Groener handelsroetes in die lynskeepsvaartbedryf

dc.contributor.advisorVisagie, Stephan E.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSteenkamp, Nic-Mareen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Logistics. Logistics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH SUMMARY : This thesis presents a study on the environmental impact that the design of trade routes and fleet mix in the liner shipping industry has on the carbon emissions from operations. The optimal design of routes and determining the fleet mix for future needs is probably the most important decision for shipping companies to make. It gives companies the opportunity to reduce their environmental footprint that makes it possible to be more profitable and sustainable at the same time. Sustainability is a reality that has become one of the main focal points for many enterprises in the last decade. ANL is an international liner shipping company and is owned by CMA CMG, currently the third largest international liner shipping company in the world. CMA CMG is concerned about the environmental impact of their operations and dedicated in their efforts to reduce it. The objective of the study is to support ANL in the process to reduce their carbon emissions and thus contributing to CMA CMG's struggle against air pollution. An optimization model is developed and implemented on ANL's data. The model exploits the environmental benefits of a heterogeneous fleet on existing trade routes. The output of the optimization model suggests that ANL has the potential to improve the carbon efficiency of operations in their current situation. This requires that service frequency and capacity utilization of ships must be kept constant while taking into account all the physical limitations and features present within the liner shipping environment. The model identifies operational adjustments to be made for a greener future and support ANL's decision-making process in preparation for future economic prospects.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis bied ‘n studie oor die impak wat die ontwerp van handelsroetes en die samestelling van ‘n vloot in die lynskeepsvaartindustrie het op die koolstofvrystellings van operasionele bedrywighede. Om die optimale roetes te ontwerp en samestelling van ‘n vloot te bepaal vir toekomstige behoeftes is waarskynlik die belangrikste besluit wat skeepvervoerondernemings moet maak. Dit bied aan ondernemings die geleentheid om hul omgewingsvoetspoor te verminder wat dit moontlik maak om meer winsgewend en volhoubaar op dieselfde tyd te wees. Volhoubaarheid is ‘n werklikheid wat in die laaste dekade een van die hoof fokuspunte in baie ondernemings geword het. ANL is ‘n internasionale lynskeepsvaartonderneming en word besit deur CMA CMG, tans die derde grootste internasionale lynskeepsvaartonderneming ter wereld. CMA CMG is besorgd oor die omgewingsimpak van hulle bedrywighede en toegewyd in hul poging om dit te verminder. Die objektief van die studie is om ANL te ondersteun in die proses om hul koolstofvrystellings te verminder en by te dra tot CMA CMG se stryd teen lugbesoedeling. ‘n Optimeringsmodel word ontwikkel en geimplementeer op ANL se data. Die model ondersoek die omgewingsvoordele van ‘n heterogene vloot op bestaande handelsroetes. Die afvoer van die optimeringsmodel dui daarop dat ANL die potensiaal het om die koolstofdoeltreffendheid van operasionele bedrywighede te kan verbeter binne die huidige situasie. Dit wil se deur diensfrekwensie en kapasiteitsbenutting van skepe konstant te hou terwyl alle siese beperkings en teenwoordige funksies in die lynskeepsvaartomgewing in ag geneem word. Die model identiseer operasionele aanpassings wat gemaak moet vir ‘n groener toekoms en ondersteun ANL se besluitnemingsproses tydens voorbereiding vir toekomstige ekonomiese vooruitsigte.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxii, 83 pages ; illustrations, includes annexures
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectQuantitative Managementen_ZA
dc.subjectOcean liners -- Environmental aspectsen_ZA
dc.titleGroener handelsroetes in die lynskeepsvaartbedryfaf_ZA
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