Die bruikbaarheid van Marcia se ego-identiteitstatusmodel in 'n Afrika-konteks

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is no overstatement to say that South African society is in a state of turmoil and transition. Members of the black community experience many changes and challenges most intensely. Such circumstances undoubtedly pose a tremendous challenge to the most mature among us: to deal with it in a constructive way. How much more difficult would it be for young people in their formative years to come to grips with these circumstances? The present study was undertaken with a view to shedding some light on the process of identity development among a sample of male university students (in their first year) in an African context. Erikson's concept of identity formation was used as a frame of orientation for the study. His concept of "identity" should be understood against his theory of psychosocial development, as well as the broad perspective of psychoanalytic ego psychology. James Marcia's operationalization of Erikson 's concept of identity formation, the identity statuses, was used in the study. Marcia's identity statuses represent four ways of dealing with the identity crisis toward the end of the adolescent years. This methodology has stimulated a considerable amount of empirical studies over the past 28 years. It was kept in mind that Marcia's semi-structured interview was developed in a Western cultural setting and applied in a cross-cultural (African) context. The main aim of this study was to determine whether there will be significant differences among Marcia's identity statuses in relation to the variables personality dimensions, anxiety level, intellectual ability and academic performance. This goal also addresses the question of the validity of the construct of ego identity status when Marcia's "Ego Identity Status Interview" is applied in a non-Western cultural setting. A secondary aim of the study was to determine whether the concept of ego identity status, as measured by Marcia's lncomplete Sentences Blank (EI-ISB), will bear any relationship to the variables personality dimensions, level of anxiety, intelligence and academic performance. Other measuring instruments that were used in the study are the High School Personality Questionnaire (used as a measure of personality traits), the IPAT Anxiety Scale, and the Mental Alertness Test of the National lnstitute for Personnel Research's (NIPR) lntermediate Battery. Academic achievement was assessed through the use of the average end of year marks across the three best subjects. A sample of 110 male students, in their first year of study at the University of Fort Hare, was used in the investigation. The most important findings can he summarized as follows: The use of the individual content areas (occupation, religion and politics) of Marcia's semi-structured interview yielded more significant results in comparison to using the interview as a whole (global identity). The following findings were obtained in relation to the specific content areas: Occupational identity: Individuals in the moratorium status (actively grappling with occupational alternatives) displayed a higher degree of group dependence and a preference to he a "joiner" and a sound follower. In contrast to that, foreclosed adolescents (that have arrived at firm occupational commitments without passing through a decision-making period) measured higher on the dimension of self-sufficiency, they preferred their own decisions. and tended to be more resourceful, less intelligent and concrete thinking. Identity diffused individuals (that are uncommitted towards occupational goals) measured higher on emotional stability and ego strength, they were more calm, and faced reality better. The results in relation to the foreclosure and identity diffused statuses were in conflict with the results obtained in Western studies. Religious identity: Adolescents in the moratorium status (in the midst of a crisis period) displayed the following characteristics: doubting, individualistic, obstructive, reflective, internally restrained, unwilling to act, apprehensive. depressive", troubled and guilt prone, yet also more intelligent and abstract thinking. According to the data, foreclosures (adolescents that are committed to religious values without having passed through a crisis period) can he described as placid, confident, serene and