The effectiveness of occupational health policies in promoting HIV/AIDS management within organisations

dc.contributor.advisorAugustyn, J. C. D.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorSkeepers, Natalie Carolen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherUniversity of Stellenbosch. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Dept. of Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil (Industrial Psychology. Africa Centre for HIV/AIDS Management))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: The ever-growing concern on the impact of HIV/Aids in the workplace depends on the commitment and leadership from all stakeholders, not just government. Little attention is paid to the role of business and their inactivity in responding to the challenges of HIV/Aids in the workplace other than ineffective policies, written by management for management. It is sad to say that too many businesses still do not regard HIV/Aids as a major threat to their businesses. HIV/ AIDS affects, among other elements, staff morale, public perceptions of the organization, institutional memory, labour relations, and the com- munity in which the organization is situated Employees spend most of the days at work and those infected with HIV/Aids can extend their lives and health through the interventions provided for in the workplace. The current study observed practices throughout industries employed to assist employees, their families and communities living with HIV/Aids. In order to understand the real impact of workplace polices which aims to assist in prevention, detection and control strategies, the Occupational Health protocols were investigated to understand how best it could add value to the current situation. A focused research questionnaire – was used based on the integration of occupational health programmes in the workplace was used to establish views regarding specific workplace interventions which is aimed at addressing HIV/Aids in the workplace as well as to verify the existence of employee wellness related workplace programmes. The study mainly observes the challenges with the implementation of HIV/Aids policies in isolation with other workplace and human resources assistance available to employees to participate in. It looks at the advantages of integrated solutions within the workplace and implementation deficiencies due to lack of integrated processes. These include EAP, disease management, occupational health and safety. Urgent action is required, perhaps business is ready for an institutional audit to access the health status its business.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die steeds-toenemende besorgdheid oor MIV/Vigs in die werksplek vereis toewyding van alle sektore van die ekonomie en nie net van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering nie. Dit is baie jammer dat baie ondernemings in Suid-Afrika nog steeds nie MIV/Vigs as 'n bedreiging sien nie en derhalwe dikwels nie veel doen aan die bestuur daarvan nie. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die protokolle van Beroepsgesondheid te ontleed ten einde 'n beter begrip te kry hoe werkplekprogramme kan bydra tot die meer effektiewe bestuur van MIV/Vigs. 'n Vraelys is gebruik om inligting by verskillende ondernemings te versamel en resultate van die ondersoek word gerapporteer. Die voordele van werksplekprogramme word uitgelig en en die voordele van werknemerbystandsprogramme, beroepsgesondheidsprogramme en veiligheidsprogramme word uitgespel. Die gevolgtrekking van ide studie is dat dringende aandag aan werksplekprogramme gegee moet word ten einde te verseker dat Suid-Afrikaanse ondernemings 'n daadwerklike bydrae tot die doeltreffende bestuur van MIV/Vigs in die werksplek
dc.format.extent36 p. : ill.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : University of Stellenboschen_ZA
dc.rights.holderUniversity of Stellenbosch
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS managementen_ZA
dc.subjectDissertations -- Industrial psychologyen
dc.subjectTheses -- Industrial psychologyen
dc.subjectAssignments -- Industrial psychologyen
dc.subjectDissertations -- HIV/AIDS managementen
dc.subjectTheses -- HIV/AIDS managementen
dc.subjectAssignments -- HIV/AIDS managementen
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS in the workplaceen
dc.subjectHIV/AIDS workplace policiesen
dc.subjectHIV positive employees -- Services toen
dc.titleThe effectiveness of occupational health policies in promoting HIV/AIDS management within organisationsen_ZA
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