A model to achieve communicative equivalence in translation dictionaries

dc.contributor.advisorGouws, R. H.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorMphahlele, Motlokwe Clifforden_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of General Linguistics.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: Bilingual dictionaries often do not satisfy the requirements of the dictionary users because they contain a relatively small percentage of articles displaying absolute equivalence between the source and the target language. This impedes the users from retrieving the required information. Communicative equivalence is a relation holding between source and target language entries in translation dictionaries. A translation equivalent should not be seen as a statement about the meaning of the lemma, but it should be regarded as an item that represents the target language and can be used to translate a specific occurrence of the source language item. If semantic and communicative equivalence do not hold between the source and the target language dictionary users will not be able to use the target language successfully. Instead of achieving communicative equivalence, the dictionary user is confused and ends up using language in an unacceptable way. Relying on translation dictionaries to improve their language skills and to learn more about the target language, dictionary users often come across haphazardly arranged articles in dictionaries that do not lead to communicative equivalence. In this case, the dictionary users are confused and end up using language in an unacceptable way. This thesis explores and investigates different ways to achieve communicative equivalence in translation dictionaries. The research formulates some of the needed guidelines for the lexicographers of translation dictionaries. It intends to assist lexicographers to compile useroriented translation dictionaries that can foster multilingualism amongst the dictionary users. As a result of this research, lexicographers will be able to compile translation dictionaries that will assist dictionary users to achieve communicative success. These dictionaries will establish semantic and communicative resemblance between the source and the target language forms. As a lexicographic problem, communicative equivalence is being addressed in the thesis and the researcher aims to make lexicographers aware of the mistakes in translation dictionaries. The objective of the thesis is to help lexicographers with the compilation of dictionaries where the users can achieve an optimal retrieval of information. The research focuses on metalexicographic issues in order to enhance the quality of practical lexicography. By doing so both the practical and theoretical lexicography can benefit from this research.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Tweetalige woordeboeke voldoen dikwels nie aan die behoeftes van hulle gebruikers nie omdat hulle Onbeperkte aantal artikels bevat met absolute ekwivalensie tussen bron- en doeltaal. Dit weerhou die gebruikers daarvan om die verlangde inligting te onttrek. Kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie is onverhouding tussen die bron- en doeltaalinskrywings in vertalende woordeboeke. OnVertaalekwivalent moet nie beskou word as Onuitspraak oor die betekenis van die lemma nie maar dit moet gesien word as Onitem wat die doeltaal verteenwoordig en wat gebruik kan word om onbepaalde optrede van die brontaalvorm te vertaal. As semantiese en kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie nie tussen bron- en doeltaal bestaan nie sal woordeboekgebruikers nie daartoe in staat wees om die doeltaal suksesvol te gebruik nie. In stede daarvan om kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie te behaal, is die gebruiker verward en gebruik hy taal op Ononaanvaarbare manier. Wanneer woordeboekgebruikers op vertalende woordeboeke staatmaak om hulle taalgebruik te verbeter en meer oor die doeltaal te leer, vind hulle dikwels arbitrêr geordende artikels in woordeboeke wat nie tot kommunikatiewe ekwivalendie lei nie. Dit verwar gebruikers en lei tot foutiewe taalgebruik. Hierdie tesis ondersoek verskillende maniere waarop kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie in vertalende woordeboeke bereik kan word. Die navorsing lei tot die formulering van sommige riglyne wat nodig is vir die opstellers van vertalende woordeboeke. Dit poog om leksikograwe te help om gebruikersgerigte woordeboeke saam te stel wat veeltaligheid tussen die gebruikers kan bevorder. As gevolg van hierdie navorsing sal leksikograwe daartoe in staat wees om vertalende woordeboeke saam te stel wat gebruikers kan help om kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie te bereik. Hierdie woordeboeke salon semantiese en kommunikatiewe ooreenkoms tussen bron- en doeltaalvorme vestig. In hierdie tesis word kommunikatiewe ekwivalensie as Onleksikografiese probleem behandel en die navorser poog om leksikograwe bewus te maak van foute in vertalende woordeboeke. Die mikpunt van hierdie tesis is om leksikograwe te help met die samestelling van woordeboeke waar gebruikers onoptimale inligtingsherwinning kan behaal. Die navorsing fokus op metaleksikografiese aangeleenthede ter wille van Onverhoging in die gehalte van die praktiese leksikografie. Sodoende kan sowel die teoretiese as die praktiese leksikografie by hierdie navorsing baat vind.af_ZA
dc.format.extent122 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectEncyclopedias and dictionariesen_ZA
dc.subjectLanguage and languages -- Dictionaries -- Dictionariesen_ZA
dc.subjectBilingual dictionariesen_ZA
dc.titleA model to achieve communicative equivalence in translation dictionariesen_ZA
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