Covariant density functional theory for antimagnetic rotation

dc.contributor.authorZhao P.W.
dc.contributor.authorPeng J.
dc.contributor.authorLiang H.Z.
dc.contributor.authorRing P.
dc.contributor.authorMeng J.
dc.description.abstractFollowing a previous Letter on the first microscopic description of the antimagnetic rotation (AMR) in 105Cd, a systematic investigation and detailed analysis for the AMR band in the framework of the tilted-axis cranking (TAC) model based on covariant density functional theory are carried out. After the microscopic and self-consistent TAC calculations are performed with a given density functional, the configuration for the observed AMR band in 105Cd is obtained from the single-particle Routhians. With the configuration thus obtained, the tilt angle θ Ω for a given rotational frequency is determined self-consistently by minimizing the total Routhian with respect to the angle θ Ω. In such a way, the energy spectrum, total angular momenta, kinetic and dynamic moments of inertia, and the B(E2) values for the AMR band in 105Cd are calculated. Good agreement with the data is found. By investigating microscopically the contributions from neutrons and protons to the total angular momentum, the "two-shears-like" mechanism in the AMR band is clearly illustrated. Finally, the currents leading to time-odd mean fields in the Dirac equation are presented and discussed in detail. It is found that they are essentially determined by the valence particles and/or holes. Their spatial distribution and size depend on the specific single-particle orbitals and the rotational frequency. © 2012 American Physical Society.
dc.identifier.citationPhysical Review C - Nuclear Physics
dc.titleCovariant density functional theory for antimagnetic rotation