An Exploratory Study of the Distortion Characteristics of Valve Signal Processors

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Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Valve signal processors, a technology ostensibly out of place in the modern world, are still widely used in professional audio practice. It is believed that valves can impart a euphonic timbre on audio signals, in a phenomenon known colloquially as signal colouration. The inherent electronic limitations of valve signal processing result in a variety of distortions to be generated. Subsequently, the generation of distortion corresponds to the emergence of signal colouration. The standard distortion testing methodologies ordinarily employed by engineers have been limited as an analysis tool. These tests were originally designed to analyse the total amount of distortion present in a signal, not the intrinsic distortion character of a signal processor. Therefore, the objective of this thesis was to explore the key characteristics of valve signal processing distortion. The approach to empirical research adopted for this thesis involved the design and implementation of a series of exploratory experiments intended to analyse distortion character. Experiments were conducted on a selection of devices. Data was acquired from three software emulators, and a hardware valve microphone pre-amplifier. The microphone pre-amplifier was able to use two different types of valve for its gain stages, a 12AY7 and 12AX7; data was gathered from both. To make inferences into the processes that lead to the emergence of distortion, MATLAB was used to plot the electronic characteristics of a valve gain stage for analysis, thus permitting the juxtaposition of electronic phenomena to distortion measurements. The research was definitive in finding that different signal processors generate idiosyncratic profiles o f d istortion; t he e xtent t o which t his o ccurred s urpassed p rior a ssumptions. Each device produced distortion profiles that were not static, but dynamic, and evolved with varying input levels. These results suggest that different signal processors can cause distinct timbral changes to audio material under certain conditions.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alhoewel vakuumbuise nie meer algemeen gebruik word in in moderne elektronika nie, word dit steeds wyd aangewend in klankverwerking waar die seinverkleuring wat deur die vakuumbuis se nie-liniere gedrag, gewensd is. Die verskeie tipes klankvervorming wat vakuumbuise skep veroorsaak kombineer tot ’n ontluikende effek in die vorm van klankverkleuring. Standaardtoesprosedures wat gebruik word om seinvervorming te meet is gerig daarop om die totale vervorming te meet en nie die spesifieke eienskappe van vervorming wat hoog aangeprys word vanuit ’n toonkleurperspektief nie. Die doelstelling van hierdie tesis was om die kerneienskappe van vakuumbuisvervorming op klankseine te verken. Die empiriese navorsing in hierdie tesis is die ontwerp en implementering van ’n reeks verkennende eksperimente om vakuumbuisvervorming te analiseer. Eksperimente is uitgevoer op ’n verskeidenheid van toestelle. Data is gemyn van drie sagteware-emulators en ’n vakuumbuis mikrofoonvoorversterker. Die mikrofoonvoorversterker was in staat om twee verskillende tipes vakuumbuise in die aanwinsvlak te gebruik, ’n 12AY7 en 12AX7 buis. Om afleidings te maak omtrent die prosesse wat lei tot die ontluiking van ververvorming, is MATLAB gebruik om die elektroniese eienskappe van ’n vakuumbuisbuisaanwinsvlak te stip vir ontledingsdoeleindes. Dit stel ’n vergelyking van elektroniese eienskappe met vervormingsmeting in staat. Die navorsing het bevind dat verskillende seinverwerkers unieke vervormingsprofiele genereer en die mate waartoe dit plaasvind het voormalige aannames oortref. Elke toestel het vervormseienskappe vertoon wat dinamies is en wat verander op grond van die intreeseinvlakke. Die resultate vertoon die invloed van verskillende seinverwerkers op toonkleureienskappe onder sekere toestande.
Thesis (MMus)--Stellenbosch University, 2021
Audio amplifiers, Microphone -- Calibration, Mixed signal circuits, Signal processing, UCTD