Affirmative action at local government level

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This work takes the South African Constitution and compares it to the Constitutions of Australia and Canada. It then reviews the affirmative action laws, with special reference to pertaining to women of those countries. The assumption is made that the Constitution seems to be modelled on the Constitutions of Australia and Canada, especially the discrimination clauses. It follows that the South African ,model will parallel or closely resemble the affirmative action laws of both countries. Subsequently, if these laws are compatible with those of the Cape Town City Council, what plans are envisaged by this Local Authority to improve the position of women within their employ; taking both the incumbent and prospective employees.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie werk behels 'n ondersoek na die verband tussen die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet en die van Australie en Kanada. Daar word ook op die regstellende aksie wette van die twee lande ingegaan - veral die wat op die posisie van die vrou toespits. Daar word aanvaar dat die Tussentydse Grondwet waarskynlik op die grondwette van die twee lande gebaseer is, veral die dele oor diskriminasie, en derhalwe sal ons regstellende aksie wetgewing dieselfde of soortgelyke vorms aanneem as hulle regstellende aksie wetgewing. Daarna word die wette vergelyk met die prestasie van die Kaapse Stadsraad in hierdie verband of watter planne deur die plaaslike owerheid beraam word om die posisie van vroue in sy diens te verbeter, met betrekking tot sowel vorige as huidige werknemers.
Study project (M.P.A.) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1997.
Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- South Africa, Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- Australia, Affirmative action programs -- Law and legislation -- Canada, Local government -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Affirmative action programs -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Women -- Employment -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Women in the civil service -- South Africa -- Cape Town, Dissertations -- Public and development management, UCTD