untroubled. Adolescents in the identity diffusion status (confused about their religious identity) were more vigorous, zestful, they go with the group more readily, and they are given to action. Political identity: Adolescents in the higher identity statuses (identity achievement and moratorium) gave indications of higher levels of conscientiousness. perseverance, they were more rule-hound and have stronger superego strength. In opposition to this finding, identity diffused individuals (uncommitted to political ideals) were more expedient, they evade rules and feel few obligations, and they have displayed weaker superego strength. Adolescents in the foreclosure status (committed to political ideologies without having made these decisions in a personally meaningful way) measured lower on the index of intelligence, they were more concrete thinking, and they have performed significantly weaker in their academic work. Global identity: Adolescents in the foreclosure status (committed to identity-related goals without having passed through a decision-making period) were less intelligent and indicated higher levels of concrete thinking. A significant positive correlation ws established between ego identity, as measured on the "Ego Identity Incomplete Sentences Blank" (EI-ISB), and academic performance. It would appear from the present study that whereas some of the findings are congruent with findings obtained in Western settings, others are not. It is a valid question to ask whether these conflicting findings do not represent in an African context fundamentally different ways of resolving the identity crisis. More research is needed to answer this question.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Dit is nie om te beweer dat die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing deur 'n tydperk van drastiese verandering ( op die vlakke) en konflik gaan nie. Swart Suid-Atrikaners belewe hierdie konflikte en uitdagings baie intens. Dit is tans dikwels vir selfs die mees geïntegreerde volwasse persoon moeilik om met sy of haar omstandighede te handel. Hoeveel moeiliker sal dit nie vir jongmense in hul vormende jare wees om duidelikheid te verkry om wie hulle is, en waarheen hul met hulle lewe wil gaan nie? Die onderhawige ondersoek is onderneem met die doel om meer lig te werp op die proses van identiteits-vorming onder 'n groep laat-adolessente in 'n Afrika-konteks. Erik Erikson se konstruk "ego-identiteit" is as raamwerk vir die huidige studie gebruik. Die konstruk "ego·identiteit" moet binne die konteks van Erikson se psigososiale teorie van persoonlikheidsontwikkeling verstaan word, asook teen die agtergrond van die ontwikkeling van die psigoanalitiese ego-sielkunde. James Marcia se operasionalisering van Erikson se identiteitskonstrul, naamlik die identiteitstatusse, het die afgelope 28 jaar hoosaaklik in die Westerse wêreld 'n groot aantal ondersoeke oor die tema van identiteitsvorming onder adolessente gestimuleer. Sover vasgestel kon word ,is 'n studie van hierdie aard nog nie in 'n Afrika-situasie onderneem nie. Dit is in gedagte gehou dat Marcia se semi-gestuktureerde onderhoud in 'n Westerse samelewing ontwikkel is en in die huidige studie in 'n Afrika-konteks toegepas is. Die problematiek van die tussenkulturele toepassing van Westerse meetinstrument is in die ondersoek bespreek. Die hoofdoel met die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die moontlike verkskille tussen die ego-identiteitstatusse met betrekking tot enkele intra-persoonlike veranderlikes (persoonlikheid, angspeil, intellektuele vermoë) en akademiese prestasie onder 'n groep eerstejaarmanstudente aan die Universiteit van Fort Hare. Dit gaan dus hier oor die bruikbaarheid van Marcia se semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud in 'n Afrika-konteks. 'n Sekondêre doelstelling met die studie was om ondersoek in te stel na die verband tussen ego-identiteitsontwikkeling, soos gemeet met behulp van Marcia se "Ego Identity Incomplete Sentences Blank", en persoonlikheid, engspeil, intellektuele vermoë en akademiese prestasie. Ten einde die gegewens in te same is Marcia se "Identity Status Interview" gebruik om die identiteitstatus van 110 eerstejaarsmanstudente te bepaal. 