An assessment of the required competencies for the senior management service in the South African public service

Rossouw, A. (Andre)
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Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A major challenge facing the South African government is the acceleration of service delivery improvement to ensure a better life for all South Africans. The White Paper on the Transformation of the Public Service (South Africa, 1995) has as its objective “empowering, challenging and motivating managers at all levels to be leaders, visionaries, initiators and effective communicators and decision-makers, capable of responding pro-actively to the challenges of the change process, rather than acting as the administrators of fixed rules and procedures.” The White Paper also proposes that new and more participative organisational structures, new organisational cultures, learning organisations, and techniques for managing change and diversity be developed. A new Performance Management and Development System (PMDS) for the Senior Management Service (SMS) has been created, which has as its basis performance management and development as an approach. It consists of a standardised set of competencies, to be used as basis for performance appraisal. As it is expected of SMS members to manage and lead their respective institutions to meet the stated objectives, the Core Management Criteria (CMCs) will have to assist the development of competencies in SMS members to capacitate them to meet the stated objectives and to lead their organisations to change that will assist service delivery. The question, therefore, arises whether the CMCs will develop SMS members to lead their organisations to change. The aim of this research will be to determine whether the competencies used in the PMDS are also focused on leadership and organisational development issues needed in a developmental situation to enable SMS members to lead their organisations, rather than merely acting as the administrators of fixed rules and procedures. The research is divided into distinct phases. The first entails exploring the meaning of competence and the conceptual structure of competencies to be able to analyse the CMCs. This is followed by an analysis of managerial versus leadership competencies in general to provide a theoretical context for an analysis of the CMCs in terms of management or leadership focus. In the next phase the CMCs as competencies used in the PMDS are also analysed and discussed, after which a comparative analysis is undertaken, with competencies used in notable international examples to provide context. In the final phase the CMCs as competencies are analysed in terms of management or leadership focus and focus on organisation development. The research showed that the appraisal system used for the SMS members in terms of the PMDS could lead to a manipulation of the appraisal system whereby SMS members could “influence” the system to their own benefit. The research also showed that there are definite personally oriented competencies absent from the PMDS, whereas they are present in the international examples. The research also showed that certain competencies supporting leadership roles are strengthened by the international systems, whereas these are absent from the PMDS and therefore not strengthened. The research further showed that these leadership roles that are not strengthened by the PMDS, but are included in the international systems, also coincide with the leadership roles that are not strengthened from a theoretical perspective. The research concludes that the CMCs used in the PMDS would probably not support SMS members to develop competencies that are oriented towards leadership and organisation development to enable them to really change their organisation to adapt.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die groot uitdaging wat die Suid-Afrikaanse regering tans in die gesig staar, is versnelde verbetering van dienslewering om ‘n beter lewe vir alle Suid Afrikaners te verseker. Een van die doelwitte van die Witskrif op die Transformasie van die Staatsdiens (1995), is die bemagtiging, uitdaging en motivering van bestuurders op alle vlakke om versiende leiers, inisieerders en effektiewe kommunikeerders en besluitnemers te wees, instaat om pro-aktief te reageer op die uitdagings van die proses van verandering, eerder as om bloot die administrators van reëls en voorskrifte te wees. Die Witskrif stel ook voor dat nuwe en meer deelnemende organisatoriese strukture ontwikkel word, ‘n nuwe organisasie-kultuur geskep word en dat organisasies voortdurend by verandering en diversiteit sal aanpas. ‘n Nuwe prestasiebestuur en –onwikkelingstelsel is gevolglik vir die Senior Bestuurskader ontwikkel. Die stelsel bestaan uit ‘n gestandaardiseerde stel Kern Besuurskriteria wat as basis vir prestasie-evaluering gebruik word. Aangesien dit van Bestuurders verwag word om hul onderskeie komponente te bestuur en die leiding te neem om gestelde doelwitte te bereik, moet die stelsel vaardighede in die Bestuurders ontwikkel wat hulle instaat sal stel om wel die doelwitte te bereik en om leiding te neem om hul organisasies te transformeer om verbeterde dienslewering te bewerkstellig. Die vraag ontstaan egter of die gestelde Kern Bestuurskriteria wel leierskapsvaardighede sal ontwikkel, wat Bestuurders sal benodig om die leiding te neem ten opsigte van verandering. Die doel van die navorsing is om vas te stel of die Bestuurskriteria wat in die prestasiebestuur en – onwikkelingstelsel gebruik word, ook gefokus is op leierskap- en organisasie-ontwikkelingsvaardighede, wat bestuurders sal benodig om leiding te neem, teenoor bestuurders wat slegs optree as administrateurs van reëls en voorskrifte. Die eerste gedeelte van die navorsing analiseer die betekenis van vaardigheid en die konsepsuele struktuur van vaardighede, ten einde die Kern Bestuurskriteria te ontleed. Hierna volg ‘n ontleding van bestuurs- en leierskapsvaardighede in die algemeen, om die teoretiese konteks vir die ontleding van die Kern Bestuurskriteria in terme van fokus op bestuur en leierskap te verleen. In die volgende fase, word die Kern Bestuurskriteria wat as vaardighede in die Suid-Afrikaanse bestuurstelsel gebruik word, ontleed en bespreek. Hierna word ‘n vergelykende analise gedoen met vaardighede wat in geseleketeerde internasionale stelsels gebruik word, om verdere konteks te verleen. Die Kern Bestuurskriteria word daarna ontleed in terme van fokus op bestuur of leierskap, en ook organisasie-ontwikkeling. Die navorsing het bevind dat die evalueringstelsel vir die bestuurskader moontlik deur bestuurders gemanipuleer kan word om hulself te bevoordeel. Die navorsing het verder getoon dat definitiewe vaardighede wat op die persoon self gemik is, ontbreek, terwyl dit wel in die internasionale voorbeelde teenwoordig is. Die navorsing het verder bevind dat die internasionale voorbeelde wel sekere vaardighede leierskapsrolle ontwikkel en versterk, terwyl dit afwesig is in die Suid Afrikaanse stelsel. Die navorsing het verder bevind dat die leierskapsrolle wat nie deur die Suid Afrikaanse stelsel versterk word nie, maar wel deel vorm van die internasionale voorbeelde, ooreenstem met die leierskapsrolle uit ‘n teroretiese oogpunt, wat nie deur die Suid Afrikaanse stelsel versterk word nie. Die navorsing bevind finaal dat die Kern Bestuurskriteria waarskynlik nie die nodige leierskaps- en organisasie-ontwikkelingsvaardighede in bestuurders sal ontwikkel nie, wat wel nodig sal wees om organisasies te verander.
Thesis (MPA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004.
Performance -- Management, Performance standards, Organizational change, Organizational effectiveness, Theses -- Public management and planning, Dissertations -- Public management and planning