive in numerous spheres in modern society, specifically in the context of home theatre systems, the present dissertation focuses mainly on 5 .1 mixing within the context of electronic dance music (EDM). This focus was decided upon because EDM is the field in which the researcher is currently active. After an examination of the physiological and cognitive aspects of the human auditory system, with specific emphasis on sound localisation, as context for discussion of 5.1 surround, an overview is given of currently available documentation providing specifications for the implementation of 5.1 surround. This is then related specifically to questions regarding mixing in the context of 5.1 surround and incorporates a discussion the views of producers currently active in the EDM industry. The ultimate aim of the ahovementioned is to establish the extent, or lack thereof, to which 5 .1 surround is currently being implemented in the field of EDM. In response to this, the implementation of 5.1 in EDM is illustrated through practical application of 5.1 surround mixing in original music produced by the researcher and accompanying the present dissertation.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dissertasie ondersoek aspekte rondom die 5 .1 surround sound benadering tot die klankmengwerk van musiek. Ondanks die feitlik alomteenwoordige gebruik van ruimtelike klanksisteme in die moderne samelewing, veral in die vorm van huishoudelike teatersisteme, word hier veral gefokus op 5.1 mengwerk binne die konteks van elektroniese dansmusiek (EDM). Daar is op hierdie fokus besluit op grond daarvan dat dit die gebied is waarop die navorser tans aktief betrokke is. Na die ondersoek van die fisiologiese en kognitiewe aspekte van die menslike gehoorsisteem as basis vir die bespreking van 5 .1, met spesifieke verwysing na klanklokalisering, word 'n oorsig gebied oor die dokumentasie wat tegniese spesifikasies bevat ten opsigte van die implimentering van 5 .1. Laasgenoemde word vervolgens in verband gebring met klankmenging binne die konteks van 5 .1 en word uitgebrei deur verwysing na sienings van enkele vervaardigers wat tans in die elektroniese dansmusiekindustrie werksaam is. Die uiteindelike doel van bogenoemde is om te bepaal tot watter mate, hetsy in groter of kleiner omvang, 5.1 tans in EDM aangewend word. Ter uitbouing hiervan word die aanwending van 5.1 in EDM in 'n praktiese afdeling gei1lustreer in die vorm van oorspronklike musiek wat deur die navorser gekomponeer is en by die dissertasie ingesluit word.
dc.format.extent183 leavesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectUnderground dance musicen_ZA
dc.subjectSurround-sound systemsen_ZA
dc.subjectSound recordings -- Remixingen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen_ZA
dc.titleAn overview of 5.1 surround sound within the electronic dance music contexten_ZA
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