A conceptual framework for environmental service payments in South African plantation forests

dc.contributor.advisorHam, Corien_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorHam, Hannelen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMunarini, Mulalo Charmaineen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Forest and Wood Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Plantation forests contribute to supplying environmental services and goods such as carbon sequestration, clean water production and hydrological cycle regulation. Environmental services are the benefits people obtain, enjoy, consume and use from the environment free of charge and play asignificant part in the earth’s climate directive to filter wastes and pollutants. While plantation forests are well recognised for their contribution to meeting the ever-increasingdemand for wood and fibre products, their role in supplying environmental services is less defined.There are societal benefits from environmental services generated by plantations, but also concerns about the increasing development of large-scale plantations. Such concerns include loss of soil productivity, disruption of local water cycles, risk of pests and diseases, and influences on biodiversity. Payment for environmental services could potentially assist in balancing the environmental costs of and benefits from plantations. This is an attractive conservation tool that is used to preserve and restore environmental services, and in terms of which the user of environmental services pays the provider to supply the services. Many forestry owners around the world are conserving and restoring important environmental services through payment for such services. A conceptual framework of environmental services provided by commercial plantations and forests, combined with a suitable payment for the environmental service system, is lacking in South Africa. Therefore, this study aimed to define the concepts and review different types of payment for environmental service schemes. The study was conducted to investigate the positive and negative influences on environmental services associated with commercial forestry plantations, to identify possible buyers and sellers of environmental services in commercial plantations, to investigate the influence of compensations and penalties on environmental services in commercial forestry plantations, and to develop and test a conceptual framework of payment for environmental services in South Africa. A detailed literature study was done to identify and investigate different types of payment forenvironmental service methods used globally. A key informant e-mail survey was conducted with 25 participants amongst forestry and environmental experts, including managers of forestry companies, foresters, environmental managers and academics. This was followed by a Delphi study among a small number of experts. The data collected was used to develop a conceptual framework for payment for environmental services in South African commercial forestry plantations. The outcomes of the study can be used to assist forestry companies in South Africa to protect and conserve environmental services through a-developed payment for environmental service scheme.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: lantasiebosse dra by tot die verskaffing van omgewingsdienste en goedere soos koolstofbinding, skoon waterproduksie en hidrologiese siklusregulering. Omgewingsdienste is die voordele wat mense gratis uit die omgewing verkry, geniet, verbruik en gebruik en speel 'n belangrike rol in die aarde se klimaat doel om afval en besoedeling te filter.Terwyl plantasiebosse baie goed erken word vir hul bydrae om in die steeds toenemende vraag na hout- en veselprodukte te voorsien, word hul rol in die lewering van omgewingsdienste minder omskryf. Daar is maatskaplike voordele van omgewingsdienste wat deur plantasies gegenereer word, maar ook kommer oor die toenemende ontwikkeling van grootskaalse plantasies. Sulke bekommernisse sluit in die verlies aan grondproduktiwiteit, ontwrigting van plaaslike watersiklusse, die risiko van plae en siektes, en invloede op biodiversiteit. Betaling vir omgewingsdienste kan moontlik help om die omgewingskostes en voordele van plantasies te balanseer. Dit is 'n aantreklike bewaringsinstrument wat gebruik word om omgewingsdienste te bewaar, te herstel, en waarvolgens die gebruiker van omgewingsdienste die verskaffer betaal om die dienste te lewer. Baie bosbou-eienaars regoor die wêreld bewaar en onderhou belangrike omgewingsdienste deur die betaling vir sulke dienste. 'n Konseptuele raamwerk van omgewingsdienste wat deur kommersiële plantasies en woude gelewer word, gekombineer met 'n geskikte betaling vir die omgewingsdiensstelsel, ontbreek in Suid-Afrika. Daarom het hierdie studie ten doel gehad om die konsepte te definieer en verskillende metodes van betaling vir omgewingsdiensskemas te hersien. Die studie is uitgevoer om die positiewe en negatiewe invloede op omgewingsdienste verbonde aan kommersiële bosbouplantasies te ondersoek, om moontlike kopers en verkopers van omgewingsdienste in kommersiële plantasies te identifiseer, om die invloed van vergoedings en boetes op omgewingsdienste in kommersiële bosbouplantasies te ondersoek, en om 'n konseptuele betalingsraamwerk vir omgewingsdienste in Suid-Afrika te ontwikkel en te toets. 'n Gedetailleerde literatuurstudie is gedoen om verskillende soorte betaling vir omgewingsdiensmetodes wat wêreldwyd gebruik word, te identifiseer en te ondersoek. 'n E-posopname onder sleutel informante is uitgevoer met 25 deelnemers onder bosbou- en omgewingskenners, insluitend bestuurders vanbosboumaatskappye, bosbouers, omgewingsbestuurders en akademici. Dit is gevolg deur 'n Delphi-studie onder 'n klein aantal kundiges. Die data wat versamel is, is gebruik om 'n konseptuele raamwerk vir betaling vir omgewingsdienste in Suid-Afrikaanse kommersiële bosbouplantasies te ontwikkel. Die uitkomste van die studie kan gebruik word om bosbouondernemings in Suid-Afrika te help om omgewingsdienste te beskerm en te bewaar deur middel van 'n betaalskema te ontwikkel vir die omgewingsdiensskema.af_ZA
dc.format.extent91 pages : illustrationsen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectPlantation forestsen_ZA
dc.subjectEnvironmental services industryen_ZA
dc.subjectPayments for ecosystem servicesen_ZA
dc.subjectConceptual structures (Information theory)en_ZA
dc.titleA conceptual framework for environmental service payments in South African plantation forestsen_ZA
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