A comparative study of the quality of maternal health service provision in church mission and government hospitals in Zimbabwe. The Case of the Harare Central and Karanda hospitals

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH SUMMARY: The purpose of this study was to compare the quality of maternal health service provision in church mission and government hospitals in Zimbabwe. A purposive sample of 64 participants was used for collecting data. The sample consisted of 60 women seeking maternal health services and four health professionals representing service providers. Participants were drawn from the Karanda Mission and Harare Central hospitals. Questionnaires were used as interview guides for in-depth interviews with research subjects. The questionnaires were used to investigate how patients perceive service delivery at each of the institutions and their reasons for choosing to visit the particular hospital. Questionnaires for the matron and director of maternity services, on the other hand, investigated the success and challenges faced by maternity health service providers. Interviews were conducted face to face; notes were handwritten, and transcribed at the end of each day. Data coding was used for analysis. The study revealed that the range of maternal health services at the church mission hospital and the government hospital did not differ significantly. Though they provide similar maternal health services, the major distinguishing factor was the ownership, management and administration of these hospitals. These factors have an influence on user fees; availability of skilled attendants; availability and adequacy of services; and availability of essential medicines and equipment. The study concludes that women bypass government hospitals in preference of church mission hospitals where they expect more positive health outcomes for them and their new-borns. The quality of maternal health service is said to be better at mission hospitals such as the Karanda Mission. Factors mentioned by participants as constituting quality are the ability of service providers at church mission hospitals to manage complications; the availability of skilled local and expatriate doctors; short waiting periods; and availability of essential medicines and equipment such as incubators and resuscitators. The research hypothesis can be accepted as true though more research needs to be done to cover all mission hospitals and nearby government hospitals.
AFRIKAANS OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om die gehalte van gesondheidsdienslewering aan moeders deur kerkverwante sendinghospitale en staatshospitale in Zimbabwe te vergelyk. 'n Doelgerigte steekproef van 64 deelnemers is vir die insameling van data gebruik. Die steekproef het uit 60 vroue wat die gesondheidsdiens vir moeders benodig het en vier professionele gesondheidswerkers wat diensverskaffers verteenwoordig het, bestaan. Deelnemers is uit die Karanda Sendinghositaal en die Harare Sentrale hospitaal verkry. Vraelyste is as onderhoudgidse vir grondige onderhoude met die deelnemers aan die navorsing gebruik. Die vraelyste is gebruik om hoe pasiënte dienslewering by elk van die instellings sien, en hul redes vir die keuse van die spesifieke hospitaal, te ondersoek. Vraelyste vir matrone en direkteure van kraamdienste, aan die ander kant, het die sukses en uitdagings van die diensverskaffers van kraamgesondheid ondersoek. Onderhoude is van aangesig tot aangesig gehou en die handgeskrewe notas is aan die einde van elke dag getranskribeer. Kodering van data is vir ontleding gebruik. Die studie het getoon dat die omvang van dienste by die kerkverwante sendinghospitaal en die staatshospitaal nie beduidend verskil het nie. Hoewel hulle soortgelyke kraamgesondheidsdienste voorsien, was die belangrikste onderskeidende faktor die besithouding, bestuur en administrasie van hierdie hospitale. Hierdie faktore het 'n invloed op die gebruikergelde; beskikbaarheid van geskoolde diensdoeners; beskikbaarheid en toereikendheid van dienste; en die beskikbaarheid van noodsaaklike medisyne en toerusting. Die studie tot die slotsom gekom dat vroue staatshospitale omseil vanweë 'n voorkeur aan kerkverwante sendinghospitale waar hulle meer positiewe gesondheiduitkomste vir hulle en hul pasgeborenes verwag. Dit word gesê dat die gehalte van die kraamgesondheidsdiens beter is by sendinghospitale soos die Karanda Sendinghospitaal. Ten opsigte van gehalte, noem deelnemers faktore soos die vermoë van diensverskaffers by die kerk se sendinghospitale om komplikasies te hanteer; die beskikbaarheid van bekwame plaaslike en buitelandse dokters; kort wagperiodes; en die beskikbaarheid van noodsaaklike medisyne en toerusting soos broeikaste en asemhalingsmasjiene. Die navorsingshipotese kan as juis aanvaar word alhoewel meer navorsing gedoen moet word om alle sending hospitale en nabygeleë staatshospitale te dek.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2016.
Maternal health services -- Zimbabwe, UCTD, Missions, medical -- Zimbabwe, State hospitals -- Zimbabwe, Hospitals -- Maternity services