Die sestienpersoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys as hulpmiddel by die takseersentrum

Augustyn, J. C. D.
Van Wyk, A. J.
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AOSIS OpenJournals
The 16PF Personality Test as an aid to the assessment centre Assessment centres still remains costly and thime consuming. This study investigates the reduction of time and costs by the use of the 16 PF Personality Test as a method for measuring management dimensions. Promising results were obtained with a relatively small sample for the prediction of initiative and perseverance. Significant multiple correlations were also found for three criteria of management success. Further research may establish the use of the 16 PF as an aid to management assessment and thereby reduce the costs and time involved in assessment centres.
Takseersentrums se grootste probleem is gelee in die koste en tyd wat dit behels. Hierdie studie ondersoek die moontlikheid om beide te verminder deur die aanwending van die 16 PF Persoonlikheidsvraelys vir die meting van bestuursdimensies. Belowende resultate is met 'n relatiewe klein steekproef bevind ten opsigte van die voorspelling van inisiatiefen deursettingsvermoe. Beduidende meervoudige korrelasies is ook ten opsigte van drie kriteria van bestuursukses bevind. Verdere navorsing kan die gebruik van die 16 PF as hulpmiddel by bestuursevaluering vestig en sodoende die tydsduur en koste van takseersentrums verminder.
CITATION: Augustyn, J.C.D. & Van Wyk, A.J. 1988. Die sestienpersoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys as hulpmiddel by die takseersentrum. SA Journal Of Industrial Psychology, 14(2):25-27, doi:10.4102/sajip.v14i2.475.
The original publication is available at http://www.sajip.co.za/index.php/sajip/article/view/475
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Personality tests
Augustyn, J.C.D. & Van Wyk, A.J. 1988. Die sestienpersoonlikheidsfaktorvraelys as hulpmiddel by die takseersentrum. SA Journal Of Industrial Psychology, 14(2):25-27, doi:10.4102/sajip.v14i2.475.