A multi-objective approach towards geospatial facility location

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Applications of the sub-discipline of location science within the larger discipline of operations research include the location of important facilities, such as hospitals, re stations, libraries and depots. Existing facility location resolution techniques are generally based on commercial and transportation modelling criteria with little or no consideration given to the characteristics and in uence of surrounding terrain. Recent technological advances have, however, resulted in a sub- eld of location science rapidly increasing in popularity | the eld of geospatial facility location. Geospatial facility location science places a strong emphasis on terrain and environmental factors in the search for suitable sites for facilities with complex location requirements. Examples of such facilities include radars, telecommunication towers, watchtowers and wind turbines. The applications in which geospatial facility location solution approaches are relevant generally include only one type of facility. As a result, problem-speci c solution approaches tailored to the speci c facility type considered are usually adopted. On closer inspection, however, the solution approaches followed for these facility location problems reveal striking similarities which may be exploited in a generic manner in order to provide more e cient solution tradeo alternatives. By removing the problem-speci c approach to facility location modelling and the design of the associated solution techniques, there is an opportunity to develop a generic, dynamically implementable geospatial facility location framework which may be applied to identify facility location trade-o alternatives in various applications. Moreover, networks of multiple facility types may be considered in such a framework | something that is a rarity in the current geospatial facility location literature. In view of the continual advancement of technology, a generic geospatial facility location framework may even prove to be applicable to future facility location problems in which the placement criteria are currently unknown. The design of a generic geospatial facility location framework is therefore pursued in this dissertation. A dynamic mathematical foundation, which eliminates facility-specific solution methodologies, is established. A computerised concept demonstrator based on this framework is implemented within a generic solution paradigm. This concept demonstrator accommodates as special cases a variety of popular facility location problems from the literature. The geospatial facility location framework is demonstrated to be a dynamic and useful tool for solving complex facility location problems that have not previously been encountered due to the limitations of problem-specific solution search designs.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Toepassings van die deel-dissipline van fasiliteitplasing binne die groter dissipline van operasionele navorsing sluit die plasing van belangrike fasiliteite soos hospitale, brandweerstasies, biblioteke en depots in. Bestaande oplossingstegnieke vir fasiliteitplasingsprobleme is gewoonlik gebaseer op kommersi ele en vervoermodelleringskriteria met geen of weinige oorweging geskenk aan die eienskappe en invloed van die omliggende terrein. Onlangse tegnologiese vooruitgang het egter gelei na toenemende populariteit van 'n deel van die teorie van fasiliteitplasing | die veld van geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasing. In geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasing word daar sterk klem gel^e op terrein- en omgewingsfaktore in die soeke na geskikte liggings vir die plasing van fasiliteite met komplekse plasingsvereistes. Voorbeelde van sulke fasiliteite sluit radar, telekommunikasietorings, uitkyktorings en windturbunes in. Die toepassings waarin oplossingstegnieke vir geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasing relevant is, sluit gewoonlik net een tipe fasiliteit in. Gevolglik word probleem-spesifieke oplossingstegnieke gewoonlik aangewend wat gerig is op een spesifieke tipe fasiliteit. By nadere ondersoek blyk dit egter dat die oplossingstegnieke wat vir hierdie plasingsprobleme gebruik word, opvallende ooreenkomste openbaar wat uitgebuit kan word om meer doeltre ende oplossingsalternatiewe op 'n generiese manier daar te stel. Deur die probleem-spesfieke benadering uit pogings tot modellering en die gepaardgaande ontwerp van oplossingstegnieke te verwyder, is daar die geleentheid om 'n generiese, dinamiesimplementeerbare geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasingsraamwerk te ontwikkel waarvolgens afruilingsalternatiewe vir fasiliteitplasing in verskeie toepassings geidentifiseer kan word. Netwerke van verskillende soorte fasiliteite kan verder in s o 'n raamwerk oorweeg word | 'n rare verskynsel in die huidige literatuur oor geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasing. In die lig van die voortdurende vooruitgang in tegnologie, mag 'n generiese raamwerk vir geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitsplasing selfs toepasing vind in toekomstige fasiliteitplasingsprobleme waarvoor die plasingskriteria tans nog nie bekend is nie. Die ontwerp van 'n generiese geo-ruimtelike fasiliteitplasingsraamwerk word gevolglik in hierdie proefskrif nagestreef. 'n Dinamiese wiskundige modelleringsgrondslag, wat fasiliteit-spesifieke oplossingstegnieke onnodig maak, word daargestel. 'n Gerekenariseerde konsepdemonstrator wat op hierdie raamwerk gebaseer is, word binne die paradigma van 'n generiese oplossingsbenadering geimplementeer. Hierdie konsepdemonstrator akkommodeer 'n aantal popul^ere fasiliteitplasingsprobleme uit die literatuur as spesiale gevalle. Daar word getoon hoe die raamwerk 'n nuttige, dinamiese hulpmiddel is waarmee komplekse fasiliteitplasingsprobleme opgelos kan word wat as gevolg van die beperkings van probleem-spesifeke oplossingsbenaderings nie vantevore oorweeg is nie.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Facility location, Public buildings -- Location, Geospatial analysis, Decision support, UCTD, Location-based services, Geospatial data