Who cares? : moral reflections on business in healthcare

dc.contributor.advisorVan Niekerk, Anton A.en_ZA
dc.contributor.authorEsser, Jan Hendrik
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Dept. of Philosophy.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: This evaluation serves the purpose of illuminating concepts and ideas behind the moral impact of business values in healthcare and to establish a framework for the analysis of moral dilemmas found in the sphere ofbio-medical ethics. The historic developments of business in healthcare are examined, looking at how and why business became an integral part of the health care system. The concept of "managed healthcare" is introduced and used as the context in which the different institutional role-players are brought together. Managed healthcare is defined by a discussion of the different organisational structures through which it manifests itself. The policies, procedures and regulations that managed healthcare organisations implement and control to fulfil their general function are also examined. Some normative aspects pertaining to the concept of managed health care are explored, including the institutional values of business and that of medicine. A brief discussion of the economic system in which the business agents or role players function are included in the evaluation of the institutional values of business. Further arguments are made to show how the healthcare system with all its role players displays the characteristics of a complex system. Discussions on the fundamental values of medicine concentrate on the basic ideas behind virtues and principles of medical ethics. It is argued that the development of these virtues and principles are important foundations on which the medical profession stands. The moral impact of combining these institutional values within the context of managed healthcare relationships is examined and some important moral dilemmas or conflicts are identified. It is further argued that the fundamental relationships between all the role players in the health care system have changed as all the agents function within a complex system, giving rise to new organisational structures and relationships, with new conceptual roles, ideals, values and practices.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie evaluasie het dit ten doelom sekere konsepte en idees agter die morele impak van besigheidswaardes in gesondheidsorg te illumineer en om 'n raamwerk daar te stel vir die verdere analise van morele dilemmas in die sfeer van bio-mediese etiek. Die historiese ontwikkeling van besigheid in gesondheidsorg word verken deur die redes aan te voer waarom besigheid deel van die gesondheidsorgsisteem geword het. Die konsep "bestuurde gesondheidsorg" word gebruik as die konteks waarin die verskillende institusionele rolspelers bymekaar gebring word. Bestuurde gesondheidsorg word gedefinieer deur die verskillende organisatoriese strukture waardeur dit manifesteer. Die prosedures, regulasies en bereid wat bestuurde gesondheidsorgorganisasies implementeer om hul funksies te vervul word ook verken. Normatiewe aspekte van bestuurde gesondheidsorg word verken, waarby ingesluit word die institusionele waardes van besigheid sowel as dié van medisyne. 'n Kort beskrywing van die ekonomiese sisteem waarin die besigheidsagente, of rolspelers funksioneer word ingesluit by die evaluasie van die institusionele waardes van besigheid. Verdere argumente word gevoer om te wys daarop hoe die gesondheidsorgsisteem met al sy rolspelers die karakter toon van 'n komplekse sisteem. Die basiese idees agter deugsaamheid en morele beginsels van bio-mediese etiek word bespreek om die fundamentele waardes van medisyne te beskryf. Daar word geargumenteer dat die ontwikkeling van hierdie waardes 'n belangrike fondament is waarop die mediese professie staan. Die morele impak van die kombinasie tussen die institusionele waardes van besigheid en medisyne binne die konteks van bestuurde gesondheidsorg word geevalueer en belanrike morele dilemmas en konflikte word geidentifiseer. Verder word geargumenteer dat die fundamenrele verhouding tussen al die rol spelers in die gesondheidsisteem verander het danksy die funksionering van die agente binne hierdie komplekse sisteem. Dit lei op sy beurt na veranderinge in organisatoriese strukture en verhoudinge met nuwe konsepsuele rolle, idiale, waardes en praktyke.af_ZA
dc.format.extent92 p.
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectMedical ethicsen_ZA
dc.subjectManaged care plans (Medical care) -- Moral and ethical aspectsen_ZA
dc.subjectMedical economicsen_ZA
dc.subjectPhysicians -- Professional ethicsen_ZA
dc.subjectBusiness ethicsen_ZA
dc.titleWho cares? : moral reflections on business in healthcareen_ZA
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