Climate change in China : risks and responses

Esterhuyse, Harrie
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Stellenbosch University. Centre for Chinese Studies
Extreme weather events are forecast to become more frequent, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, as the global climate continues to alter. Even with uncertainty in this future, countries are able to prepare themselves for the future risks by implementing adaption and mitigation strategies. This policy brief looks at China’s risk to future extreme weather events and the Chinese policy response. Overall, and despite gaps in some areas, the Chinese policies contain some adequate responses; yet, implementation remains a major challenge, as reactions to recent droughts in northern and southern China illustrate.
CCS Policy Briefings are drawn from the published reports and other material produced by the Centre. They aim to highlight specific recommendations and outcomes from the larger reports and present them in a concise, easily consumable format.
Extreme weather events, Climate change, China, Adaption and mitigation, Drought
Esterhuyse, H. 2012. Climate change in China: risks and responses. CCS Policy Briefing - November 2012. Stellenbosch University: Centre for Chinese Studies.