A missional-theological response to environmental crisis in Malawi

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The title of this study is A missional theological response to environmental crisis in Malawi. The title considers the contextual nature of the term mission and the need to understand the position of the church given the theologies of the other faiths in its context as they all seek to respond to ecological degradation and crises. The title generalizes mission as the activity of God intended to save all the people and the universe. Thus, the adjectival term missional is not limited to the church alone. To the contrary, Warneck argues the church alone has a mission because it has Christ. While Hoekendijk opposes Warneck and declares the church is only a cog in the wheel that drives mission. Bosch asserts that the church is only the servant under the Cross of Jesus in God’s plan for salvation for people and all creation. Thus, a successful missional theological response to environmental crisis should consider adopting a multidisciplinary, multisectoral and multidimensional approach. The study aims to uncover gaps in the churches’ practice and actions towards environmental care in Malawi. It seeks to recommend how a missional theological response could assist in filling such gaps in the challenges of environmental degradation and crisis. The study argues that a missional theological response of the church, embedded in missio Dei (Stewardship, Diakonia, Koinonia), can influence church Martyria (witness), stewardship evangelism, and ensure full participation of all stakeholders in Earth keeping. The study follows volatile weather conditions, global warming, and prevalent climate change events in Malawi. Although churches have always responded strongly to the socio-political, progress, and development issues in Malawi as a dimension of their mission for many decades, sources in the public domain show no significant church contribution to the challenge of environmental degradation. The study investigates factors influencing the church’s response and involvement in the environmental crisis. The study queries: What is the missional theological church response to the challenge of the crisis in Malawi? Have the churches been part of the solution or the problem? What resources do the churches have to respond to the crisis? To what extent do the mainline churches consider environmental care and therefore have a missional policy, theology, dogma, doctrine, or budget for the environment? How do the mainline churches see the link between mission and environment? The study’s objectives include defining concepts related to environmental degradation and Earth keeping in Malawi. To explore and outline the main issues associated with the crisis in Malawi. The study investigates the causes of the current environmental conditions and their impact on society. The study examines the apparent responses of the churches to the crisis in Malawi. Finally, the study engages with the research findings, concludes, and makes a recommendation in light of the environment in Malawi. The study uses Bosch’s concept of missio Dei as the main framework, and Guder’s concept of missional expands the discussion to explain the churches’ contextual concerns in society. The study uses a mixed-method which is sometimes known as methodological triangulation. The actual methods triangulated are self-administered interviews, discussion groups, participant observation, and participant participation. The data collected was manually processed using themes and codes to obtain a numerical picture of the research. There were some challenges the study encountered as limitations, most of which are associated with finances and research funding, time management due to Covid-19 and its related effects. Another challenge regards terminologies on the terms mission and missional. Both terms were understood and used in the context of the Chichewa concept of “Utumiki” (serviceability or servanthood). Therefore, both terms are engaged in the contexts like; “Utmimiki in “Koinonia,” “Utumiki in Martyria,” “Utumiki in Leitourgia, Utumiki in Evangelism,” and “Utumiki in Stewardship.” The study covering seven chapters intends to fill the gap in the literature, particularly concerning contextual faith action and practice (missional) as a successful response to the challenge of environmental crisis. This study enables a sustainable ecclesiastically coordinated contextual faith in ecological care and crisis management. All stakeholders are thus, gathered by the church to identify and address challenges brought by warming, climate change, biodiversity degradation and together improvise for the common goals and actions to their environment. The study outcome indicates the potential of the church to reverse ecological and biodiversity challenges. While it could bring all stakeholders together, the church faces internal conflicts, political and geopolitical influence, institutionalism, identity, power, and authority. The church in Malawi is therefore not entirely missional. Nevertheless, the church’s position in society provides opportunities for a collaborative response to contextual challenges. The church is trusted and is the last hope for Malawi society to deliver a successful missional theological response to the challenges of the environmental crisis for a sustainable life and livelihood of the Earth and all that dwells on it. Until the church in Malawi is fully missional theological, the ecological crisis will continue to remain a challenge for society. The church should engage a multisectoral, interdisciplinary, and multidimensional approach to contextual issues. The study presents the (TAP) to ensure a balanced missional theological response. The TAP explains how the church could bring all stakeholders to address challenges in the ecological system.