Bemagtigingsopleiding vir kuns en kultuur-opvoeders : implementering van tradisionele Kaapse liedere

dc.contributor.advisorSmit, Maria
dc.contributor.authorRoux, Mignon
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Music.en
dc.descriptionThesis (M. Mus.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research for this thesis was conducted because many educators in the South African education system are not equipped to teach Arts and Culture to primary and secondary learners because of a lack of resources and skills. The researcher tries to determine whether traditional songs of the Cape could lay the foundation to understand the origin, functions and dynamics of a culture, as well as the capacity to use creative arts- and cultural processes to develop one's self-image and promote spiritual well-being. The main aim of this study was to determine whether educators can be empowered by providing them with the necessary skills to teach Arts and Culture by means of the integration and implementation of traditional songs of the Cape in the classroom as resource materials when planning a curriculum. Arts and Culture educators were empowered to equip themselves to be able to teach learners to understand, acknowledge and promote the arts and unknowncultural practices such as traditional songs of the Cape. The researcher based the component of the Empowerment Training she was responsible for on the requirements for Participatory Action Research: Awareness, Emancipation, A learning strategy for participants and the development of independence. The results of this thesis are based on two projects the researcher participated in. The main aim of the first project, "Mother's Milk, Mother's Muse" that was initiated by Professor Meki Nzewi of the University of Pretoria, was to collect traditional songs, games, legends and stories of the Cape. These materials are available on CD and DVD and included in this thesis. These were then used in the second project as resources to equip Arts and Culture educators with a variety of skills, which include the teaching of songs, during the Advanced Certificate in Education (Arts and Culture) at the University of Stellenbosch, offered since 2005. This thesis is a compiliation of how Arts and Culture educators were empowered to use and implement these materials in the learning area by the component in the ACE course for which the researcher was responsible.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die feit dat baie opvoeders weens ongebrek aan hulpbronne en vaardighede nie volledig toegerus is om die leerarea Kuns en Kultuur aan leerders op primere- en sekondere vlak aan te bied nie, het aanleiding gegee tot die navorsing vir hierdie tesis. Die navorser stel ondersoek in om te bepaal of tradisionele Kaapseliedere as basis sou kon dien vir on begrip van die oorsprong, funksies en dinamiese aard van kultuur, asook van die vermoe om kreatiewe kuns en kulturele prosesse te benut om 'n selfbeeld te ontwikkel en geestelike gesondheid te bevorder. Die doel van hierdie ondersoek was om vas te stel of opvoeders bemagtig kon word deur hulle toe te rus met basiese onderrigtegnieke om die leerarea Kuns en Kultuur te kan aanbied, deur die integrasie en implementering van tradisionele KaapseIiedere in die klaskamer en die insameling van liedere as hulpbronne wat tot opvoeders se beskikking is tydens kurrikulumbeplanning. Bemagtigingsopleiding is aan Kuns en Kultuur-opvoeders gebied ten einde hulself toe te rus om leerders te kan touwys maak hoe om die kunste asook kulturele vorms en gebruike wat histories nie erkenning kry nie, in hierdie geval tradisionele Kaapseliedere, te erken, verstaan en bevorder. Riglyne vir Deelnemende Aksie Navorsing, naamlik bewusmaking, emansipasie, 'n leerstrategie vir deelnemers en die ontwikkeling van selfstandigheid is as basis gebruik vir die bemagtigingsopleiding. Die navorser was betrokke by twee projekte waarop die resultate van hierdie tesis gebaseer is. Die hoof doeI van die eerste projek, "Mother's Milk Mother's Muse", was om tradisionele Kaapse liedere, speletjies, legendes en stories in te samel. Tydens die tweede projek, die Gevorderde Onderwyssertifikaat (Kuns en Kultuur) wat vanaf 2005 by die Universiteit Stellenboseh aangebied word, is die ingesamelde materiaal onder andere gebruik om verskillende tegnieke, waaronder die aanleer van liedere, aan opvoeders te demonstreer. Die materiaal wat ingesamel is, is op CD en DVD by hierdie tesis ingesluit. Hierdie tesis is onsamevatting van die maniere waarop Kuns en Kultuur-opvoeders deur middel van die komponent waarvoor die navorser in die GOS-program verantwoordelik was bemagtig is om hierdie materiaal te ontgin en in die leerarea te
dc.format.extent157 leaves
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMusic -- Instruction and studyen_ZA
dc.subjectCulture -- Study and teachingen_ZA
dc.subjectFolk music -- South Africaen_ZA
dc.subjectFolk songs, Afrikaansen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Musicen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Musicen_ZA
dc.titleBemagtigingsopleiding vir kuns en kultuur-opvoeders : implementering van tradisionele Kaapse liedereaf
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