ZwischenSprachen Zum Potenzial exophonischer Literatur für eine Didaktik der Literarizität im universitären DaF-Unterricht in Südafrika

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT : Between Languages – Exploring the potential of exophonic literature for the implementation of didactics of literariness in German foreign language teaching at tertiary level in South Africa This thesis aims to make a contribution to the field of literature study in foreign language teaching in South Africa. It investigates the practical implications of Claire Kramsch’s theory of “symbolic competence” of the multilingual subject, Michael Dobstadt’s and Renate Riedner’s theory of a “Didaktik der Literarizität” as well as theories of multilingualism and exophony. Specifically this thesis looks at how these approaches can be combined and then implemented at advanced levels in foreign language teaching (B1 and B2), namely German modules at Stellenbosch and other South African universities where a multilingual background of language learners is the norm. The thesis thus explores how exophonic literature as an educational tool can help students to improve their language learning and shows the range of possibilities that exophonic literature offers in the field of foreign language learning. On the basis of the theories and a survey amongst the students studying German in their third year in Stellenbosch, two sets of lesson plans are developed for university students with B1/B2 level in Stellenbosch. The literature used was Maja Haderlap‘s poem “Als mir die Sprache abhanden kam” as well as Yoko Tawada’s Essay “Bioskoop der Nacht”. These lesson plans shall serve as examples on how Dobstadt/Riedner’s and Kramsch’s theories can be implemented in practise using exophonic literature in a multilingual environment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING : Hierdie tesis beoog om ‘n bydra tot die gebied van literatuurstudie in vreemde taal-onderrig in Suid-Afrika te lewer. Dit bestudeer die praktiese implikasies van Claire Kramsch se teorie “simboliese kompetensie” van veeltaligheid, Michael Dobstadt en Renate Riedner se teorie van ‘n “didaktiek van letterkundigheid” asook ander teorieë van veeltaligheid en “eksofonie”. Daar word veral gefokus op hoe hierdie benaderinge gekombineer kan word en dan toegepas moet word op hoër vlakke van vreemde taal-onderrig (B1 en B2); naamlik by die Duitse modules van Stellenbosch en ander Suid-Afrikaanse universiteite, waar studente met ‘n veeltalige agtergrond die norm is. Die tesis ondersoek dus hoe “eksofoniese” literatuur as onderrigmiddel studente met verbetering van taalvaardighede kan help. Verder stel dit die omvang van moontlikhede ten toon wat “eksofoniese” literatuur in die gebied van vreemde taal-onderrig kan bied. Gebaseer op die bogenoemde teorieë en ‘n opname onder studente wat in hul derdejaar Duits aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch studeer, word twee lesplanne vir Stellenbosch studente op B1/B2 vlak ontwikkel. Die literatuur wat gebruik is, is Maja Haderlap se gedig “Als mir die Sprache abhanden kam” sowel as Yoko Tawada se essay “Bioskoop der Nacht”. Hierdie lesplanne sal dien as voorbeelde van hoe Dobstadt/Riedner en Kramsch se teorieë prakties toegepas kan word deur die gebruik van “eksofoniese” literatuur in ʼn veeltalige omgewing.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015
Foreign language teaching -- South Africa, Exophonic literature, Literariness, Language acquisition -- Students -- Higher education, UCTD, German language -- Study and teaching -- Foreign speakers, Teaching -- Methodology, Multilingualism and literature