An investigation of prevalance and the detection and race identification of South African potato viruses

Roos, Wiets Gideon
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Infection of potatoes by viral pathogens causes reduced crop yield and subsequent economic loss. In South Africa Potato virus Y (PVY) and Potato leafroll virus (PLRV) are the two most destructive viruses infecting potatoes. Several other viral pathogens exist, including Potato virus X (PVX), Potato virus M (PVM), Potato virus A (PVA), Potato virus S (PVS), Potato mop-top virus (PMTV), Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd). Although the aforementioned pathogens are found infecting potatoes around the world, there are no published information pertaining to the prevalence of these viral agents in South Africa. Currently, the occurrence of PLRV infection in potatoes of South Africa has reached epidemic proportions. A previous phylogenetic investigation undertaken in our laboratory of South African PLRV isolates, using coat protein (CP) gene sequences, found large variation between native South African PLRV isolates and most other isolates from elsewhere in the world; with their nearest relatives being single isolates from Australia and North America. In this study the incidence of PVX, PVM, PVA, PVS, PMTV, TSWV and PSTVd was investigated. A large number of potato plant and tuber samples was collected and infected samples were identified with reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) amplification of the CP gene or the whole genome in the case of PSTVd. The amplified nucleic acid segments were sequenced, aligned with international reference sequences and analysed phylogenetically to determine their relative relationships with these reference sequences. The CP genes of PLRV isolates were sequenced and phylogenetically investigated to determine how these new isolates compared relative to the previous findings from our laboratory. In addition, the complete genomes of two PLRV isolates were sequenced and phylogenetically investigated as a preliminary study to investigate the apparent increase of pathogenicity of certain variants of South African PLRV. Results obtained showed that only PVX and PVS were present in the samples collected and the incidences of these viruses were very low (2.0 and 1.1% respectively). The phylogenetic analyses of the CP genes, indicated that the PVX and PVS variants isolated in this study, were part of the dominant types of variants found worldwide. From the analyses of the PLRV CP and whole genome sequences, it was determined that many of the PLRV variants found in South Africa, are genetically distinctly different from those around the world. This warrants further investigation into the increased pathogenicity experienced with South African PLRV.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Infeksie van aartappels deur virale patogene veroorsaak verlaagde opbrengs en gevolglike ekonomiese verlies. In Suid-Afrika is Aartappelvirus Y (PVY) en Aartappelrolblad virus (PLRV) die twee mees vernietigende virusse wat aartappels infekteer. Verskeie ander virale patogene, insluitend Aartappelvirus X (PVX), Aartappelvirus M (PVM), Aartappelvirus A (PVA), Aartappelvirus S (PVS), Aartappel "moptop" virus (PMTV), Kromnekvirus (TSWV) en Aartappel "spindle tuber" viroïed (PSTVd) kom ook wêreldwyd in aartappels voor. Alhoewel hierdie virusse aartappels wêreldwyd besmet, is daar geen gepubliseerde inligting met betrekking tot die voorkoms van hierdie virusse of die viroïed in Suid-Afrika nie. Tans het die voorkoms van PLRV infeksie in aartappels in Suid-Afrika epidemiese proporsies bereik. In 'n vorige filogenetiese ondersoek van die mantelproteïen (MP) nukleotiedvolgordes van Suid Afrikaanse PLRV isolate in ons laboratorium, is groot variasie tussen hierdie inheemse isolate en die meeste ander isolate van elders in die wêreld bevind. Die Suid Afrikaanse PLRV variante betree 'n unieke intermediêre posisie tussen die internasionale isolate en enkele isolate van Australië en Amerika. In hierdie studie is die voorkoms van PVX, PVM, PVA, PVS, PMTV, TSWV en PSTVd ondersoek. Groot aantal aartappelplant en -knol monsters is versamel en infeksie is getoets met tru-transkripsie polimerase kettingreaksie (RT-PCR) amplifisering van die MP geen, of die hele genoom in die geval van PSTVd. Die nukleïensuurvolgordes is bepaal en vergelyk met internasionale verwysingsvolgordes. Die relatiewe verhoudings tussen die bepaalde volgordes en die verwysingsvolgordes is geanaliseer met filogeneties ontledings. Die MP gene van PLRV isolate se volgordes is bepaal en filogeneties ontleed om hierdie nuwe isolate te vergelyk relatief tot vorige bevindinge in ons laboratorium. Die volledige genome van twee PLRV isolate se volgordes is bepaal en filogeneties ontleed as 'n voorlopige studie om die oënskynlike toename in patogenisiteit van Suid-Afrikaanse PLRV te ondersoek. Resultate het getoon dat slegs PVX en PVS teenwoordig was in die monsters wat versamel is en dat die voorkoms van hierdie virusse baie laag was (2.0% en 1.1% onderskeidelik). Die filogenetiese ontleding van die MP gene het aangedui dat die Suid Afrikaanse variante van PVX en PVS, geisoleer in hierdie studie, van die dominante tipes is wat mees gereeld internationaal voorkom. Uit die ontleding van die PLRV MP en heelgenoom volgordes, is vasgestel dat baie van die PLRV variante wat in Suid-Afrika aangetref word, geneties meer verskillend is as die van regoor die wêreld. Dus, regverdig dit, verdere ondersoek van die verhoogde patogenisiteit van Suid Afrikaanse PLRV variante.
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Potatoes -- Diseases and pests, Virus diseases of plants, Dissertations -- Biochemistry, Theses -- Biochemistry