A comparative study of the influence of state funding on shelter resources in the Western Cape and its perceived effectiveness.

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The researcher nominated to apply an exploratory research design, descriptive in nature, that utilised a mixed-method approach to gather information that delivered insight and knowledge regarding how state funding influences resource and service provision in shelters for abused women. This study was motivated by the under-researched nature of how state funding regulates resource and service provision in shelters for abused women and whether these regulations have an effect on the quality of the resources and services provided. The goal of this study was to achieve a greater understanding of how state funding influences resource and service provision in state funded shelter by comparing the interventions offered in a state funded shelter to that of a non-state funded shelter to enable women a safe exit. One state funded shelter and one non-state funded shelter was approached to gain access to the two population groups necessary to conduct the research. The first population being the staff members at the shelter in charge of funding acquisition and resource and service provision, and the second population being the women survivors of IPV that utilised the resources and services provided in the shelters. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews in the qualitative sample and a structured questionnaire in the quantitative sample. The results achieved by this study indicated that state funding does influence how state funded shelters provide resources and services to women survivors of IPV however, this influence was not meaningful in terms of the quality of services provided, when compared to the resource and service provision achieved by a non-state funded shelter in the same province. State regulations were at times detrimental to the success achieved by women survivors of IPV regarding their ability to create a better life free from abuse. The limitation placed upon a woman’s permitted duration of stay at the state funded shelter and the state funded shelter not having enough time or resources to secure suitable housing or adequate employment for their clients before they had to exit the shelter, were regarded as hindrances to a woman’s ability to creating a better life. The non-state funded shelter had a longer and more flexible permitted duration of stay, which allowed their clients the time to find suitable housing and adequate employment before exiting the shelter. The recommendations made to the South African government was to reconsider the timeframe placed upon the permitted duration of stay at state funded shelters, as well as restructuring the VEP to include multiple government departments in the empowerment of women survivors of IPV. The researcher also recommended that future studies determine whether the findings of this study can be generalised, as well as whether the VEP could be a multi-departmental undertaking regarding the current housing and employment legislation being implemented.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorser het gekies om 'n verkennende en beskrywende navorsingsontwerp toe te pas, wat 'n gemengde-metode-benadering gebruik het om inligting in te samel wat insig en kundighed verskaf het oor hoe staatsbefondsing hulpbron- en diensverskaffing in skuilings vir mishandelde vroue beïnvloed. Hierdie studie is gemotiveer deur minimale omvang van inligting oor hoe staatsbefondsing hulpbron- en diensverskaffing in skuilings vir mishandelde vroue reguleer en of hierdie regulasies 'n invloed het op die kwaliteit van die hulpbronne en dienste het wat verskaf word. Die doel van hierdie studie was om 'n groter begrip te verkry van hoe staatsbefondsing hulpbron- en diensverskaffing in ‘n staatsbefondsde skuiling beinvloed, deur die regulasies wat gebruik word in 'n staatsbefondsde skuiling te vergelyk met die van 'n nie-staatsbefondsde skuiling. Een staatsbefondsde skuiling en een nie-staatsbefondsde skuiling is genader om toegang te verkry tot die twee bevolkingsgroepe wat nodig was om die navorsing uit te voer. Die eerste populasie was die personeellede by die skuiling wat verantwoordelik is vir die verkryging van befondsing en hulpbron- en diensverskaffing, en die tweede populasie was die vroue-oorlewendes van IMG wat die hulpbronne en dienste wat in die skuilings verskaf word, benut het. Data was ingesamel deur middel van semi- gestruktureerde onderhoude in die kwalitatiewe steekproef en 'n gestruktureerde vraelys in die kwantitatiewe steekproef. Die resultate wat deur hierdie studie behaal het, het aangedui dat staatsbefondsing wel 'n invloed het op hoe staatsbefondsde skuilings hulpbronne en dienste verskaf aan vroue- oorlewendes van IMG, maar hierdie invloed was nie betekenisvol met betrekking tot die kwaliteit van hulpbron en diensverskaffing in vergelyking met die hulpbron- en diensverskaffing wat bereik is deur 'n nie-staatsbefondsde skuiling in dieselfde provinsie nie. Staatsregulasies was soms nadelig vir die sukses wat behaal was deur vroue- oorlewendes van IMG met betrekking tot hul vermoe om veiliger toekomstige lewensstrategiee vry van misbruik te skep. Dit was as gevolg van die beperking wat geplaas is op 'n vrou se toegelate duur van verblyf by die staatsbefondsde skuiling en ook die staatsbefondsde skuiling het nie genoeg tyd of hulpbronne gehad om geskikte behuising of voldoende werk vir hul kliente te verseker voordat hulle die skuiling moes verlaat nie. Die nie-staatsbefondsde skuiling het 'n langer en meer buigsame toegelate duur van verblyf gehad, wat hul kliente die tyd gegee het om geskikte behuising en voldoende werk te vind voordat hulle die skuiling verlaat. Die aanbevelings wat aan die Suid-Afrikaanse regering gemaak is, is om die tydraamwerk wat op die toegelate duur van verblyf by staatsbefondsde skuilings geplaas word, te heroorweeg, asook om die Slagofferbemagtigingsprogram te herstruktureer om verskeie staatsdepartemente in te sluit in die bemagtiging van vroue-oorlewendes van IMG. Die navorser het ook aanbeveel dat toekomstige studies bepaal of die bevindinge van hierdie studie veralgemeen kan word, asook of die Slagofferbemagtigingsprogram 'n multi-departementele onderneming kan wees rakende die huidige behuisings- en indiensnemingswetgewer wat geïmplementeer word.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Intimate partner violence -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Women, Women's shelters -- South Africa -- Western Cape -- Finance, Abused women -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Abused women -- Services for -- South Africa -- Western Cape, Women's shelters -- South Africa -- Western Cape, UCTD