The development of a bio-based preservative for wood protection against wood-decaying fungi

dc.contributor.advisorTyhoda, Luvuyoen_ZA
dc.contributor.advisorMeincken, Martinaen_ZA
dc.contributor.authorKhosa, Khanyisanaen_ZA
dc.contributor.otherStellenbosch University. Faculty of AgriSciences. Dept. of Forest and Wood Science.en_ZA
dc.descriptionThesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractENGLISH ABSTRACT: With an increase in societies' awareness of issues affecting the environment, the search for environmentally friendly alternatives to our everyday products has been on the rise, and this includes wood preservatives. Over the years, a handful of studies have been conducted to test the efficacy of various plant derivatives against wood-decaying fungi. The plant derivatives include, but are not limited to essential oils, pyrolysis oils, plant extracts and biopolymers. The primary purpose of this study was to determine the efficacy of two types of plant derivatives, citrus essential oils (CEOs) of lemon and orange, and technical lignins (kraft and soda) against two wood-decaying fungi as they have been reported to display some degree of bioactivity against wood-decaying fungi. This could potentially lead to the creation of a blend consisting of a CEO and lignin. Thus, the objectives of this study were as follows: (a) to characterise the raw material (lignins and CEOs) using appropriate analysis methods, (b) to establish the optimum ratios of lignin, CEOs, and acetone for solubility, (c) to establish antifungal properties of the plant derivatives in wood, and (d) to establish the minimum required retention in the wood. Fomitiporia capensis (white rot) and Neolentinus lepideus (brown rot) are the fungi species used to test the efficacy of CEOs and lignins in inhabiting the decomposition of wood, which can be detected through mass loss. The decay test was carried out using the Indian Standard IS 4873: Methods of Laboratory Testing of Wood Preservatives Against Fungi and Borers (Powder Post Beetles) – Part 1, the agar dish method. This was done after comparing this standard decay test with other standard methods of testing the efficacy of preservatives against wood degrading organisms. Pinus patula wood was used as the substrate of choice, due to its low durability. Two concentrations of each plant derivative were tested, coupled by solvent treated, untreated wood samples and wood samples treated with a reference preservative. Sodium borate was the reference preservative of choice. The performance of the plant derivates was compared and analysed to draw conclusions. After analysis, the results showed that all the plant derivatives were effective against the two wood-decaying fungi. In lignins, soda lignin had an overall better performance with an average mass loss of 1.866% and 1.051% for white and brown rot, respectively. Compared to soda lignin, kraft lignin had average mass losses of 4.4085% and 4.4705%, for white and brown rot fungi, respectively. Thus, though kraft lignin showed a slightly higher concentration of phenolic content than soda lignin, which is known to be the source of the antioxidant property it exhibits, its performance was below that of soda lignin. Soda lignin showed a reduction in the mass loss at a higher concentration for both fungi, though the difference was shown to not be significant, while kraft lignin only performed better at its low concentration. The performance of the lignins was similar in both fungi. As for CEOs, the oils were observed to have worked through their volatile state, as has been reported before. Both oils performed better at higher concentrations for both fungi. Lemon oil showed a better degree of inhibition than orange oil in both fungi. Though the standard method suggests using mass loss to detect wood decay, for the CEOs, that dependent variable proved to be a poor indicator due to the high volatility of the oils, which will in effect influence the mass loss detected post-incubation. Further studies that will be looking at the performance of the oils on a hardwood species will be beneficial. Also, a standard method that does not only rely on solely mass loss as an indicator of the efficacy for the oils is recommended. In this case, physical properties such as modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) can be used.en_ZA
