Strategiese beplanning in maatskaplike werk met spesifieke verwysing na die formulering van diensvoorstelle

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aim of the study was to formulate guidelines whereby social work managers can use strategic planning as a management tool especially with regard to the formulation of service proposals or business plans. In order to accomplish this, a literature review was done about social work management within the context of a changing environment, the nature and process of strategic planning, and social work planning and the development of program financing. An empirical research was done to determine the use of strategic planning and to analyse the relationship between the formulation of service proposals and the implementation of strategic planning. The research sample was determined through a selection of welfare organisations which previously formulated a service proposal and who employ two or more top- or middle level managers. This led to six state welfare offices and ten private welfare organisations being included in the study. Self administered questionnaires were distributed to top- and middle management of which 21 of the respondents formed part of a state district welfare office and 19 formed part of a private welfare organisation. The findings are related to the following four aspects: The identified details of social work managers; the application of social work management; the use of strategic planning; and the use of service proposals. The most important findings were that certain social work managers occupy managerial positions without the necessary management training; they do not integrate and implement the components of management as a continuous process; middle management are confused about the application of strategic planning; welfare organisations do, to a greater extent, use and apply strategic planning but there is uncertainty concerning aspects of strategic planning. Furthermore, it was found that social work managers and personnel working for the specific state welfare offices are less optimistic about the formulation of service proposals compared to those working for private welfare organisations. It was also found that social work managers are of the opinion that strategic planning first needs to be applied before service proposals or business plans can be formulated. The literature review and the conclusions influenced the recommendations made concerning managerial training, development of managerial skills, the upgrading and use of planning instruments and the integration of the different planning types namely strategic planning, business planning or service proposals, and operational planning.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie was om riglyne op te stel waarvolgens maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders strategiese beplanning as bestuurshulpmiddel kan benut, veral met betrekking tot die formulering van diensvoorstelle of besigheidsplanne. Ten einde die riglyne op te stel is 'n literatuurstudie gedoen oor maatskaplikewerk-bestuur binne die konteks van 'n veranderde omgewing, die aard en proses van strategiese beplanning, en maatskaplikewerk-beplanning en die ontwikkeling van programfinansiering. 'n Empiriese ondersoek is ook gedoen om die benutting van strategiese beplanning te bepaal en om die verband tussen die formulering van diensvoorstelle en die toepassing van strategiese beplanning te analiseer. Die steekproef is verkry deur 'n doelbewuste seleksie van welsynsinstansies wat voorheen 'n diensvoorstel geformuleer het, en wat twee of meer top of middelvlakbestuurders in diens het. Hiervolgens is ses staatswelsynskantore en tien privaat welsynsorganisasies by die studie betrek. Daar is hoofsaaklik gebruik gemaak van die self geadministreerde vraelys, en is aan top en middelvlak maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders versprei, waarvan 21 respondente indiens is van distrikswelsynskantore verbonde aan die Departement van Maatskaplike Dienste en 19 respondente, vorm deel van die privaat welsynsorganisasies. Die bevindings wat gemaak is hou hoofsaaklik verband met die volgende vier aspekte; Die identifiseerde besonderhede van maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders; die toepassing van maatskaplikewerk-bestuur; die benutting van strategiese beplanning; en die gebruik van diensvoorstelle. Die belangrikste bevindings was: - dat sekere maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders bestuursposisies beklee sonder die nodige bestuursopleiding, dat maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders nie die komponente van bestuur as deel van 'n aaneenlopende proses tot uitvoering bring nie, middelvlakbestuurders verwar is ten opsigte van die toepassing van strategiese beplanning, dat welsynsinstansies tot 'n groot mate wel strategiese beplanning toepas, maar dat daar steeds onsekerheid is ten opsigte van sekere aspekte van strategiese beplanning. Verder is bevind dat maatskaplikewerk-bestuurders en maatskaplikewerk-personeel verbonde aan die staatsdiens minder positief is oor die formulering van diensvoorstelle as diegene werksaam by privaat welsynsorganisasies en dat die formulering van diensvoorstelle of besigheidsplanne voorafgegaan moet word met die toepassing van strategiese beplanning. Op grond van die afleidings en gevolgtrekkings, asook die literatuurstudie is sekere aanbevelings gemaak rakende bestuursopleiding, ontwikkeling van bestuursvaardighede, verbetering van die gebruik van beplanningsinstrumente, en die integrering van die volgende beplanningstipes, naamlik strategiese beplanning, besigheidsplanne of diensvoorstelle en operasionele beplanning.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Social service, Strategic planning, Dissertations -- Social work, Theses -- Social work