Material memories and metaphors: an exploration of textiles and clothing in coloured identity and culture.

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ENGLISH ABSTRACT: My interest in textiles stems from my fondness of clothing and fashion, but more significantly, from my identity as a coloured woman. Textiles metaphorically allow me to connect with the generations of women in my family who were involved in the domestic spheres of livelihood and the textile industry. The purpose of this study was to investigate how coloured identity and culture can be influenced by and encountered through textiles and clothing. During the apartheid era, with its segregation laws, people were divided along lines of race, and coloured identity was among these. Having a unique conception of identity, coloured people were subjected to an array of challenges, such as marginalisation, shame, forced removals and designated places of employment, with the textile industry being among these. This investigation therefore served to explore the implications of apartheid for coloured identity and culture through textiles of clothing worn, textiles within the home and involvement in the textile industry. In addition, metaphorical ways of thinking about textiles and how connections can be made via the encounters are discussed. A qualitative investigation took place, whereby five women participants from the coloured demographic group and involved in the textile industry during the apartheid era were interviewed. Focus was placed on the marginalised group of coloured women who worked with textiles, but also on how implications of representation and domesticity occurred in these instances. The investigation established the importance of textiles in multiple spheres of being and that textiles play a significant role in coloured identity and culture, as it was observed to influence portrayals, aspirations and ways of being. As the past evoked some distraught sentiments, some healing capabilities were recognised through coming into contact with textiles in the numerous realms discussed.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: My belangstelling in tekstiel spruit uit my voorliefde vir klere en mode, maar, belangriker, uit my identiteit as ʼn kleurlingvrou. Tekstiel stel my metafories in staat om ʼn band te vorm met die geslagte vroue in my familie wat by die huishoudelike sfere van broodwinning en die tekstielbedryf betrokke was. Die doel van hierdie studie was om te ondersoek hoe kleuring-identiteit en -kultuur deur tekstiel en klere beïnvloed kan word. Tydens die apartheidsera, met die gepaardgaande segregasiewette, is mense volgens ras verdeel, waaronder kleuring-identiteit. Met ʼn unieke opvatting van identiteit is kleurlinge onderwerp aan ʼn verskeidenheid uitdagings, soos marginalisering, vernedering, dwangverskuiwings en aangewese werksplekke, wat die tekstielbedryf ingesluit het. Hierdie studie het dus ʼn ondersoek behels na die implikasies van apartheid vir kleurling-identiteit en -kultuur deur tekstiel in die klere wat gedra word, tekstiel in die huis en betrokkenheid by die tekstielbedryf. Hierbenewens word metaforiese denkwyses oor tekstiel en hoe verbintenisse deur die ervarings gevorm kan word, bespreek. ʼn Kwalitatiewe ondersoek is uitgevoer, waardeur onderhoude gevoer is met vyf vroue-deelnemers uit die kleuring- demografiese groep en wat tydens die apartheidsera by die tekstielbedryf betrokke was. Die fokus was op die gemarginaliseerde groep kleurlingvroue wat met tekstiel gewerk het, maar ook op die manier waarop implikasies van verteenwoordiging en huislikheid in hierdie gevalle voorgekom het. Die ondersoek het die belang van tekstiel in veelvuldige bestaansfere vasgestel, en ook dat tekstiel ʼn beduidende rol in kleuring-identiteit en -kultuur speel, aangesien die waarneming gemaak is dat dit uitbeeldings, aspirasies en bestaanswyses beïnvloed. Aangesien die verlede verontrustende sentimente ontlok het, is enkele genesingsvermoëns waargeneem deur kontak met tekstiel in die talle terreine onder bespreking.
Thesis MA (VA)--Stellenbosch University, 2023.