Uitverkiesing en evangelikaalse spiritualiteit : die neocalvinisme in Suid-Afrika

dc.contributor.authorBrummer, Vincenten_ZA
dc.descriptionCITATION: Brummer, V. 2017. Uitverkiesing en evangelikaalse spiritualiteit : die neocalvinisme in Suid-Afrika. LitNet Akademies, 14(1):151-168.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThe original publication is available at https://www.litnet.co.za
dc.description.abstractHierdie artikel ondersoek die verhouding tussen die calvinistiese uitverkiesingsleer en die evangelikaalse spiritualiteit in die NG Kerk. Die uitverkiesingsleer van Calvyn het implikasies wat in stryd is met die evangelikaalse spiritualiteit wat vanaf die tweede helfte van die 19de eeu kenmerkend was vir die Kaapse Kerk. Die Kaapse teoloë het enersyds geleef vanuit hulle evangelikaalse spiritualiteit en andersyds as goeie gereformeerdes die uitverkiesingsleer onderskryf, sonder om hulle moeg te maak oor die logiese spanning tussen die twee. In die 1930’s was daar in Suid-Afrika ’n sterk oplewing van kuyperiaanse neocalvinisme. Die neocalviniste het die evangelikaalse spiritualiteit in die NG Kerk afgewys as “metodisties”. Ds. A.A. Weich het toe onder die skuilnaam “Bekommerd” die evangelikaalse spiritualiteit teenoor die neocalviniste verdedig. Dit het aanleiding gegee tot ’n lewendige debat in Die Kerkbode (Brümmer 2016a en 2016b). Die neocalviniste het egter nie alleen die evangelikaalse spiritualiteit van die NG Kerk as ongereformeerd bestry nie. Hierdie artikel bespreek hoe neocalviniste beoog het om Kuyper se neocalvinistiese ideologie op alle terreine van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing uit te dra. Kuyper se neocalvinisme word bespreek en dan word aangetoon hoe dit in Suid-Afrika daartoe gelei het dat die neocalviniste en die evangelikales verskillende standpunte gehad het oor ekumeniese bewegings en interkonfessionele organisasies soos die CSV (Christen-Studentevereniging). Ook het hulle verskillende opvattings verdedig oor die Suid-Afrikaanse politiek, en veral oor die verhouding tussen Afrikaners en Engelse en tussen blank en swart.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractThis article reflects the relationship between Calvin’s doctrine of predestination and evangelical spirituality in the Dutch Reformed Church in South Africa. This doctrine could not be reconciled with the evangelical spirituality that had been characteristic of the Dutch Reformed Church in the Cape since the second half of the 19th century (Brümmer 2016a). On the one hand the Cape theologians practised their evangelical spirituality while on the other hand they considered themselves to be orthodox Reformed theologians who subscribed to the doctrine of predestination. They were not bothered by the logical tension between their spirituality and their doctrine. In the 1930s, however, there was growing support in South Africa for the kind of Neo-Calvinism defended by Abraham Kuyper in the Netherlands. The Neo-Calvinists rejected the evangelical spirituality in the Dutch Reformed Church as being “Methodist” and not Reformed. Under the pseudonym “Bekommerd” the Rev. A.A. Weich wrote a series of letters in Die Kerkbode in which he defended the evangelical spirituality in the Church against the critique of the Neo-Calvinists. This gave rise to a lively debate in the correspondence columns of Die Kerbode (Brümmer 2016b). However, the Neo-Calvinists did not only oppose evangelical spirituality as contrary to Reformed doctrine. They also wanted to spread the Neo-Calvinist ideology of Abraham Kuyper to all areas of South African society. Kuyper had developed Calvinism into an ideology that required active application to all areas of life and society. This article focuses on the following: 1. It explains Kuyper’s Neo-Calvinist ideology and determines what was “neo” about Neo-Calvinism; 2. It investigates the evangelical objections to Kuyper’s ideology. 3. It shows how these differences between Neo-Calvinists and evangelicals caused them to differ in their views about the ecumenical movement and inter-confessional organisations like the Student Christian Association (SCA). They also differed in their views on South African politics, and especially regarding the relationship between the Afrikaners and the English and race relations between whites and blacks.
dc.description.versionPublisher's version
dc.format.extent18 pages
dc.identifier.citationBrummer, V. 2017. Uitverkiesing en evangelikaalse spiritualiteit : die neocalvinisme in Suid-Afrika. LitNet Akademies, 14(1):151-168.en_ZA
dc.identifier.issn1995-5928 (online)
dc.rights.holderAuthor retains copyright
dc.subjectKuyper, Abraham, 1837-1920en_ZA
dc.subjectVorster, J. D. (Jacobus Daniel), 1909-1982en_ZA
dc.titleUitverkiesing en evangelikaalse spiritualiteit : die neocalvinisme in Suid-Afrikaaf_ZA
dc.title.alternativePredestination and evangelical spirituality : Neo-Calvinism in South Africaen_ZA
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