An assessment of the antecedents of church commitment

Van Tonder, Steven Paul
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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conception of relationship marketing has led to an increased interest in organisations developing long-term relationships with their members or clients. The emphasis has shifted from a transaction-based marketing approach to a relationshipbased marketing approach. This shift has resulted in an increased need for research in the field of relationship marketing in for-profit as well as non-profit organisations. The purpose of this study was to identify and assess the dimensions through which South African churches can manage commitment with their members. These dimensions are regarded as antecedents to commitment and were identified through a literature review. The literature review identified 11 antecedents of church commitment, which were classified into antecedents that are specifically relevant to churches, and those with a broader appeal. Furthermore, churches were classified whether they can be viewed as traditional or non-traditional. An empirical investigation followed the literature review and included a pilot and a comprehensive empirical study among the total student population of Stellenbosch University, as in 2011. After the pilot study was conducted the number of antecedents was reduced to eight, while three antecedents had to be renamed. The final empirical study provided support for two antecedents of church commitment, namely ‘small-groups’ and ‘reliability’. In addition, significant differences were found between traditional and non-traditional churches in respect of the confirmed relationships. Consequently, a framework was developed by which churches can manage commitment with their members. This study makes a valuable contribution to the relationship marketing literature, since no formally published study could be found in which relationship marketing was used to identify the antecedents of church commitment.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die voortbestaan van verhoudingsbemarking het gelei tot 'n toename in organisasies se belangstelling in die ontwikkeling van lang termyn verhoudinge met hulle kliënte en/of lede. Die fokus het gevolglik verskuif vanaf 'n transaksie-gebaseerde benadering tot bemarking, tot 'n meer verhoudings-gebaseerde benadering. Hierdie verskuiwing het gelei tot 'n toenemende belangstelling in, en behoefte aan navorsing op die terrein van verhoudingsbemarking, beide ten opsigte van winssoekende asook nie-winssoekende organisasies. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die dimensies aan die hand waarvan Suid- Afrikaanse kerke hul toewyding (commitment) met hul lidmate kan bestuur, te identifiseer en te assesseer. Hierdie dimensies kan beskou word as boustene (antecedents) van toewyding en is geïdentifiseer deur middel van 'n literatuuroorsig. Die literatuuroorsig het 11 boustene van kerk-toewyding geïdentifiseer, wat geklassifiseer is volgens daardie boustene wat spesifiek relevant tot kerke is, en daardie boustene met 'n wyer aantrekking. Voorts is kerke geklassifiseer ten opsigte van of hulle as tradisioneel of nie-tradisioneel beskou kan word. Die literatuuroorsig is gevolg deur die empiriese studie, wat uit twee komponente bestaan het: 'n voorafstudie (pilot study), gevolg deur die hoof empiriese studie onder die totale studente-populasie van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch, soos in 2011. Op grond van die resultate van die voorafstudie is die aantal boustene verminder tot agt, terwyl drie boustene herbenoem moes word. Die finale empiriese studie het ondersteuning gebied vir twee boustene van toewyding, naamlik ‘klein-groepies’ (small-groups) en ‘betroubaarheid’ (reliability). Verder is beduidende verskille gevind tussen tradisionele en nie-tradisionele kerke ten opsigte van die verhoudinge wat as beduidend bevind is. 'n Raamwerk is gevolglik ontwikkel waarvolgens kerke hul toewyding met hul lidmate kan bestuur. Hierdie studie maak 'n waardevolle bydrae tot die literatuur van verhoudingsbemarking, aangesien geen soortgelyke formele gepubliseerde studie gevind kon word waarin verhoudingsbemarking gebruik is om die boustene van kerktoewyding te identifiseer nie.
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2011.
Relationship marketing, Commitment to the church, Antecedents, Dissertations -- Business management, Theses -- Business management