A sociolinguistic analysis of Coloured gay men's linguistic repertoires and the intersections of Kaaps and Gayle as performative linguistic varieties

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis explores the lived language experiences of nine self-identified coloured gay men in South Africa, with the aim of understanding their linguistic repertoires, the use and functions thereof, the affective dimensions that shape their lived language experiences, and the choices that motivate their linguistic practices. This study is particularly interested in the intersectionalities of Kaaps and Gayle and how they function alongside each other and other language codes in the construction of identity. As such, this study is informed by sociolinguistic theory, such as performativity (Butler 1988, 1990, 1993; Bell and Gibson 2011), Queer Linguistics (Bucholtz and Hall 2004; Motschenbacher 2011) and Raciolinguistics (Alim 2016; Rosa and Flores 2017), all of which view identity as something that is fluid, flexible, and temporary. Furthermore, this study takes an intersectional approach in understanding the multifaceted complexity of marginalised individuals’ lived experiences and identities (Crenshaw 1989:139). Additionally, it takes a linguistic repertoire approach in understanding the influence of ideology on speakers’ lived language experiences and in understanding the speaker as a subject shaped in and through language and discourse (Busch 2017:346). This study is grounded in a sociolinguistic analysis of completed language portraits, a multimodal instrument aimed at eliciting biographical narratives (Busch 2012:510), which is increasingly being used in applied linguistics research (Bristowe, Oostendorp, and Anthonissen 2014; Prasad 2016; Busch 2018; and Singer 2018). In this study, it elicited narratives surrounding, among other things, speakers’ attitudes toward their linguistic repertoires, and language practices, functions, and ideologies. This interview data was interpreted through a sociolinguistic and discourse analytical lens. This study has gained insight into the complexity of the various ways of speaking that make up the linguistic repertoires of a group of coloured gay men, and into the interconnectedness of the identities constructed by them. Results from this study revealed that English is viewed as an indicator of success and professionalism, whereas Afrikaans is viewed as unimportant, as a language associated with white people, and as a tool of exclusion. The use of both English and Afrikaans are shown to result in anxiety and fear of negative judgement. Furthermore, Kaaps and Gayle were found to be the ways of speaking participants display the most emotional attachment to. These ways of speaking are used to construct their identity as coloured gay men and provides a sense of belonging and freedom. Results further revealed that Kaaps and Gayle are viewed as sites of overcoming hardship and oppression as it is used as strategies of reclamation and resistance. However, participants sometimes avoid the use of Kaaps and/or Gayle to mask their racial and/or sexual identities. Lastly, this study found that participants express the desire to learn, and improve their proficiency in, particular languages, and this desire often results from a need to be able to communicate with others. This study adds to the body of knowledge which acknowledges the complexity of the linguistic repertoire and its’ usefulness in exploring how speakers use their linguistic resources to construct multiple identities and position themselves in diverse environments.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die ervaarde taalervarings van nege self-geïdentifiseerde bruin gay mans in Suid-Afrika, met die doel om hulle talige repertoires, die gebruik en funksies daarvan, die affektiewe dimensies wat hulle beleefde taalervarings vorm, en die keuses wat hulle talige praktyke motiveer, te verstaan. Hierdie studie stel veral belang in die interseksionaliteite van Kaaps en Gayle en hoe hierdie maniere van praat langs mekaar funksioneer asook tesame met ander taalkodes in die konstruksie van identiteit. As sulks word hierdie studie belig deur sosiolinguistiese teorie, soos performatiwiteit (Butler 1988, 1990, 1993; Bell en Gibson 2011), Queer-linguistiek (Bucholtz en Hall 2004; Motschenbacher 2011) en Rasselinguistiek (Alim 2016; Rosa en Flores 2017), wat almal identiteit beskou as iets wat vloeibaar, buigbaar, en tydelik is. Verder neem hierdie studie ’n interseksionele benadering om die veelvlakkige kompleksiteit van gemarginaliserde individue se beleefde ervarings en identiteite te verstaan (Crenshaw 1989:139). Dit neem ook ’n talige repertoire-benadering om die invloed van ideologie op sprekers se ervaarde taalbelewenisse te verstaan, asook om die spreker te sien as ’n onderwerp wat in en deur taal en diskoers gevorm word (Busch 2017:346). Hierdie studie is gevestig in ’n sosiolinguistiese analise van voltooide taalportrette, ’n multimodale navorsingsinstrument om biografiese narratiewe te ontlok (Busch 2012:510), wat toenemend gebruik word in toegepaste linguistiese navorsing (Bristowe, Oostendorp, en Anthonissen 2014; Prasad 2016; Busch 2018; en Singer 2018). In hierdie studie het dit narratiewe ontlok rondom, onder andere, sprekers se houdings teenoor hul talige repertoires, en talige praktyke, funksies, en taalideologieë. Die onderhouddata is geïnterpreteer deur ’n sosiolinguistiese en diskoersanalitiese lens. Hierdie studie het insig verleen in die kompleksiteit van die verskeie maniere van praat wat die talige repertoires van ’n groep bruin gay mans beslaan, asook insig in die onderlinge verbintenis van die identiteite wat daardeur gekonstrueer word. Die resultate van hierdie studie het getoon dat Engels beskou word as ’n aanduider van sukses en professionalisme, terwyl Afrikaans as onbelangrik beskou word, as ’n taal wat geassosieer word met wit mense, en as ’n middel tot uitsluiting. Daar word getoon dat die gebruik van beide Engels en Afrikaans lei tot angs en ’n vrees vir negatiewe beoordeling. Verder is daar gevind dat Kaaps en Gayle die maniere van praat is waarteenoor die deelnemers die meeste emosionele verbintenis toon. Hierdie maniere van praat word gebruik om hul identiteit as bruin gay mans te konstrueer, en verskaf ’n sin van samehorigheid en vryheid. Resultate van hierdie studie het verder getoon dat Kaaps en Gayle beskou word as hulpbronne om swaarkry en onderdrukking te oorkom, deurdat dit gebruik word as strategieë tot terugeising en weerstand. Tog vermy deelnemers soms die gebruik van Kaaps en Gayle om hul rassige en/of seksuele identiteite te verbloem. Laastens het hierdie studie bevind dat deelnemers ’n begeerte het om spesifieke tale aan te leer en hul vlotheid daarin te verbeter. Hierdie begeerte is dikwels weens ’n behoefte om met ander te kan kommunikeer. Hierdie studie dra by tot die bestaande kennisveld wat erkenning gee aan die kompleksiteit van die talige repertoire en die nut daarvan om te ondersoek hoe sprekers hul talige hulpbronne gebruik om veelvuldige identiteite te konstrueer en hulself in diverse omgewings te posisioneer.
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2021.
Gay men -- South Africa, Gay men -- Language, Gay culture, Gay men -- Identity, Critical discourse analysis -- Social aspects, UCTD