Fischer-Tropsch ionomeric waxes

Potgieter Hennie (Hendrik Frederick)
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation describes work done on Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes. The waxes are characterized with respect to the method of manufacture, the mechanism of the oxidation process, the saponification, the physical properties, the rheological properties, the morphology and the water absorption of the waxes. Different methods of physical and mechanical analysis are used to prove at which concentration level, for each type of cation tested arid for each type of oxidized and grafted wax prepared, the formation of multiplets and clusters within the Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes takes place. An understanding of multiplet and cluster formation in Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes is essential as these morphological phenomena control the mechanical and physical behaviour of the Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes. The ability to be able to analyse the Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes for multiplet and cluster formation should allow one to predict the physical and mechanical behaviour of the Fischer- Tropsch ionomeric waxes in practical applications.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie skripsie beskryf werk gedoen op Fischer-Tropsch ionomeries wasse. Die wasse is gekarakteriseer ten opsigte van die vervaardigingsmetode, die meganisme van oksidasie, die verseping, hulle fisiese en reologiese eienskappe, hulle morfologie en water absorpsie. Verskillende metodes van fisiese en meganiese analiese is gebruik om te bewys by watter konsentrasie, vir 'n spesifieke katioon en vir 'n spesifieke geoksideerde of entwas, wanneer veelvoud of tros-vorming plaasvind. Die vermoë om te verstaan hoe en wanner veelvoude en trosse in Fischer- Tropsch ionomeries wasse vorm is van kardinale belang, aangesien die fisiese en meganiese eienskappe van die Fischer- Tropsch ionomeries wasse direk beinvloed word deur die vorming van veelvoude en trosse. Die vermoë om Fischer- Tropsch ionemeries wasse te kan analiseer vir veelvoud en tros vorming is voordelig om Fischer- Tropsch ionomeries wasse se meganiese en fisiese eienskappe in praktiese aanwendings te voorspel.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2003.
Fischer-Tropsch process, Waxes, Dissertations -- Polymer science, Theses -- Polymer science