'n Tweede meetinstrument, die "Ego Identity Incomplete Sentences Blank (EI-ISB), is ook gebruik om identiteitsontwikkeling mee te meet. Die ander meetinstruent wat in die ondersoek gebruik is, is die junior-Senior Hoërskool Persoonlikheidsvraelys (om persoonlikheid te meet), die IPAT-Aagsskaal (ten einde angsvlak te meet), en die Verstandelike Helderheidstoets van die Nasionale Instituut vir Personeelnavorsing se Intermediêre Battery (om intellektuele vermoë te meet). Die gemiddelde punt vir elke proefpersoon se beste drie vakke aand die einde van die akademiese jaaar is gebruik as aanduiding van akademiese prestasie. Die gegewens is onderwerp aan statistiese analise. Die volgende resultate is verkry: Dit blyk uit die ondersoek dat die gegewens met betrekking tot die besonderhede inhoudsgebiede (beroep, godsdiens en politiek) van Marcia se semi-gestruktureerde onderhoud met meer vrug gebruik kon word as globale identiteitstatus. Die gegewens ten opsigte van die besondere inhoudsgebiede kan soos volg saamgevat word: Beroepsidentiteit: lndiwidue wat aktief besig is om te worstel met beroepsalternatiewe (in die moratoriumstatus) was in 'n groter mate groepafhanklik, en het eerder die leiding van ander gevolg. Daarteenoor, was adolessente in die status van premature identiteitsvorming (wat tot 'n beroepsidentiteit gekom het sonder om deur 'n krisiperiode te gaan) in 'n groter mate selfgenoegsaam, vindingryk en het hul eie besluite geneem. Hulle was egter meer konkreetdenkend en minder intelligent. Identiteitsverwarde adolessente was emosioneel meer stabiel, kalm, en het groter egosterkte geopenbaar. Die bevindings ten opsigte van die statusse van premature identiteitsvorming en identiteisdiffusie is teenstryd met reultate wat in Westerse studies gevind is. Religieuse identiteit: Moratoriumadolessente (wat aktief besig is om te worstel met godsdienstige vrae wat nog nie 'n duidelike identiteit gevorm het nie) het die volgende eienskappe geopenbaar: dwarstrekkerig, indiwidualisties, meer weifelagtig, peinsend, terughoudend, in 'n groter mate neerslagtig en bekommerd, meer intelligent en abstrakdekend. Adolessente in die status van pemature identiteisvorming (wat 'n godsdiensidentiteit gevorm het sonder om selfstandig deur die vraagstukke te werk) was meer kalm, vol selfvertroue, en onbekommerd. Indiwidue in die statud van identiteitsdiffusie (wat hulself nie toegewy het aan godsdienstige ideale nie) was in 'n groter mate lewenskragtig, lewensbly, het meer geredelik met die groep saamgestaan, en het in 'n groter mate handelend opgetree. Politieke identiteit: Adolessente in die hoë identiteitstatusse, dit wil sê wat selfstandig besluit het oor hul politieke standpunte (identiteitsvolwassenheid) en wat aktief besig is om politieke vrae aan te spreek (moratorium) was in 'n meerder mate pligsgetrou, volhardend, reëlgebonde stemming, en het groter superegosterkte openbaar. In teenstelling hiermee was indiwidue in die status van identiteitsverwarring meer opportunisties en minder reëlgebonde. Hulle het hul nie sterk aan verpliginge verbind nie en het minder superegosterkte openbaar. Adolessente in die status van premature identiteitsvorming het aanduidings gegee van laer intelligensie, meer konkrete denke, en hulle het ook akademies beduidend swakker geprestee. Ten opsigte van globale identiteitsvorming, met ander woorde wanneer 'n identiteitstatus vir al drie inhoudsgebiede tesame toegeken word, is bevind dat adolessente in die statud van premature identiteitsvorming anduidings gegee het van laer intelligensie en meer konkrete denke. Daar is 'n beduidende positiewe korrelasie gevind tussen identiteitsontwikkeling, soos gemeet met behulp van die " Ego Identity Incomplete Sentences Blank" (EI-ISB), en akademiese prestasie. Dit blyk uit die huidige ondersoek dat sommige resultate in ooreenstemming is met bevindinge van ondersoeke wat in Westerse samelewings gedoen is. Daar is egter ook aanduidings dat sekere gegewens met betrekking tot die identiteitstatusse, wat in die huidige ondersoek gevind is, in konflik is met bevindinge in Westerse studies. Die vraaag kan met reg gevra word of dit nie, wat sekere aspekte van identiteitsvorming aanbetref, op 'n andersoortige betekenisinhoud dui nie. Verdere navorsing in verband met die aard van identiteitsverwante keuses in die Afrika-konteks is nodig om die resultate van en die interpretasie met betrekking tot die huidige studie deegliker te ondersoek.
Tesis (M.A.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1993.
Marcia, J. E. -- (James E.), Identity (Psychology) -- Testing, Ego (Psychology), Dissertations -- Psychology