Die eb en vloei van binding en skeiding

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study explores patterns of separation and/or connection in the narratives of the respondent, a female farm worker living and working in the Western Cape, South Africa. The major objective of this qualitative case study is to examine the possible construction, co-existence and interaction of separation-connection themes in the reality of the respondent. Founded within the social constructivist tradition, an approach that assumes reality to be constructed through language and within relationships, a window on the respondent's narrative construction of her reality, relationships and separation-connection processes was obtained. To compliment the explorative nature and social constructionist approach of the study, Grounded Theory and Narrative Analysis were administrated. Through the analysis the two central themes, separation and connection, manifested on two different levels - firstly on a content level (what the participant has to say regarding the themes) and secondly on a process level (what is happening between participant and researcher). Findings provided a preliminary understanding of the techniques the respondent implores to construe a sense of separation and connection. Results confirmed the co-existence of separation-connection themes and indicated a possible interaction between the two constructs. Findings also provided a glimpse on the experiences and impact of the separation-connection process in the idiom of the respondent.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die studie belig patrone van binding en/of skeiding in die narratiewe van die respondent, In vroulike plaaswerker in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika. Dié kwalitatiewe gevallestudie is gerig op In ondersoek van die potensiële konstruksie, naasbestaan en interaksie van binding- en/of skeidingstemas soos wat die respondent dit beleef en verwoord. Deur die fundering van die navorsing in die sosiaal-konstruktivistiese tradisie, In benadering wat glo dat die realiteit in verhoudings via taal gekonstrueer word, is toegang tot die respondent se narratiewe konstruksie van haar realiteit, verhoudings en binding- en/of skeidingstemas verkry. In ooreenstemming met sosiaal-konstruktivistiese aannames, het die data-analise Narratiewe Analise en Grounded Theory metodiek behels. Met behulp van die ontleding het die twee sentrale konsepte, binding en skeiding, op twee vlakke gemanifesteer - eerstens op In inhoudsvlak (dit wat die respondent daaroor vertel) en tweedens op In prosesvlak (dit wat tussen die respondent en die onderhoudvoerder gebeur). Die resultate bied In voorlopige verstaan van die wyses waarop die respondent binding en/of skeiding konstrueer. Bevindings bevestig die naasbestaan van binding- en skeidingstemas en dui op In moontlike interaksie tussen dié twee konstrukte. Die studie verskaf ook In blik op die respondent se ervaring van die konstrukte in haar eie idioom.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.
Interviewing, Separation (Psychology), Discourse analysis, Narrative, Counselor and client -- Bonding, Dissertations -- Psychology, Theses -- Psychology