The impact on and the response of the ECWA to the violent activities of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria

dc.contributor.advisorMbaya, Henryen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorDombong, John Nancwaten_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Theology. Dept. of Practical Theology and Missiology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2017.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this study the impact on and the response of the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA) to the violent activities of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria is highlighted. An historical overview of the ECWA and Boko Haram in Nigeria is also provided. Their leadership structures, the aims and objectives, the ECWA mission statement, articles of faith and practice, and the ideology, theology and philosophy of Boko Haram are described. Relevant and suitable theological concepts and theories on religious violence are given and the reasons behind the sudden rise of the Boko Haram sect in Northern Nigeria are explored. One of Avery Dulles’s five classical models of the church [Church as Servant] is used in order to highlight the theological concept on violence that best describes the context of the ECWA‟s operations. Forgiveness is essential in the life of a Christian and in this study the focus is on forgiveness and reconciliation in the context of conflict and suffering. The prejudice or scapegoat theory is used to understand who is blaming whom for his frustration and who the scapegoat is. The effect of Boko Haram’s violent activities on the ECWA in Northern Nigeria and how the ECWA responded to the violence is explored. Evidence of how the ECWA lost many of its members as a result of Boko Haram’s violent activities is provided. Many ECWA churches and properties were destroyed and many members were displaced due to Boko Haram’s frequent and devastating attacks on churches in Northern Nigeria. It is shown that the social and spiritual lives of both adults and children were adversely affected by the violent activities of Boko Haram. The factors that gave rise to the Boko Haram sect in Northern Nigeria and its rejection of Western Education, unemployment, poverty, parental negligence, illiteracy and the demand for Nigeria to be Islamized, are also discussed. In the conclusion various recommendations on how ECWA can respond to conflict and suffering are made.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In hierdie studie word die impak op en respos van die Evangeliese Kerk Oorwin Almal (EKOA) op die geweldadige aktiwiteite van Boko Haram in Noord-Nigerie belig. ’n Historiese oorsig van EKOA en Boko Haram in Nigerie word verskaf. Voorts word die leierskapstrukture, die mikpunte en doelwitte, EKOA se missie verklaring, geloof en praktyk, en die ideologie en filosofie van Boko Haram ook belig. Voorts word die relevante en toepaslike teologiese konsepte en teorieë van godsdienstige geweld wat die betweegrede agter die skielike groei van Boko Haram sekte in Noord-Nigerië is, verduidelik. In die studie word twee van Avery Dulles se vyf klassieke modelle van die kerk (die kerk as instelling en die kerk as dienaar) gebruik ten einde die teologiese konsep van geweld te belig wat die konteks van EKOA operasies die beste beskryf. Vergifnis is essensieel in die lewe van ’n Christen en daarom is die fokus in hierdie studie op vergifnis en versoening in die konteks van konflik en lyding. Die vooroordeel of sondebok teorie word gebruik om te wys wie vir wie vir sy frustrasies blameer en wie die sondebok wserklik is. In die studie word die effek van Boko Haram se geweldadige aktiwiteite op EKOA in Noord-Nigerie asook hoe EKOA op die geweld antwoord, belig. Verder word bewys gelewer dat EKOA baie van sy lidmate verloor as gevolg van Boko Haram se geweldadige aktiwiteite. Baie EKOA kerke en ander eiendom is vernietig en baie lidamte is misplaas as gevolg van Boko Haram se herhaalde aanvalle op kerke in Noord-Nigerie. Voorts word aangedui dat die geweldadige aanvalle van Boko Haram die lewens van die EKOA se kinders en volwassenes op sosiaal en geestelik vlak negatief beinvloed het. Die faktore wat aanleiding gegee het tot die opkoms van Boko Haram in Noord-Nigerië en hulle verwerping van Westerse Onderwys, werkloosheid, armoede, ouerlike nalatigheid, ongeletterdheid en die eis dat Nigerie vermoslem word, word ook belig. Die studie word afgesluit deur ’n aantal aanbeveling oor hoe die EKOA op die konflik en lyding kan reageer.af_ZA
dc.format.extentxv, 133 pages : illustrations
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectBoko Haramen_ZA
dc.subjectBoko Haram in Northern Nigeriaen_ZA
dc.titleThe impact on and the response of the ECWA to the violent activities of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeriaen_ZA
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