Rapid modelling of the target tracking loop of a passive IR guided SAM, using artificial neural systems

dc.contributor.advisorDu Plessis, J. J.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorJones, Thomasen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Engineering. Dept. of Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
dc.descriptionThesis (M.Sc.Ing) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1999.
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis deals with the modelling of the target tracking system of a specific passive infrared guided surface to air missile (SAM). Modelling is accomplished by making use of rapid modelling principles and procedures in order to establish whether an accurate target tracking model may be constructed whilst at the same time'keeping construction time to an absolute minimum. The specific rapid modelling techniques used during the course of the study centre around the application of hybrid artificial neural structures in an attempt to adequately represent the missile's target tracking control system. Various criteria are developed, whereby the target tracking control system features and structures of this type of missile may be extracted through minimal analysis and disassembly of the missile. Time requirements are thereby minimised. The tracking loop is characterised by making use of signal injection into the missile electronics. The eventual construction of a model is discussed as a progression, beginning with the development of a fully artificial neural structure, and developing towards a fully optimised hybrid neural model. The final model's eventual output results are analysed according to error energy, statistical principles and frequency content. Finally, a comprehensive hardware in loop (HIL) simulation is completed, whereby the model replaces the missile's target tracking electronics under real-time physical test conditions, while tracking a true infrared target. The model's response compares favourably to the true missile's behavior during HIL proceedings. Together with the favourable theoretical analysis of the model, this illustrates that rapid modelling of the tracking system may be successfully completed when applying the techniques developed in this thesis.
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis handel oor die modellering van die teiken-volglus van 'n passiewe infrarooi-geleide grandtot- lug missiel. Modellering word afgehandel deur gebruik te maak van sogenaamde "vinnige modellerings tegnieke", ten einde te bepaal of 'n akkurate model van so 'n volgstelsel bewerkstellig kan word terwyl die modellerings prosedure besonder spoedig afgehandel word. Die spesifieke modellerings prosedure waarvan gebruik, gemaak word tydens hierdie stu die, fokus op die gebruik van hibriede kunsmatige neurale strukture. V erskeie · kriteria word ontwikkel waarmee die kenmerke en strukturele samestelling van verwante missiele se beheerstelsels bepaal kan word sander om veel detail analise of demontering van die missiel te vereis, ten einde die modelleringstyd te minimeer. Die volglus word gekarakteriseer deur gebruik te maak van eksterne sein aanleg. Die konstruksie van die model word bespreek as 'n progressie, beginende by die ontwikkeling van 'n ten voile neurale model totdat 'n ten voile geoptimeerde hibriede neurale struktuur uiteindelik ontwikkel word. Die uiteindelike model se uittree-resultate word geanaliseer volgens foutenergie, statistiese metodes en frekwensie inhoud. Laastens word 'n volledige hardeware in die Ius (HIL) simulasie verrig waartydens die missiel se volg-elektronika vervang word deur die hibriede model, onder intydse fisiese toestande, terwyl 'n ware infrarooi teiken gevolg word. Die model se respons vergelyk goed met die ware missiel se gedrag tydens HIL simulasie. Tesame met die voorgaande akkurate teoretiese resultate, bewys dit dat vinnige modellering van die volglus wei bewerkstellig kan word deur gebruik te maak van die tegnieke wat in hierdie tesis ontwikkel en toegepas word.
dc.format.extent143 pages : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch University
dc.subjectSurface-to-air missilesen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Electronic engineeringen_ZA
dc.titleRapid modelling of the target tracking loop of a passive IR guided SAM, using artificial neural systemsen_ZA
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