Utilisation of landscape features for overwintering by grassland epigaeic arthropods in timber plantation conservation corridors

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Although plantation timber is an important crop for the South African economy, providing many jobs to low-income communities, it does come at a high environmental cost. The loss of biodiversity through the establishment of timber plantations is particularly high in the grassland biome of South Africa. In these areas conservation intervention is required to minimise the further loss of biodiversity. In response the creation of ecological networks in the form of conservation corridors were established to improve connectivity and habitat availability, while allowing timber production to continue. While numerous studies have focussed on the importance of various landscape features and the optimal corridor parameters, few studies have looked at the importance of landscape features regarding the overwintering survival strategies of arthropods. The main aim of this study was to identify which small and large landscape elements was important for epigaeic arthropods to survive in grasslands during the harsh winter conditions of the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands. This was done in grassland corridors embedded within a pine plantation landscape. Directional movement of epigaeic arthropods was studied to identify a directional bias toward refuges in winter and toward open grasslands in summer. This study used directional pitfall traps to collect five focal taxa (Araneae, Coleoptera, Mypiapoda, Opiliones and Formicidae) at small features (porcupine holes, rocky outcrops and streams) and large features (woodlands, pine plantations and wetlands) during winter and summer. Of the small features, porcupine holes indicated the highest refuge potential due to their high species richness and abundance. Porcupine holes offer arthropods stable temperatures and are sheltered from potential grassland burns. Rocky outcrops and streams also were potential refuges. There was no indication of directional movement of arthropods most likely due to this response happening over a longer period than the sampling lasted. Large features show that wetlands are important for recolonizing strategies, while pine plantations promote certain species year-round. Woodland edges had fluctuations similar to open grassland since it is subject to similar dry conditions during winter. Directional movement only became important when the five taxonomic groups were studied individually. Beetles showed a directional trend away from wetlands in winter. Many beetle species require high moisture areas, yet the ecological plasticity of some species can allow them to venture into the dry open grasslands. Spiders had more species and abundance in traps facing the open grasslands, likely due to hunting activities. Epigaeic arthropod diversity persistence depends on incorporating various landscape features within conservation corridors. These features promote heterogeneity, which translates to an increased level of biodiversity through the higher number of niches provided. The necessity of refuges for arthropods is not often considered and here the winter sampling highlighted the need to identify refuges during periods of highest environmental stress. For ecological networks to continuously protect arthropod diversity over time, it is vital that a variety of features be included to provide overwintering opportunities for all species.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel houtplantasies ongelooflik belangrik is vir die Suid-Afrikaanse ekonomie en werk skep vir baie gemeenskappe, is daar hoë omgewingsnadele daaraan gebonde. Die nadeel wat gepaard gaan met hierdie voordele is die verlies aan biodiversiteit weens die groot hoeveelhede grond wat benodig word vir monokultuur houtplantasies. Houtplantasies in die grasveld bioom van Suid-Afrika is baie suksesvol, alhoewel bewaringintervensie benodig word om verdere verlies aan biodiversiteit te voorkom. Die implementering van ekosisteem netwerke in die vorm van bewaringstroke word geїmplimenteer vir hierdie doel en is tot dusver suksesvol in die poging om konnektiwiteit en habitat beskikbaarheid to bevorder, terwyl volgehoue houtproduksie voortgaan. Vorige studies het gefokus op die belangrikheid van verskeie landskap elemente en die optimale bewaringstrook eienskappe, terwyl beperkte inligting beskikbaar is oor die belangrikheid van landskap eienskappe, spesifiek met ʼn oog op die oorlewingstrategieë van grondlewende geleedpotiges oor winter. Die hoof doelwit van die studie was om te identifiseer watter klein en groot landskap elemente belangrik is vir grondlewende geleedpotiges om die ongunstige wintersomstandighede van die KwaZulu-Natal Middellande in ʼn denneplantasie konteks te oorleef. Bewegingsrigting van grondlewende geleedpotiges is ook bestudeer in ʼn poging om vas te stel of daar ʼn beweging na toevlugareas is in die winter en of daar ʼn beweging na oop grasvelde is in die somer. Hierdie studie het gebruik gemaak van rigting- slaggatlokvalle om vyf taksonomiese groepe (Araneae, Coleopter, Mypiapoda, Opiliones and Formicidae) by klein landskap elemente (ystervarkgate, klipperige areas en strome) asook groot landskap elemente (inheemse woude, denneplantasie and vleilande) gedurende winter en somer te versamel. Wat klein landskap eienskappe aanbetref, het ystervarkgate die hoogste toevlug potensiaal aangedui gebasseer op spesie rykheid en getalle. Ystervarkgate bied geleedpotiges temperatuur stabiliteit en toevlug van potensiële grasveldbrande. Klipperige areas het ook toevlug potensiaal aangedui saam met strome, alhowel tot ʼn mindere mate as ystervarkgate. Daar was geen duidelike indikasie van bewegingsrigting aangesien die beweging van grondlewende geleedpotiges gebeur oor ʼn langer tyd as wat die monsterneming-tydperk was. Groot landskap elemente het aangedui dat vleilande die belangrikste is vir ʼn herkolonisering- strategie, terwyl denneplantasies spesifieke spesies bevorder deur die loop van die jaar. Inheemse woudrande het fluktuasies aangedui in terme van grondlewende geleedpotiges se getalle, soortgelyk aan die oop grasveld, aangesien dit net soos grasvelde ook blootgestel word aan droë toestande. Bewegingsrigting het slegs van toepassing geraak as die taksonomiese groepe individueel bestudeer word. Kewers het ʼn bewegingsrigting weg van vleilande in winter aangedui. Baie Coleopera spesies benodig vogtige omstandighede, terwyl die ekologiese plastisiteit van sommige spesies dit toelaat dat hulle in grasvelde in beweeg tydens winter. Araneae het ʼn bewegingsrigting na grasvelde aangedui, alhoewel dit weens jaggedrag is. Grondlewende geleedpotiges se voortlewende diversiteit hang van die beskerming van verskeie landskap elemente af wat deel vorm van bewaringstroke. Hierdie elemente bevorder heterogeniteit, wat op sy beurt lei tot ʼn toename in biodiversiteit. Die behoefte van grondlewende geleedpotiges vir landskap elemente as toevlug word nie gereeld in ag geneem nie, maar in hierdie studie word daardie behoefte beklomtoon, veral tydens die ongustige winters omstandighede. Vir ekologiese netwerke om oor tyd grondlewende geleedpotiges se diversiteit te beskerm, is dit krities belangrik dat ʼn verskeidenheid landskap elemente ingesluit word sodat winter oorlewingstrategieë van alle spesies akkommodeer word.
Thesis (MScConsEcol)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Conservation -- Ecology, Grasslands -- Effect of temperature on, Grasslands -- Environmental aspects, Grassland ecology -- Climatic factors -- South Africa, Grasslands -- South Africa -- KwaZulu-Natal, Epigaeic arthropods -- Community, Timber plantation -- Conservation, UCTD