Die skoolhoof as fasiliteerder vir organisasie-ontwikkeling

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The nineties can be described as a time of change for South Africa, especially where education is concerned. Changes had come so rapidly and drastically that education had changed radically with no turning back. What is however, very important is whether educators in spite of changes, are able to effectively pursue educational aims and objectives. The challenge to maintain educational goals in altered conditions have specific implications for schools. The competency of the principal to develop the school in order to keep trend with changes and to be able to meet them, depends very much on his skills and knowledge of effectively planned organisation developing methods. The implementation of one particular organisation developing approach might not be of great value. Needs and problems differ from school to school, simultaneously the demands according to appropriate teaching may vary. It would thus not be realistic to concentrate on one approach in order to develop the school. To realize the educational goals of a particular school with its specific educational needs, it is necessary to implement a planned approach to change, which would include all role players. The general idea would be based on the improvement of the organisation. The teaching profession is based on conserving, thus it finds it difficult to adopt to change. It is the duty of the principal to implement and facilitate the process of school improvement on a micro level. If schools want to renew their planning and organisation the principal should be competent and well aware of various approaches to school organisation improvement. He should also be given enough time in order to prepare the school for the renewal that is about to take place. The process of school development is a continuous process. In this process the principal is dependent upon the support of all role players. Through the utilisation of a continuous style of management the principal makes it possible for all role players to participate actively in the development of the school. If the school wants to equip the learners with the appropriate knowledge and skills to meet the demand of a changed and continuously changing world and be able to maintain it, he should be the initiator of the development of the school. If the principal wants his staff to implement a specific code of conduct, he should adopt first and set the example of that specific code of conduct To develop the school in totality, the principal should be the facilitator. By involving all participants actively in the planning and organisation of the school, for example staff involvement in decisionmaking as part of the school culture and the utilisation or an appropriate school development programme, the principal can motivate all role players to contribute productively to the continuous improvement of the school.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die negentigerjare kan vir Suid-Arika, en veral vir die onderwys, beskou word as 'n tydperk van groot veranderinge. Veranderings was so snel en ingrypend dat dit die onderwys onherroeplik verander het. Veranderinge is nie nuut nie. Wat wet van belang is, is of die opvoeders ten spyte van die veranderinge die onderwysdoelstellings doelgerig en effektief kan nastreef. Die uitdaging om die onderwys doelgerig te hou in die veranderde omstandighede, hou bepaalde implikasies vir die skole in. Die bekwaamheid van die skoolhoof om die skool te ontwikkel sodat voldoen kan word aan die eise van verandering sal afhang van sy kennis van beplande organisasie-ontwikkelingsmetodes. Die aanwending van een bepaalde organisasie-ontwikkelings benadering mag egter nie van veel waarde wees nie. Behoeftes en probleme verskil van skool tot skool, asook die eise ten opsigte van toepaslike onderwys. Dit is nie realisties om slegs te konsentreer op een benadering om die skool te ontwikkel nie. Om die onderwysdoelstellings van 'n bepaalde skool met sy bepaalde onderwysbehoeftes te realiseer, is die aanwending van 'n beplande veranderingsbenadering waarby alle rolspelers betrokke is, noodsaaklik. Die uitgangspunt van die beplande veranderingsbenadering is gebaseer op organisasieselfverbetering. Die onderwys is van nature behoudend, daarom pas die onderwys moeilik aan by vernuwing. Dit is die taak van die skoolhoof om die proses van skoolselfverbetering op mikrovlak te fasiliteer. lndien skole selfvernuwend wit raak, behoort die skoolhoof deeglik onderleg te wees in die verskillende organisasieverbeterings-benaderings. Hy behoort ook genoeg tyd gegun te word om die skool gereed te kry vir die vernuwing wat gaan plaasvind. Die proses van skoolontwikkeling is 'n deurlopende proses. In die proses is die skoolhoof afhanklik van die steun van alle rolspelers. Deur die benutting van 'n deurlopende bestuurstyl maak die skoolhoof dit vir die rolspelers moontlik om aktiewe deelname te hê aan skoolontwikkeling. Indien die skool die leerders wil toerus met die nodige kennis en vaardighede wat nodig is om in 'n veranderde en veranderende wêreld te kan aanpas en oorleef, sal die skoolhoof die inisieerder van skoolorganisasie-ontwikkeling moet wees. As fasiliteerder vir skoolorganisasie-ontwikkeling behoort die skoolhoof eers die gedragsvorme wat hy by sy personeel wil bevorder, deel van sy eie te maak. Om die skool in sy totaliteit te ontwikkel, tree die skoolhoof as fasiliteerder op vir skoolorganisasie-ontwikkeling. Deur alle betrokkenes by die skool te betrek, deelnemende besluitneming as deel van die skoolkultuur te bevorder, en 'n geskikte organisasieontwikkelingsprogram te benut, kan die skoolhoof die rolspelers motiveer om produktief by te dra tot die deurlopende verbetering van die skool.
Tesis (M. Ed.) -- Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1997.
School principals, School management and organization, Educational change -- South Africa, Dissertations -- Education, UCTD