Improved filler retention by co-flocculation of fines and filler particles.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The retention of filler particles and drainage are important aspects of papermaking. A number of important paper properties depend in the quality and quantity of filler retained in the paper. Fines, fillers and pulp fibres all have a negative charge and are kept apart by electrostatic forces. This causes a decrease in the effectiveness of cationic retention aids thereby causing a high cationic demand. This in turn implies that the retention of fines and filler particles in a formed sheet is not efficient, especially in the presence of anionic trash. In order to improve printability, print quality and dimensional stability, a large percentage of mineral pigments / fillers either in the form of internal loading or external coating should be added. It was found that coflocculation of fines and filler particles resulted in an even distribution of filler particles in the form of miero-flocs and the filler retention was maintained. Opacity was improved without much reduction in paper strength. An increased filler content without coflocculation of fines reduced sheet strength properties. The filler particles interfered with the development of fibre-to-fibre bonds and occupied spaces that otherwise might have contained fibres. This study showed that the most beneficial effect of coflocculation of filler with fines was obtained, with regards to paper strength, opacity, filler retention and printability, when the charge of the fibre furnish was maintained at -0.1 leu with the 0.1% addition of cationic PAM retention aid.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Twee belangrike aspekte van papiervervaardiging is die retensie van vulstowwe en ontwatering. 'n Aantal belangrike papiereienskappe is afhanklik van die hoeveelheid en kwaliteit van vulstowwe wat in papier voorkom. Veselpuin, vulstowwe en pulp-vesels is almal negatief gelaai, gevolglik verseker elektrostatiese kragte dat hierdie deeltjies los van mekaar bly. Laasgenoemde verminder die doeltreffendheid van kationiese retensiemiddels en dit gee aanleiding tot 'n hoë kationiese aanvraag. Die retensie van veselpuin en vulstof deeletjies in papier is gewoonlik nie voldoende in die teenwoordigheid van anioniese afvalkomponente nie. Om aan papier verbeterde drukeienskappe, drukkwaliteit en dimensionele stabiliteit te gee, moet 'n groot persentasie minerale pigmente en/of vulstowwe as 'n interne lading of eksterne bestryking voorsien word. Daar is bevind dat kot1okkulasie van fynstowwe en vulstofdeeltjies, 'n egalige verspreiding van vulstof-partikels as mikro-t1okke tot gevolg het en dat vulstof-retensie op aanvaarbare vlakke behou is. Ook is ondeurskynendheid verbeter sonder 'n beduidende verswakking in die papiersterkte. 'n Toename in vulstofinhoud, sonder kot1okkulasie van fynstowwe, het die papier sterkte-eienskappe verlaag. Vulstofdeeltjies bëinvloed die ontwikkeling van vesel-tot-vesel binding. Hierdie deeltjies beset ruimtes wat andersins deur vesels benut sou word. Hierdie studie het getoon dat die voordeligste effek van kot1okkulasie van vulstowwe met fynstowwe verkry is, ten opsigte van papiersterkte, ondeurskynendheid, vulstof retensie en drukeienskappe, wanneer die lading van die pulpsuspensie by -0.1 leu gehou was met 'n byvoeging van 0.1% kationiese PAM retensie-hulpmiddel.
Thesis (MScFor)--Stellenbosch University, 2005.
Fillers (Materials), Papermaking, Papermaking -- Chemistry, Flocculation