The consumer advice article in Xhosa as genre-text

Dlepu, Seziwe Everrette
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study investigates text properties of the consumer-advice magazine article in Xhosa within the framework of the genre-based approach to literacy and writing. The view of writing as component of the communication competence component in Grabe and Kaplan's (1996) theory of writing is assumed. It is argued that the analysis of (non-fictional) genres is a core ability in terms of the specifications of Curriculum 2005 for outcomes-based language teaching for writing skills. The term genre as it is used within genre theory refers to a (non-fictional) text which has an identifiable social (or cultural) purpose, an identifiable form (including beginning, middle and end) and specific constrains on the possible deviations allowed in its form. This study will examine seven BONA magazine articles to establish what identifiable generic properties can be attributed to these genretexts. The cognitive move structure of these magazine articles on consumer advice will be analysed to determine whether a typical move structure occurs for this genre. The text-linguistic properties of the various magazine articles will be investigated invoking Grabe and Kaplan's model of text-structure. In particular, properties like pronominal reference conjunctive devices, which contribute to text coherence and cohesion will be considered as well as lexical choices as a reflection of communicative purpose. Finally, the study will briefly address the issue of the significance of the genre-text knowledge underlying writing skills as the relevant kind of knowledge to be developed in terms of the specifications of outcomes-based language teaching in Curriculum 2005. The kind of analytic skills exemplified in the examination of the Xhosa magazine articles are therefore necessitated for accomplishing the outcomes for writing. The nationale for developing such analytic abilities with respect to writing skills is to empower learners to be competent writers in their future career lives.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die teks-struktuur eienskappe van die verbruikers-advies tydskrifartikel in Xhosa binne die raamwerk van die genre-gebaseerde benadering tot geletterdheid en skryfvaardigheid. Die beskouing van skryfvaardigheid as 'n komponent van die kommunikasievaardigheid komponent in Grabe en Kaplan (1996) se teorie van skryfvaardigheid word aanvaar. Daar word geargumenteer dat die analise van nie-fiksie (of nie-literêre) genres 'n kemvermoë is in terme van die spesifikasies van Kurrikulum 2005 vir uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig van skryfvaardigheid. Die terme genre, soos dit gebruik word in genre-teorie verwys na 'n (nie-fiksie) teks met 'n identifiseerbare sosiale, kommunikatiewe of kulturele doelstelling, 'n identifiseerbare vorm (insluitende 'n begin, middel en einde) en spesifieke beperkings rakende die toelaatbare afwykings in vorm. Die studie sal sewe BONA tydskrifartikels ondersoek om te bepaal watter identifiseerbare eienskappe toegeskryf kan word aan hierdié genre-tekste. Die kognitiewe skuif-struktuur van hierdie tydskrifartikels oor verbruikersadvies salontleed word om te bepaal watter tipiese skuif-struktuur voorkom vir hierdie genre. Die teks-linguistiese eienskappe van die verskillende tydskrifartikels salondersoek word deur die model van Grabe en Kaplan te gebruik. In die besonder, eienskappe soos voornaamwoordelike verwysing, voegwoord-meganismes wat bydra tot tekskoherensie en kohesie salondersoek word, asook leksikale (woord) keuses as 'n refleksie van die skrywer se kommunikatiewe doelstelling. Laastens, sal die studie kortliks vraagstukke ondersoek rakende die belang van die genreteks kennis wat onderliggend is aan skryfvaardigheid as die relevante soort kennis wat ontwikkel moet word in terme van die spesifikasies van uitkoms-gebaseerde taalonderrig in Kurrikulum 2005. Die soort analitiese vaardighede wat na vore kom in die ondersoek van die Xhosa tydskrifartikels word genoodsaak ten einde die uitkomste vir skryfvaardigheid te bereik. Die motivering vir die ontwikkeling van sodanige analitiese vermoëns ten opsigte van skryfvaardigheid is om leerders te bemagtig om 'n goeie skryfvaardigheid te hê in hulle toekomstige beroepe.
ISICATSHULWA ISIXHOSA: Esi sifundo sinika sikwabonisa ngokupheleleyo ukuba nabani na obhalayo rnakacacelwe ukuba ubhalela isizwe, ngoko ke rnakabe neenjonge. Makaqiqe akucingisise oko akukhethele ukutyebisela uluntu ngako. Ibonisiwe imigaqo elandelwa ziingcali zaphesheya nezimvo zazo ngobhalo lwesicatshulwa kwaneengxaki abathe bahlangana nazo. Esi sicatshulwa sigxininise kwirnigaqo ernayi landelwe yikharikyularn equlunqwe yalungiselelwa izikolo. Kwikharikyulam kuboniswa ukuba xa kufundiswa ukubhala urnfundi obhalayo, utitshala obhalayo, isikolo, izixhobo zokufundisa kwaneendlela zokufundisa zibaluleke ngokufanayo nangokulinganayo. Kaloku olu hlobo lwesilabhasi lujolise kwiziqhamo. Indlela zokubhala zinikiwe kubekwa umnwe kwindlela apho urnbhali abhalela ukuxela into ethile phofu ezarna ukuqweqwedisela iingqondo zabantu kurnba othile. Iintlobo zokubhaliweyo nazo ziphononongiwe kwaze kwaqononondiswa kuleyo urnntu abhalela ukugqithisa ulwazi ngento ethile. Okubalulekileyo kokokuba lowo ubhalayornakakhethe okunorndla yaye kube serngangathweni. Izicatshulwa ezichongiweyo apha kwesi sifundo zihlonyulwe kwirnagazini yesiXhosa iBona. Zonke zichazwe gabalala phaya kwisahluko sesine, izizicatshulwa ezingeso labathengi. Kweli liso labathengi kucetyiswa kufundiswa abathengi ngeendlela zokuqoqosha ngernpurnelelo njengoko arnaxabiso enyuka umhla nezolo. Incwadi ebhalwe nguGrabe noKaplan isibonisa indlela erna ilandelwe xa ufundisa umntwana ukubhala. Bagxininise kwiiphararnitha: ngubani obhala ntoni, ebhalela bani, enayiphi injongo, ngoba, nini, phi, njani. Ezi phararnitha zisetyenzisiwe ukuphengulula nokuhlalutya ezi ziqwengana zikhethwe kwirnagazini iBona. Esi sifundo sigxininisa kwicala losetyenziso - lwirni kulo rnzekelo. Esi sifundo siphinde saxoxa nzulu ngonxulumano olukhoyo phakathi kwezi ziqwengana zichongwe kwiBona ezingeso labathengi kunye neziqhamo ezisixhenxe ezidweliswe zacaciswa kuxwebhu lwe-OBE (Outcome-based Education) olulungiselelwe izikolo. Olu xwebhu lwe-OBE luzama lusikhanyisela ukuba umntwana xa ebhala isicatshulwa makazicwangcise ngokukuko izimvo zakhe. Ingaba uyakuqonda ekuva na oko kuqulathwe koko akubhalileyo. Umzekelo esiwunikwe ngokaBathia we 'moves' ezisixhenxe athi zinokuchongwa kokubhaliwe yo, nawo usetyenzisiwe ukuxovula isicatshulwa ngasinye. Kolo xovulo kufumaniseke ukuba zintandathu kuphela i'moves' ezichongeka nezifumaneka kwezi zicatshulwa zeBona.
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2000.
Xhosa language -- Grammar, Grammar, Comparative and general -- Indirect discourse, Written communication, Competency-based education -- South Africa