Background subtraction algorithms for a video based system

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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: To reliably classify parts of an image sequence as foreground or background is an important part of many computer vision systems, such as video surveillance, tracking and robotics. It can also be important in applications where bandwidth is the limiting factor, such as video conferencing. Independent foreground motion is an attractive source of information for this task, and with static cameras, background subtraction is a particularly popular type of approach. The idea behind background subtraction is to compare the current image with a reference image of the background, and from there decide on a pixel by pixel basis, what is foreground and what is background by observing the changes in the pixel sequence. The problem is to get the useful reference image, especially when large parts of the background are occluded by moving/stationary foreground objects; i.e. some parts of the background are never seen. In this thesis four algorithms are reviewed that segment an image sequence into foreground and background components with varying degrees of success that can be measured on speed, comparative accuracy and/or memory requirements. These measures can be then effectively used to decide the application scope of the individual algorithms.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Om betroubaar dele van ’n beeld reeks te klassifiseer as voorgrond of agtergrond is ’n belangrike deel van baie rekenaarvisie sisteme, byvoorbeeld video bewaking, volging en robotika. Dit kan ook belangrik wees in toepassings waar bandwydte die beperkende faktor is, byvoorbeeld video konferensie gesprekke. Onafhanklik voorgrond beweging is ’n aantreklike bron van informasie vir hierdie taak, en met statiese kameras, is agtergrond aftrekking ’n populêre benadering. Die idee agter agtergrond aftrekking is om die huidige beeld met ’n naslaan beeld van die agtergrond te vergelyk, en daarvandaan besluit op ’n piksel-na-piksel basis, wat is voorgrond en wat is agtergrond deur die observasies van die veranderinge in die piksel-reeks. Die probleem is om die naslaan beeld te kry om mee te werk, veral wanneer groot dele van die agtergrond onsigbaar bly as gevolg van bewegende of stilstaande voorgrond objekte en sommige dele van die agtergrond word dalk nooit gesien nie. In hierdie tesis word vier algorithms ondersoek wat ’n beeld reeks segmenteer in respektiewe voorgrond en agtergrond komponente met wisselende grade van sukses wat gemeet kan word deur spoed, vergelykbare akkuraatheid en/of geheu gebruik. Hierdie metings kan dan effektief gebruik word om die applikasie veld van die individuele algoritmes the bepaal.
Thesis (MScEng (Mathematical Sciences)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.
Background subtraction, Video based systems, Image sequences, Theses -- Mathematics, Dissertations -- Mathematics, Theses -- Applied mathematics, Dissertations -- Applied mathematics