Selfagting en lokus van kontrole as voorspellers van aggressie

dc.contributor.advisorSteel, H. R.
dc.contributor.authorFourie, Rene
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Psychology.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Aggression is an everyday occurrence in South Africa. If the detrimental effect of aggression on the individual, as well as society, is taken into account, it becomes necessary to conduct more research on the factors that can enhance and lower aggression. The main aim of this research was to gain insight into the relationship between level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression. An additional aim was to establish whether male and female students differed in their level of aggression towards men and women. In this regard four types of aggression were distinguished, namely physical and verbal aggression, anger and hostility. The results of this study can be utilised to combat aggression by limiting the emergence and execution of aggression. Male and female first year students attending Stellenbosch University were asked to participate in this study. Participation was voluntary and anonymous. Altogether 149 people (40 male students and 109 female students) completed the questionnaires. The study group spoke either Afrikaans or English at horne. The ages of the participants fell between 17 and 27 years. Five measuring instruments were used. The researcher compiled a biographical questionnaire to gain information about the participant's sex, age, horne language and citizenship. The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSE) was used to measure level of self-esteem. The RSE was also adapted to measure the stability of self-esteem. Stability of self-esteem was also measured with the Rosenberg Stability of Self Scale (RSSS). The Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) was used to determine the level of aggression the individual had towards others. The AQ also distinguished between four types of aggression, namely physical and verbal aggression, anger and hostility. The Adult Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale (ANSIE) was used to measure locus of control. Significant relationships were found between the following variables: • Level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression for female students. Only locus of control was a significant predictor of aggression; • Level of self-esteem, stability of self-esteem, locus of control, and aggression for male students. None of the predictor variables were significant. The following significant differences were found: • Male students were significantly more physically aggressive towards their own sex than female students towards their own sex; • Female students were significantly more physically aggressive towards the opposite sex than male students towards the opposite sex.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Aggressie is 'n alledaagse verskynsel in Suid-Afrika. Indien die nadelige invloed daarvan op die individu, sowel as die samelewing, in ag geneem word, is dit noodsaaklik dat meer navorsing gedoen word oor die faktore wat aggressie kan verhoog en verlaag. Die hoofdoelstelling van hierdie ondersoek was om die verband tussen vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting en lokus van kontrole, en aggressie te verken. Verdere spesifieke doelstellings was om te bepaal of mans- en damestudente van mekaar verskil in die vlak van aggressie wat hulle gebruik teenoor mans en vroue. In hierdie opsig is daar onderskei tussen vier tipes aggressie, naamlik fisiese en verbale aggressie, woede en vyandigheid. Die resultate van hierdie ondersoek kan benut word om aggressie teen te werk deur die ontstaan en uitvoering van aggressie te beperk. Manlike en vroulike eerstejaarstudente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch is by die ondersoek betrek. Deelname was vrywillig en anoniem. Altesame 149 persone (40 mansstudente en 109 damestudente) het die vraelyste voltooi. Die ondersoekgroep was Afrikaans of Engels as huistaal magtig. Die ouderdomme van die deelnemers was tussen 17 en 27 jaar. Vyfmeetinstrumente is gebruik. 'n Biografiese vraelys is deur die navorser self opgestel om inligting te verkry oor die deelnemer se geslag, ouderdom, huistaal en burgerskap. Die Rosenberg Selfagting Skaal (RSAS) is gebruik om vlak van selfagting te meet. Die RSAS is ook aangepas om die stabiliteit van selfagting te meet. Stabiliteit van selfagting is ook gemeet deur die Rosenberg Stabiliteit van Self Skaal (RSSS). Die Aggressie Vraelys (AV) is gebruik om die vlak van aggressie van die individu teenoor ander te bepaal. Die AVonderskei ook tussen vier tipes aggressie, naamlik fisiese en verbale aggressie, woede en vyandigheid. Die Nowicki- Strickland Skaal vir Interne-Eksterne Kontrole vir Volwassenes (N-SIEV) is gebruik om lokus van kontrole te meet. Daar is beduidende verbande tussen die volgende veranderlikes gevind: • Vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting en lokus van kontrole, en aggressie by damestudente. Slegs lokus van kontrole was 'n beduidende voorspeller van aggressie by damestudente; • Vlak van selfagting, stabiliteit van selfagting, lokus van kontrole, en aggressie by mansstudente. Geeneen van die voorspellerveranderlikes was beduidend by mansstudente nie. Die volgende beduidende verskille is gevind: • Mansstudente was beduidend meer fisies aggressief teenoor hul eie geslag as damestudente teenoor hul eie geslag; • Damestudente was beduidend meer fisies aggressief teenoor die teenoorgestelde geslag as mansstudente teenoor die teenoorgestelde geslag.af_ZA
dc.format.extent97 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Psychologyen_ZA
dc.subjectTheses -- Psychologyaf_ZA
dc.titleSelfagting en lokus van kontrole as voorspellers van aggressieaf_ZA
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