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die titel van hierdie studie is A missional theological response to environmental crisis in Malawi. Die titel oorweeg die kontekstuele aard van die term sending en die behoefte om die posisie van die kerk te verstaan gegewe die teologieë van die ander gelowe in sy konteks, aangesien hulle almal poog om te reageer op ekologiese agteruitgang en krisisse. Die titel veralgemeen sending as die aktiwiteit van God wat bedoel is om al die mense en die heelal te red. Die adjektiewe term missionaal is dus nie tot die kerk alleen beperk nie. Inteendeel, Warneck voer aan die kerk alleen het 'n missie omdat dit Christus het. Terwyl Hoekendijk Warneck teëstaan en verklaar die kerk is net 'n rat aan die wiel wat sending aandryf. Bosch beweer dat die kerk slegs die dienaar onder die Kruis van Jesus is in God se plan vir redding vir mense en die hele skepping. Dus, 'n suksesvolle missionale teologiese reaksie op omgewingskrisis moet dit oorweeg om 'n multidissiplinêre, multisektorale en multidimensionele benadering aan te neem. Die studie het ten doel om gapings in die kerke se praktyk en optrede ten opsigte van omgewingsorg in Malawi te ontbloot. Dit poog om aan te beveel hoe 'n missionale teologiese reaksie kan help om sulke leemtes in die uitdagings van omgewingsagteruitgang en krisis te vul. Die studie voer aan dat 'n missionale teologiese reaksie van die kerk, ingebed in missio Dei (Rentmeesterskap, Diakonia, Koinonia), kerk Martyria (getuienis), rentmeesterskap evangelisasie kan beïnvloed, en volle deelname van alle belanghebbendes in aardbewaring kan verseker. Die studie volg wisselvallige weerstoestande, aardverwarming en klimaatsverandering. Alhoewel kerke vir baie dekades nog altyd sterk gereageer het op die sosio-politieke, vooruitgang en ontwikkelingskwessies in Malawi as 'n dimensie van hul missie, toon bronne in die publieke domein geen noemenswaardige kerklike bydrae tot die uitdaging van omgewingsagteruitgang nie. Die studie ondersoek faktore wat die kerk se reaksie en betrokkenheid by die omgewingskrisis beïnvloed. Die studie vra: Wat is die missionale teologiese kerk se reaksie op die uitdaging van die krisis in Malawi? Was die kerke deel van die oplossing of die probleem? Watter hulpbronne het die kerke om op die krisis te reageer? In watter mate beskou die hooflynkerke omgewingsorg en het daarom 'n missionale beleid, teologie, dogma, leerstelling of begroting vir die omgewing? Hoe sien die hooflynkerke die verband tussen sending en omgewing? Die studie se doelwitte sluit in die definisie van konsepte wat verband hou met omgewingsagteruitgang en aardbewaring in Malawi. Om die hoofkwessies wat met die krisis in Malawi geassosieer word, te verken en uiteen te sit. Die studie ondersoek die oorsake van die huidige omgewingstoestande en hul impak op die samelewing. Die studie ondersoek die oënskynlike reaksies van die kerke op die krisis in Malawi. Laastens, die studie betrek die navorsingsbevindinge, sluit af en maak 'n aanbeveling in die lig van die omgewing in Malawi. Die studie gebruik Bosch se konsep van missio Dei as die hoofraamwerk, en Guder se konsep van missionaal brei die bespreking uit om die kerke se kontekstuele bekommernisse in die samelewing te verduidelik. Die studie gebruik 'n gemengde metode wat soms as metodologiese triangulasie bekend staan. Die werklike metodes wat getrianguleer word, is selfgeadministreerde onderhoude, besprekingsgroepe, deelnemerwaarneming en deelnemerdeelname. Die data wat ingesamel is, is met die hand verwerk deur temas en kodes te gebruik om 'n numeriese beeld van die navorsing te verkry. Daar was 'n paar uitdagings wat die studie teëgekom het as beperkings, waarvan die meeste verband hou met finansies en navorsingsbefondsing, tydsbestuur as gevolg van Covid-19 en die verwante uitwerking daarvan. Nog 'n uitdaging is terminologieë oor die terme missie en missionaal. Beide terme is verstaan en gebruik in die konteks van die Chichewa-konsep van "Utumiki" (diensbaarheid of diensbaarheid). Daarom is beide terme betrokke by die kontekste soos; "Utmimiki in "Koinonia," "Utumiki in Martiria," "Utumiki in Leitourgia, Utumiki in Evangelisasie," en "Utumiki in Rentmeesterskap." Die studie wat sewe hoofstukke dek, het ten doel om die leemte in die literatuur te vul, veral rakende kontekstuele geloofsaksie en praktyk (missionaal) as 'n suksesvolle reaksie op die uitdaging van omgewingskrisis. Hierdie studie maak 'n volhoubare kerklik gekoördineerde kontekstuele geloof in ekologiese sorg en krisisbestuur moontlik. Alle belanghebbendes word dus deur die kerk bymekaargemaak om uitdagings te identifiseer en aan te spreek wat deur verwarming, klimaatsverandering, agteruitgang van biodiversiteit gebring word en saam te improviseer vir die gemeenskaplike doelwitte en aksies vir hul omgewing. Die studie-uitkoms dui op die potensiaal van die kerk om ekologiese en biodiversiteitsuitdagings om te keer. Alhoewel dit alle belanghebbendes bymekaar kan bring, staar die kerk interne konflikte, politieke en geopolitieke invloed, institusionalisme, identiteit, mag en gesag in die gesig. Die kerk in Malawi is dus nie heeltemal missionaal nie. Nietemin bied die kerk se posisie in die samelewing geleenthede vir 'n samewerkende reaksie op kontekstuele uitdagings. Die kerk word vertrou en is die laaste hoop vir die Malawiese samelewing om 'n suksesvolle missionale teologiese reaksie te lewer op die uitdagings van die omgewingskrisis vir 'n volhoubare lewe en bestaan van die Aarde en alles wat daarop woon. Totdat die kerk in Malawi ten volle missionaal teologies is, sal die ekologiese krisis steeds 'n uitdaging vir die samelewing bly. Die kerk behoort 'n multisektorale, interdissiplinêre en multidimensionele benadering tot kontekstuele kwessies te volg. Die studie bied die (TAP) aan om 'n gebalanseerde missionale teologiese reaksie te verseker. Die TAP verduidelik hoe die kerk alle belanghebbendes kan bring om uitdagings in die ekologiese stelsel aan te spreek.
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2022.
Mission of the church, Missions, Missions -- Malawi, Environmental ethics, UCTD