Knowledge of Rossing Uranium mine employees on HIV and AIDS transmission, prevention and treatment

Elago, Marjorie
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In the beginning HIV/AIDS was only seen as a health issue because of the impact it has on a person’s health, as well as on the health sector, but the world of work is affected in numerous ways, such that in affected organisations, valuable skills and experience are lost, increased absenteeism, increase turnover and productivity has declined and this has resulted in National economics being weakened (International Finance Cooperation, 2004). Many organisations are becoming aware of the threat of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and as a result continue to commit resources towards managing HIV/AIDS in the workplace through HIV/AIDS programmes. However, the question remains whether such efforts are effective. Knowledge about HIV and AIDS is centred on information dissemination about the modes of transmission, means of prevention and behaviours that enhance susceptibility (Pirie & Coetzee, 2006). Therefore, knowledge is the first step in behavioural change and with accurate knowledge individuals are assisted to make informed choices. A quantitative research using a cross-sectional, descriptive study design was used to establish Rössing Uranium Mine employees’ knowledge with regard to HIV/AIDS prevention, transmission and treatment. The objective of the study were to assess the employees’ knowledge on HIV transmission, identify practices employees use as measures to prevent HIV/AIDS, determine the level of knowledge of employees on HIV/AIDS treatment and to recommend strategies aimed at increasing Rössing Uranium Mine employees’ knowledge on HIV/AIDS transmission, prevention and treatment on the current HIV/AIDS management program at Rössing Uranium Mine. A stratified sample consisting of 190 out of 1150 employees across the mine workforce served as respondents. A self administered questionnaire which primarily consisted of closed ended questions was used to answer the research question. Ethical approval was sought and obtained from the Ethical Committee of Stellenbosch University. Permission was requested and granted by the Health, Safety and Environment Manager of Rössing Uranium Mine to conduct the study. Study participants who agreed to take part in the study were also given a consent form to sign.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In die begin is MIV/Vigs net beskou as 'n gesondheidskwessie vanweë die impak daarvan op mense se gesondheid, asook op die gesondheidsektor, maar ook die werkomgewing word op verskeie maniere daardeur beïnvloed; in so 'n mate dat waardevolle vaardighede en ervaring verlore gaan, dat afwesigheid by die werk en personeelwisseling toeneem en dat produktiwiteit afneem. Dit het gelei tot ’n verswakking van die nasionale ekonomie (International Finance Cooperation, 2004). Baie organisasies raak bewus van die bedreiging wat die MIV/Vigs-pandemie inhou, en gevolglik wend hulle voortdurend hulpbronne aan om MIV/Vigs in die werkplek te bestuur deur middel van MIV/Vigs-programme. Die vraag kan egter gevra word of sulke pogings doeltreffend is. Kennis aangaande MIV en Vigs word gebaseer op inligting wat versprei word oor die manier van oordrag, metodes van voorkoming, en gedrag wat vatbaarheid vir die siekte verhoog (Pirie & Coetzee, 2006). Daarom is kennis die eerste tree in gedragsverandering. Met die regte kennis word mense gehelp om ingeligte keuses te maak. Kwantitatiewe navorsing wat gebruik gemaak het van ’n deursnee, beskrywende studie-ontwerp is gebruik om vas te stel wat Rössing Uraanmyn se werknemers omtrent MIV/Vigs-voorkoming, -oordrag en -behandeling weet, en om strategieë aan te beveel wat gemik is op die uitbreiding van kennis rakende MIV/Vigs-oordrag, -voorkoming en -behandeling in die huidige MIV/Vigs-bestuursprogram by Rössing Uraanmyn. ’n Gestratifiseerde monster bestaande uit 190 van die 1150 werknemers by die myn het gedien as respondente. ’n Selfgeadministreerde vraelys wat hoofsaaklik bestaan het uit geslote vrae, is gebruik om die navorsingsvraag te beantwoord. Etiese goedkeuring is van die Etiese Komitee van die Stellenbosch Universiteit gevra en verkry. Verlof om die ondersoek te onderneem is van die Gesondheids-, Veiligheids- en Omgewingsbestuurder van Rössing Uraanmyn gevra en dit is toegestaan. Persone wat ingestem het om aan die studie deel te neem het ook ’n toestemmingsvorm ontvang wat hulle moes teken.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2014.
Dissertations -- HIV/AIDS management, Theses -- HIV/AIDS management, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, HIV infections -- Knowledge of -- Namibia, Miners -- Health and hygiene -- Namibia, UCTD