Determination of factors affecting adherence to anti-retroviral therapy in Mitford and Philani clinics

Khewu, Vintwembi Lawrence
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of this quantitative study was to determine factors affecting adherence to anti – retroviral therapy in two medical health centres, Mitford and Philani clinics in the magisterial district of Queenstown and Ntabethemba Administrative area with the aim of making some recommendations to improving adherence to anti – retroviral therapy. The researcher distributed twenty self completion questionnaires per clinic. All questionnaires at Mitford clinic were returned completed as required whereas only seventeen were returned from the Philani clinic. The research study included HIV positive patients receiving anti – retroviral therapy in the respective clinics that are on ART already for 3 – 4 months. Respondents were between the ages of 18 – 55. The study was conducted for a period of 4 months with data collection and analysis conducted within a month. The researcher realises that the numbers were generally very small, more participants could have possibly changed the results of the study. Established results were however significant. The study was able to identify what could be presented as reasons for non – adherence to anti – retroviral therapy. Support to PLWHA and socio – economic issues were determined as primary reasons for non – adherence to ART. A study with more participants (larger samples) in the future could possibly cover the weakness of this particular research study. Participants in the research study could be seen as adherent in the main with only a few cases that did not adhere at times as a result of reasons cited here. The study took long to take off because of the ethical clearance that took long to be issued by the REC. The period that it was meant to take was interfered with as a result of this delay by the REC. The REC clearance had to be followed by clearances from the EC Provincial DOH (Epidemiological Research & Surveillance Unit – Bisho) and the two managements of the two districts had to issue their clearances thereafter. These clearances also took time to be secured. These delays further impacted on the time frame of the study as planned. The study however, managed to achieve the purpose for which it was set to achieve.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie kwantitatiewe studie was om die faktore te identifiseer wat die getroue volging van anti–retrovirale terapie in twee mediese sentrums, beinvloed. Die twee klienike naamlik, Mitford en Philani, uit die Queenstown Distriek en Ntabethemba Administrasie gebied was geidentifiseer. Die studie behoort aanbevelings te maak oor meer affektiewe volgehoue anti – retrovirale terapie. Die navorser het twintig vraelyste, wat deur pasiente self moes voltooi word, by elke kliniek afgelewer. Mitford kliniek het twintig voltooide vraelyste ingehandig. Philani kliniek het slegs 17 voltooide vraelyste ingehandig. Die navorsing het HIV positiewe pasiente wat reeds 3 tot 4 maande die ART ontvang ingesluit. Die ouderdom grens van die pasiente was tussen 18 en 55 jaar. Die navorsings tydperk het oor vier maande gestrek en die data invordering en analisie het oor ‘n maand voltrek. Die navorser het besef dat die teiken groep relatief klein was en dat ‘n groter studie veld wel die resultate kon beinvloed en wysig het. Die navorsing het wel daadwerklike faktore ge–identifiseer wat volgehoue ART negatief beinvloed het. Ondersteuning aan PLWHA en sosio–ekonomiese faktore was aan die voortou as redes waarom pasiente nie deurlopend met anti–retrivirale terapie kon volhou nie. ‘n Toekomstige studie oor ‘n groter veld mag wel die swakpunte van hierdie studie korregeer. Die studie pasiente wat wel aan die volgehoue anti–retrovirale terapie deelgeneem het, het waarskynlik op die dag van hul besoek een van die bogenoemde struikelblokke ervaar. Die studie was onderhewig aan die etiese goedkeuring deur die REC, wat ‘n tyds faktor was. Verdere tyds faktore was die goedkeuring van die Oos Kaapse Provinsiale DOH (Bisho), na die REC. Daarna was die studie onderhewig aan die goedkeuring van die Bestuur in die twee Distrikte ingesluit in die navorsing. Hierdie tyds faktore het wel die studie beinvloed. Buiten hierdie faktore, het die studie wel die resultate waarvoor dit ontwerp was, bereik.
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Dissertations -- Industrial psychology, Theses -- Industrial psychology, Assignments -- Industrial psychology, Patient compliance, Antiretrovirals, HIV infections -- Treatment, HIV infections -- Chemotherapy