dc.description.abstractAFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: 'n Toename in die samelewing se bewustheid van kwessies wat die omgewing raak, die soeke na omgewingsvriendelike alternatiewe vir ons alledaagse produkte neem toe, en dit bevat houtbewaarmiddels. Deur die jare is 'n handjievol studies gedoen om die doeltreffendheid van verskillende plant-derivate teen houtverwering te toets. Die plant-derivate sluit in, maar nie beperk nie tot essensiële olies, pirolise -olies, plant-ekstrakte en biopolimere. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om die doeltreffendheid van twee soorte plant-derivate, sitrus essensiële olies (SEOs) van suurlemoen en lemoen en tegniese ligniene (kraft en soda) teen twee houtverwering swamme te bepaal, aangesien daar na berig ‘n graad van bioaktiwiteit teen rottende swamme van hout is. Dit kan moontlik lei tot die skep van 'n mengsel wat bestaan uit 'n SEO en 'n lignien. Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was dus: (a) om die grondstof (ligniene en SEOs) te kenmerk deur toepaslike ontledingsmetodes, (b) om die optimale verhoudings van lignien, SEOs, en asetoon vir oplosbaarheid vas te stel, (c) om antifungale eienskappe van die plant-derivate in hout vas te stel, en (d) om die minimum vereiste opneem in die hout vas te stel. Fomitiporia capensis (witvrot) en Neolentinus lepideus (bruinvrot) is die swamspesies wat gebruik word om die doeltreffendheid van uitvoerende hoofde en ligniene in die ontbinding van hout, wat deur massaverlies opgespoor kan word, te toets. Die ververwering-toets is uitgevoer met behulp van die Indiese Standaard IS 4873: Metodes vir laboratoriumtoetse van houtbewaarmiddels teen swamme en kewers (Poeierpaalkewers) - Deel 1, die agar skottel metode. Dit is gedoen nadat die standaard vergelyk is met ander standaardmetodes om die doeltreffendheid van preserveermiddels teen houtafbrekende organismes te toets. Vanweë die lae duursaamheid is Pinus patula -hout gebruik as die gewenste substraat. Twee konsentrasies van elke plant-derivaat is getoets, gekoppel aan oplosmiddelbehandelde, onbehandelde houtmonsters en houtmonsters wat met 'n verwysings-preserveermiddel behandel is. Natriumboraat was die verwysings preserveermiddel van keuse. Die prestasie van die plant-derivate is vergelyk en ontleed om gevolgtrekkings te maak. Na ontleding het die resultate getoon dat al die plant-derivate effektief was teen die twee houtverwering swamme. In ligniene het soda lignien 'n algehele beter prestasie met 'n gemiddelde massaverlies van onderskeidelik 1,866% en 1,051% vir wit en bruinvrot. In vergelyking met soda -lignien het kraft lignien 'n gemiddelde massaverlies van onderskeidelik 4,4085% en 4,4705% vir wit- en bruinvrot -swamme. Alhoewel kraft lignien 'n effens hoër konsentrasie fenolgehalte toon as soda lignien, wat bekend staan as die bron van die antioksidanteienskappe wat dit vertoon, was die prestasie daarvan laer as die van soda lignien. Soda lignien het 'n afname in massaverlies by 'n hoër konsentrasie vir beide swamme getoon, v hoewel die verskil nie beduidend blyk te wees nie, terwyl kraft lignien slegs beter presteer as dit laag was. Die prestasie van die ligniene was by beide swamme soortgelyk. Wat die SEO’s betref, is daar gevind dat die olies deur hul onstabiele toestand gewerk het, soos vroeër berig is. Beide olies het beter presteer by hoër konsentrasies vir beide swamme. Suurlemoenolie het 'n beter remming as oranje olie in beide swamme getoon. Alhoewel die standaardmetode daarop dui dat massaverlies gebruik word om houtverval op te spoor, was die afhanklike veranderlike vir die uitvoerende hoofde 'n swak aanduiding vanweë die hoë onbestendigheid van die olies, wat in werklikheid die massaverlies wat na inkubasie opgespoor word, sal beïnvloed. Verdere studies wat gaan kyk na die prestasie van die olies op 'n hardehoutsoort, sal voordelig wees. 'n Standaardmetode wat nie slegs op massaverlies staatmaak as 'n aanduiding van die doeltreffendheid van die olies nie, word ook aanbeveel. In hierdie geval kan fisiese eienskappe soos modulus van elastisiteit (MOE) en breukmodulus (MOR) gebruik word.af_ZA
dc.format.extent106 pagesen_ZA
dc.publisherStellenbosch : Stellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.rights.holderStellenbosch Universityen_ZA
dc.subjectWood preservativesen_ZA
dc.subjectWood-decaying fungi -- Preventionen_ZA
dc.subjectEnvironmentally friendly alternativesen_ZA
dc.titleThe development of a bio-based preservative for wood protection against wood-decaying fungien_ZA
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