Evaluating success of an integrated control programme of Hakea sericea Schrader (Proteaceae) in the Western and Eastern Cape Provinces, South Africa through cartographic analysis

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the most threatening factors to the biodiversity of the Cape Floristic Region is that of invasive alien organisms. A contestant for the most noxious of these fynbos threatening organisms is Hakea sericea. When left to grow uncontrolled, this small Australian tree forms impenetrable stands that out compete the natural vegetation. Due to the threat this plant poses, an extensive and integrated control programme was initiated to reduce its numbers to a level where it can no longer compete successfully with the indigenous flora. This control programme consists of a carefully devised slash and burn method, chemical herbicides and four biological control agents. Little literature surrounding the success of this control programme is available. Two data sets, Fugler (1979) and Protea Atlas Project 2001, recording the distribution and density of the plant at the height of its invasion and twenty two years later are compared to one another using Geographical Information System techniques. Success of control measures is reflected by: (1) a reduction of 340 135 ha in total invaded by H sericea, (2) a reduction in density and (3) shifts in patterns of average rainfall, altitude, slope and aspect of the areas associated with different density categories of this species. These data provide reward for all those involved in the control programme by justifying efforts associated with the control of the invader. Furthermore, the findings of this project also highlight the value of the control programme as well as indicate how future research should be concentrated in order to perfect the programme.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Uitheemse indringerplante is een van die enkele belangrikste faktore wat die Kaapse Fynbos biodiversiteit bedreig. In hierdie geval is Hakea sericea een van die mees kompeterende spesies. Hierdie klein Australie boompie ontwikkel, indien ongekontroleerd gelaat, tot 'n ondeurdringbare digte woud wat natuurlikke plantegroei verdring. Dit is weens hierdie faktor dat ekstensiewe en geintegreerde kontroleringsprogramme ontwikkel is om die getalle van bome na die vlakke te verlaag waar dit geen bedreiging vir inheemse flora sal inhou nie. Die kontroleringsprogramme maak onder andere van chemiese onkruiddoders, vier biologiese beheermiddels, ontbossing en beheerde brande gebruik. Min literatuur is beskikbaar oor die sukses wat verkry word met die programme. Twee datastelle elk van Fugler (1979), bevattende data oor digtheid en verspreiding van die plante 22 jaar tevore en die Protea Atlas Projek (2001) word vergelyk met behulp van Geografiese Inligtingstelsel (GIS) tegnieke. Die sukses van die beheer maatreels word weerspieel in: (1) die totale afname van 531 229 ha to 340 135 ha ingedring deur H. sericea, (2) afname in die digtheid en (3) verskuiwing in die algemene reenval-, hoogte-, helling- en liggingspatrone wat geassosieer word met die verskillende digtheidskatogoriee van die spesie. Die resultate bied regverdiging vir die kontroleringsprogramme van indringerplante. Ook beklemtoon die projek die waarde van kontroleringsprogramme en dui aan waarop toekomstige navorsing moet konsentreer om die programme te vervolmaak.
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Invasive plants -- Integrated control -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Evaluation, Invasive plants -- Integrated control -- South Africa -- Eastern Cape -- Evaluation, Dissertations -- Ecological assessment, Hakea sericea, Theses -- Ecological assessment