On the maximum degree chromatic number of a graph

Nieuwoudt, Isabelle
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Determining the (classical) chromatic number of a graph (i.e. finding the smallest number of colours with which the vertices of a graph may be coloured so that no two adjacent vertices receive the same colour) is a well known combinatorial optimization problem and is widely encountered in scheduling problems. Since the late 1960s the notion of the chromatic number has been generalized in several ways by relaxing the restriction of independence of the colour classes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bepaling van die (klassieke) chromatiese getal van ’n grafiek (naamlik die kleinste aantal kleure waarmee die punte van ’n grafiek gekleur kan word sodat geen twee naasliggende punte dieselfde kleur ontvang nie) is ’n bekende kombinatoriese optimeringsprobleem wat wyd in skeduleringstoepassings te¨egekom word. Sedert die laat 1960s is die definisie van die chromatiese getal op verskeie maniere veralgemeen deur die vereiste van onafhanklikheid van die kleurklasse te verslap.
Graph coloring, Graphic methods, Graphic methods, Graph algorithms, Dissertations -- Applied mathematics, Theses -- Applied mathematics