A municipal structure for the KOSH area

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African local government is undergoing a critical process of transformation and restructuring. New structures, institutions and systems which are being established change local government to accomplish the developmental objectives of the society, improve service delivery and ensure optimum governance. The study is aimed at investigating and examining the type of municipal structure that has the capacity to achieve the objectives of local government. In this regard, the status quo of municipalities in the KOSH (Klerksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein and Hartebeesfontein) area, a metropolitan municipality without sub-councils and an amalgamated Category B Municipality operating in the area of jurisdiction of Category C Municipality is explored and critically examined. The hypothetical statement namely that the KOSH area requires a restructured, rekindled and revitalised municipal structure and the amalgamation of unviable municipalities into a larger jurisdiction to sustain development, are tested. A review of new structures and systems of local government in South Africa is made. In this regard the legal framework and context of the municipal demarcation process, structures and systems is of paramount importance. A critical analysis of all municipalities in the KOSH area including the Southern District Council in relation to their political and administrative components is made. The background and profile of each town and city in the KOSH area is also given. This encapsulates the historical background of the area, its economy and socio-demographic profile. In the final analysis the study highlights the positive and negative effects of amalgamated municipalities whether Category A or B Municipalities. The study concludes that the KOSH area lends itself to the establishment of an amalgamated Category B Municipality operating within the jurisdiction of a Category C Municipality. The study also concludes that it is possible and viable to de-establish the present separate local authorities and create a viable amalgamated Category B Municipal structure that will improve service delivery and provide optimum governance for the KOSH area. Specific recommendations in respect of the development of the KOSH area are made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid Afrikaanse plaaslike regering ondergaan 'n kritieke proses van transformasie en herstrukturering. Nuwe strukture, instellings en sisteme wat geskep word verander plaaslike regering ten einde die ontwikkelingsoogmerke van die gemeenskap te bereik, dienslewering te verbeter en om optimum regering daar te stel. Die studie is gemik op die ondersoek en ontleding van die soort munisipale strukture wat in staat is om die bogemelde oogmerke te bereik. In hierdie verband, word die status quo van munisipaliteite in die KOSH (Klersksdorp, Orkney, Stilfontein and Hartebeesfontein) gebied, 'n metropolitaanse munisipaliteit sonder sub-rade, en 'n geamalgemeerde kategorie B munisipaliteit wat in die jurisdiksionele gebied van 'n kategorie C munisipaliteite funksioneel ondersoek en krities ontleed. Die hipotese naamlik dat die KOSH gebied 'n gestruktureerde, munisipale struktuur benodig sowel as die amalgamering van nie-lewensvatbare munisipaliteite in 'n groter jurisdiksie om ontwikkeling te handhaaf, word ondersoek. 'n Oorsig word gegee van die nuwe strukture en sisteme van plaaslike regering in Suid Afrika. In hierdie vervand is die regsraamwerk en die konteks van die munisipale afbakeningsproses, strukture en sisteme van kardinale belang. 'n Kritiese ontleding van al die munisipaliteite in die KOSH gebied, insluitende die Suidelike Distriksraad, uitsluitende hul politieke en administratiewe samestelling, is gemaak. Die agtergrond en die profiel van elke dorp en stad in die KOSH gebied work ook weergegee. Dit sluit in die geskiedkundige agtergrond van die gebied, asook die gebied se ekonomie en sosiodemografiese profiel. In die finale ontleding beklemtoon die studie die voor-en nadele van geamalgameerde munisipaliteite, ongeag of hulle kategorie A of B munisipaliteite is. Die studie toon aan dat die KOSH gebied homself leen tot die skepping van 'n ge-amalgameerde kategorie B munisipaliteit wat binne die jurisdiksie van 'n kategorie C munisipaliteit opereer. Die studie het ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik en haalbaar is om die bestaande aparte plaaslike owerhede te hervestig en 'n haalbaar kategorie B munisipale struktuur daar te stel wat dienslewering sal bevorder en optimum regering vir die KOSH gebied daar sal stel. Spesifieke aanbevelings word gemaak met betrekking tot die ontwikkeling van die KOSH gebied.
Thesis (MPA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000.
Local government -- South Africa -- Klerksdorp, Local government -- South Africa -- Orkney, Local government -- South Africa -- Stilfontein, Local government -- South Africa -- Hartebeesfontein, Dissertations -- Public management and planning, Theses -- Public management and planning